
Welcome Back 

Today's newsletter is the first issue for the spring semester. ISE will resume distributing weekly announcements again moving forward into 2022. We look forward to a great year together in the new year! 

    Now Open: Applications for the Sustainability Summer Research Fellowship

    Tuesday, February 15, 2022

    The Institute for a Sustainable Earth proudly announces the inaugural Sustainability Summer Fellowships for Graduate Research Partnerships, in collaboration with the Mason Office of Graduate Education. Focused on applied research projects with ISE’s regional and global partners, this Fellowship connects Mason masters and doctoral students with organizations that are making a positive impact on our world. In Summer 2022, student fellows will co-develop their research activities with partners such as the Wilson Center, Sierra Club, and Future Earth, and the ISE will provide wraparound support to ensure that partners and fellows realize the benefits of collaboration—including engagement with mason faculty mentors. Upon completion, participants in the Sustainability Summer Fellowship program will be able to leverage their research in their dissertation or master’s thesis work. 
    The program is open to all current graduate students at Mason. Fellowships of $6,000 for master’s students and $8,000 for doctoral students are available for each of the partnership opportunities. Please visit the Fellowship Website to learn more. Applications are due via Handshake by February 15 and must include a cover letter, CV/résumé, and a brief statement of support from a faculty advisor.

      Mason Climate Action Plan Town Hall 

      Friday, January 28, 2022, 12:00 - 1:30pm EST

      George Mason University is accelerating action in response to the climate crisis by developing a new Climate Action Plan (CAP).  The CAP will identify the most effective actions for the university to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and climate impact as quickly as feasible by focusing on electricity and fossil fuel use across all of Mason’s campuses.

      All options are being considered to help Mason decrease its environmental impact and now is the time to share your thoughts!

      You are invited to attend the second Town Hall to suggest ideas, offer feedback, ask questions, and learn more about the CAP process.  Register today!

        Complete the Mason Brand Survey

        Mason is embarking upon an ambitious strategic branding program that will inform its future marketing and communications direction and is working with our designated marketing and research partner, Sunshine & Bourbon, to develop and administer this survey to solicit input from faculty and staff. We urge all Mason faculty and staff to provide input that will help develop the future Mason brand. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

          25Live Guide – Feature Your Sustainability Events

          The Office of University Events, the Institute for a Sustainable Earth, and the Office of Sustainability collaborated to develop this 25Live Guide to increase the visibility of and engagement with your sustainability-focused events at Mason. 25Live is Mason’s institution-wide event and academic scheduling system which dovetails with unit calendars such as Today@Mason. Please use this 25Live Guide to ensure your sustainability-focused events, whether they are in-person or virtual, are featured on Today @ Mason and through ISE and the Office of Sustainability.

            ISE Faculty Profiles 

            The ISE faculty directory is a tool for you to find others with complementing expertise and for external and internal audiences to find you! If you haven’t yet submitted your research profile information for the directory, please complete your profile here.
            Upcoming ISE Events

            Institute for Immigration Research (IIR) Panel Discussion: Migration During Global Change

            Tuesday, February 1, 2022, 1pm EST 
            Climate change and extreme weather events are already forcing millions of people to move, but current migration laws were not designed with climate migration in mind. On this webinar, experts will discuss how climate change creates migration, what steps the United States can take to respond to this challenge, and how immigrants are part of the solution.
              In the News
              Funding Opportunities

              Environmental Convergence Opportunities in Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems

              The Environmental Convergence Opportunities in Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (ECO-CBET) solicitation will support fundamental research activities that confront vexing environmental engineering and sustainability problems by developing foundational knowledge underlying processes and mechanisms such that the design of innovative new materials, processes, and systems is possible. Projects should be compelling and reflect sustained, coordinated efforts from highly interdisciplinary research teams. A key objective of the solicitation is to encourage dialogue and tightly integrated collaborations wherein members of the chemical process systems, transport phenomena, and bioengineering research communities engage with environmental engineering and sustainability experts to spark innovation and arrive at unanticipated solutions.
              • Funding source: National Science Foundation
              • Estimated number of awards: 5 to 6
              • Anticipated funding amount: $8,500,000
              • Deadline: January 21, 2022

              Dear Colleague Letter: Critical Aspects of Sustainability (CAS): Innovative Solutions to Climate Change

