Millennials & Medicine Today
Nancy L. Belcher, Ph.D.
CEO, King County Medical Society
This August KCMS Newsletter is focusing on the unique millennial generation, aka Gen Y (1977–1995). Millennials are now the largest generation in the U.S. workforce. Millennials are the digital natives, but healthcare isn't keeping up.
Millennials have different attitudes toward healthcare and are questioning conventional practices and strategies. Social media connects this generation around the globe, but many physicians don’t use social media. Just take a look at King County Medical Society’s LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram...Most of you aren’t using social media (BTW - follow, give us a ‘like’ or a ‘share’ once in a while!).
Millennials live and breathe by interacting via their social networks, accessing services quickly and easily online, and having a world of knowledge in their pocket. But healthcare is lagging behind in this regard. Why can millennials book flights or buy food at any time from their smartphones, but they can’t make a doctor’s appointment? How are we working to change this divide?
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Resolution to Relieve Physician Taxes Dr. Teresa Girolami
King County Medical Society, President of the Board
The last legislative session was not kind to private practitioners. I am particularly upset by the increase of the B & O tax that effects service industries. Medical practice for tax purposes is a 'service industry' whether you are an employed physician or a solo practitioner. However, only solo practitioners are impacted by the increased B&O tax.
In the medical world, the B&O tax distinction is not based on the profession but at the level of the employer. A solo practitioner (or small group) will pay the increased B&O tax based on their status as an entity, even if the physician is self-employed (a sole proprietorship), employed physicians will not.
Previously, we shared with you, and legislators, how the Society believes this increased tax would adversely impact kids on Medicaid, disproportionately harm the small private practice/ independent medical clinics and ultimately will limit access to care especially for special needs, at-risk, Medicaid Insured, rural children.
Adding additional taxes to physician practices will force many to stop seeing Medicaid patients in order to stay viable. Physicians lose money caring for Medicaid patients, paying more taxes may result in limiting the ability for children to access care in their community.
- About 40% of children are on Medicaid statewide.
- A high percentage of those children live in more rural areas.
- A greater number of children with special health care needs are on Medicaid.
We are writing a resolution asking the legislature to expressly exempt solo practitioners, small private practice, and private pediatrics groups from the tax as they did for hospitals (other than psychiatric hospitals). I will share that resolution with you once it is finalized.
In the meantime, here is the link to the new law itself. We at King County Medical Society are working hard to advocate for all physicians.
Thank you for your continued membership.
Teresa Girolami, MD
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WMC Scam AlertThe Washington Medical Commission (WMC) has alerted us that scam artists are calling clinics and offices posing as the Medical Board, saying there is a problem with a physician’s DEA registration. They are providing the WMC phone number as their own.
This is an extortion scheme with scammers posing as government officials. Last week scammers posing as DEA agents in CA demanded payment in order to keep a licensee from being suspended. This is not how state boards, commissions, or the DEA operate.
Boards and commissions will never call you asking for your DEA number, private information, or looking for payment. If you receive a call and want to know if there is a legitimate issue with your credential, please contact hsqa.csc@doh.wa.gov
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Office Spaces Available for Rent
in the historic King County Medical Society building
200 Broadway, Seattle, WA. 98122
Flexible options ranging from individual offices up to 2,400 sq ft and everything in between.
Contact: Brandon Burmeister Brandon.Burmeister@colliers.com
Dir +1 206 223 1430 | Mob +1 206 290 8381
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Ask Dr. OMillennial Health Dr. Drew Oliveira, senior executive medical director for Regence BlueShield, shares highlights from a recent Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBS) report on millennial health in a podcast recently. Excerpts from that interview are used for this Q & A. The podcast is on this link.
New data on millennial health trends is available. Millennials, the 2nd largest generation of commercially insured Americans, are facing some serious health challenges such as depression and hypertension. The data in the report was pulled between 2014 & 2017 from a BCBS database of the medical claims from more than 41 million commercially insured individuals.
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Millennial LegalIt’s a good time to be a Millennial doctor
The medical profession is changing and it is moving in your favor. Here’s why:
Balance: The trend towards a more balanced work environment, split evenly between men and women physicians is increasing. Among millennials, recent demographic data slightly favors women, which is consistent with undergraduate trends over the past decade or two. Going forward, the workplace is likely to become increasingly gender-balanced resulting in a better workplace environment.
Trends in the Law: As a result of a new statute, restrictions on post-employment competition are becoming narrower, which can enhance the ability of practitioners to change practice locations. The changes are not enough to eliminate “non-competes” (or noncompetition) entirely but do favor employees. For millennials coming into their first practice environment, this could provide latitude to make choices to find a more comfortable workplace.
