Thursday, December 7, 2023
- Reflection by Rev. Dr. Nate and Diane Frambach
Psalm 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God…
In many parts of this world—God’s good creation—Advent comes amid a cold, stark season. There is stillness—in the bare trees, the snow-covered earth, the long, starry darkness. Creation itself invites us to pause and be still and pay attention—and yet many of us are not very good at this. In the month of December, it can be a challenge for many of us to be anything but still. Our lives are inundated with the sounds and lights and sights and commercials and sales of the never-ending holiday hustle and bustle. But what if we were…still and attentive?
The poet saint Mary Oliver writes that “attention is the beginning of devotion” and “attentiveness is the root of all prayer.” Where is the best place or space for you in this season to take a holy pause—to be still and pay attention and listen?
Advent is invitation. Advent is the Spirit of God whispering: Slow down; come close. Delight in the ordinary. Breathe deeply. Light candles. Savor simplicity. Marvel at beauty. Celebrate joy and radiance. Be astonished.
If we carved out time and created space to be still and pay attention, perhaps silence would come along as a welcome companion? And in that silence, when the of noises are momentarily muted, we can listen—listen for the still, small Voice, for the Spirit’s whisper, for the long-expected Jesus.
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am.
Be still and know.
Be still.
Be…and listen.