              This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) encourages the science and engineering communities to develop forward-thinking research that will demonstrably aid in the Nation's goal of reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and developing approaches for adapting to the change that is already occurring. CAS: Innovative Solutions to Climate Change is a call to action that encourages the submission of certain types of proposals to appropriate existing NSF core programs to lay the foundation for disciplinary and interdisciplinary research and to answer fundamental questions related to novel approaches and solutions to climate change.
              • Funding source: National Science Foundation
              • Anticipated funding amount: Up to $100,000

              Critical Ecosystems And Improve Climate And Earth System Modeling

              The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced $11 million in funding for new research studying how critical ecosystems, such as forests, arid lands, and coastal environments, are impacted by extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts, and heat waves. The 17 projects led by universities, which include collaborations with DOE national laboratories and other government agencies, will explore the most complex environments on Earth to help scientists improve their ability to accurately predict the evolving effects of climate and environmental change.
              • Funding source: U.S. Department of Energy
              • Anticipated funding amount: $11 Million

              Inclusive Energy Innovation Prize: Pathways to an Inclusive Energy Future

              Disadvantaged communities have experienced—and still experience—the negative impacts of climate change, global warming, and pollution at higher rates than the general population. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) and the office of Economic Impact and Diversity (ED) recognize that improvements are needed to make the clean energy innovation ecosystem more inclusive and accessible to disadvantaged communities and individuals from groups historically underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Now, as the nation invests in more clean energy technology, DOE has a responsibility to prioritize serving these too-often-overlooked communities. The Inclusive Energy Innovation Prize fits into President Biden’s Justice40 Initiative, which aims to deliver 40% of climate investment benefits to disadvantaged communities and inform equitable research, development, and deployment within DOE.
              • Funding source: National Institutes of Health
              • Anticipated funding amount: $100,000
              • Deadline: Multiple
              Student Opportunities

              Global Sustainability Scholars (GSS)

              Deadline: Sunday, January 23, 2022
              Global Sustainability Scholars will be extending the application deadline until January 23rd, 2022. This opportunity is available to third-year undergraduate students as well as graduate students who would like an opportunity to do paid research in international research programs.  For more information on the GSS Scholars and Fellows programs, follow the links below.


              2022 NMFS-SEA Grant Joint Fellowship Program In Population and Ecosystem Dynamics and Marine Resource Economics

              Deadline: January 27, 2022

              The NMFS-Sea Grant Joint Fellowship Program in Population and Ecosystem Dynamics and Marine Resource Economics places Ph.D. students in research-based fellowships that provide support for up to three years. The program is designed to fulfill workforce development needs identified by the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and since 1999, has provided opportunities for 151 Ph.D. students.

                Marine Sciences Summer Internship

                Deadline: February 11, 2022 

                Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation's Division of Ocean Sciences, this Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program offers undergraduates in STEM an opportunity to conduct guided research internships in marine science. For more information, contact Dr. Joanna York or 1-302-831-7040.

                  2023 Sea Grant Knauss Marine Policy Fellowships

                  Deadline: February 18, 2022 

                  This fellowship provides a unique educational and professional experience to graduate students who have an interest in ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resources and in the national policy decisions affecting those resources. Fellows are matched with hosts in the legislative and executive branches of government located in the Washington, D.C. area. The fellowship period is one year and begins on February 1, 2023.

                    Environmental Justice Video Challenge

                    Deadline: April 1, 2022 
                    The EPA and its co-sponsors are sponsoring the Challenge, aimed to enhance communities' capacity to address environmental inequalities. In Phase 1, students will submit a video that demonstrates innovative approaches to identify and characterize an environmental justice issue(s) in a community using data and publicly available tools. Challenge winners will receive up to $20,000, as well as other benefits. Details on Phase 2 of the challenge will be shared at a later date.
                    For any questions, contact:
                      The Institute for a Sustainable Earth (ISE) aims to connect members of the Mason community with others across the Mason community–and with other communities, policy-makers, businesses and organizations–so that, together, we can more effectively address the world’s pressing sustainability and resilience challenges.

                      The ISE Newsletter provides up-to-date information on conferences, funding opportunities, and research pertaining to environmental science and sustainability. The biweekly newsletter aims to facilitate information sharing among researchers, practitioners, and relevant local, national, and international organization.
                      Subscribe to our email list.