Student Loans: These are still two of the most frightening words, but political discussions about providing loan relief, and improving lifestyle are happening. While the outcome of those discussions is highly uncertain, the fact that the conversation is regularly occurring is encouraging. Just this past session the Washington State legislature passed legislation to create the Washington State Health Professional Loan Repayment Program. This program offers loan repayment assistance for primary care health professionals who agree to practice in a shortage area of Washington. Recipients must agree to serve for a minimum of 3 years.
Brave new worlds: Telemedicine may provide new opportunities for work/life balance. EMR will continue to evolve and could accelerate to where it is more possible to access complete patient history, to allow you to provide better care with less worry about the unknown.
Thomas Lerner is an attorney with Stokes Lawrence, P.S. in Seattle, and regularly represents physicians on business and employment matters. He can be reached at Tom.Lerner@stokeslaw.com or 206-626-6000.
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Members in the Media
Dr. Don Ross, Chair of the Mental Health Committee, shares some of his views on the state of mental health through the lens of a psychiatrist. Read his recent Op-Ed to the Seattle Times.
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Blood-lead Testing Across King CountyElevated blood lead levels can cause lifelong damage. KCMS has partnered with PHSKC on a new program to expand awareness of lead exposure and poisoning. We have conducted 7 lead testing events this summer at community locations, and we are very proud of our work. KCMS is seeking volunteers to assist at testing sites. Whatever amount of time you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Please email Salem Adisu directly at sadisu@kcmsociety.org
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Members on the Move
Changes in our Member's Practices
- Dr. Jamie Massie: Dr. Massie will be moving locations to Bellevue, where ORM Fertility has just opened a full-service infertility clinic.
- Practice for sale: Independent 30-year-old, 2 physician practice available. Approximately 3,500 patients, 2/3 PPO and 1/3 Medicare (no HMO). Excellent staff. Comfortable large leased office in an attractive professional office building in the near north end of Seattle. Approximately 1,900 square feet, 4 exam rooms, corner office for physicians, 3 stand up stations, reception area, coffee room, on-site restroom and lab space. We have long-standing referral relationships with excellent specialists city-wide. Be your own boss, control your own schedule, freely choose your consultants. Our patients are a pleasure and we will actively assist in the transition. If interested contact us at primarycarefor2@gmail.com
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Recent Surveys Retired Members Survey
We are working to provide more opportunities for our ever-increasing retired physicians. Recently, we sent out a retired member survey and got a good response rate. We were delighted to hear that communication via the newsletter, event invitations, emails, and surveys are quite popular. However, the blog, podcasts, and social media aren’t being used as much. Please let us know how we can make these exciting options more accessible to you.
We are grateful for your Speaker Series guest ideas and will be inviting the people suggested. Identifying volunteer opportunities for our retired medical members continues to be of great interest. While you are retired, you have so much to offer. Please notify our Membership Coordinator, Reed Belcher (jreed@kcmsociety.org), with any suggestions about how you would like to engage.
Events Survey Thank you to everyone that participated in our Events Survey. From the results of the survey, we have learned what type of events the membership would like to attend, and how and where we can schedule them to maximize attendance.
Our upcoming events include volunteer opportunities through our Lead Testing Days, delegate meetings, a HealthTec Summit, and a CME on firearm safety in September. For more information, visit the website HERE.
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Welcome to Our Newest Members!
Dr. Olson
Dr. Peter Olson is a newly practicing internal medicine physician at Swedish with a focus on quality patient care, and preventative medicine. Dr Olson has also expressed an interest in working with our delegates to craft resolutions. We look forward to working with him in the future!
Dr. Treit
Dr. Kathryn Treit focuses on treating all stages of chronic kidney disease including the transition to dialysis at the Polyclinic, "I have an emphasis on helping ensure patients are educated on all treatment options with a particular focus on home dialysis to help patients sustain a higher quality of life. I also have a special interest in treating patients with lupus."
DR. engelDr. Gregory Engel works in an outpatient clinic based at Samuel Simmonds Memorial Hospital. Dr Engel has a special interest in epidemiology and gun violence prevention. Dr Engel has also submitted a resolution on preventing firearm injury and death to the KCMS Delegates for review.
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IN MEMORIAThese KCMS members left powerful legacies. We thank them for their dedication to providing health care in our community for decades.
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Our Monthly Speaker Series is on Summer Break. We will re-start in October!
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