Open Hours, Upcoming Programs, Get Involved, Volunteering
Open Hours, Upcoming Programs, Get Involved, Volunteering
Tufts Student Life

Health-E News

Friday, September 20, 2018

Pre-health advising appointments only open one week at a time and are posted at the end of the work day each Wednesday. But each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon there are open hours. The sign-up sheet goes out on the desk in Undergraduate Education that day at 1:30PM with time slots from 2-4PM. Students sign up for a 15 minute time slot and then wait or return for that time. This is another way to see a pre-health advisor. 
All first year students interested in the health professions should attend this year’s meeting. Don’t tell someone next year that you got bad advice or that you did not know how to meet the health professions advisor – SHOW UP HERE!

Monday, September 24, Open Block 12-1, 
Dowling 745
– General info on courses, internships, Q&A, and seniors discussing their study abroad experiences. Yes, you can study abroad and still be premed.

All sophomores interested in the health professions should be attending this meeting to get accurate information.

Wednesday, September 26, Open Block 12-1, Dowling 745A - Info on the early assurance programs, health experiences, course selection, and seniors talking about choosing a major. Yes, you can major in chemical engineering, music, biopsychology or history and still be pre-dent.

 The Leonard Carmichael Society has been the umbrella organization for dozens of community service activities for over 50 years. Consider one of their programs as a way to serve others and develop important interpersonal skills for your future as a healthcare provider.
Did you know we have a listing of about 75 local volunteer opportunities on our website? Think outside of the box and don’t do what every other premed does. 

The Elizabeth Stone House provides services to help rape and domestic abuse survivors, both adults and children. Consider this opportunity if you identify with the mission and would like to support these survivors. Find ways to volunteer here.

Carol, Stephanie and Amanda
Visit the Pre-Health Advising Website
Check Out Our Upcoming Events
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Pre-Physician Assistant Information Session
October 16, 2018
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Yawkey Conference, Room 306-307
450 Brookline Avenue
See flyer here
Register here
Online Appointments
The pre-health advisors use online appointment scheduling. 
New slots are posted each Wednesday evening for the following week 
Schedule a Meeting with Carol
Schedule a Meeting with Stephanie
Students who fail to cancel an appointment within 24 hours and do not show up will not be allowed to make a second appointment that semester.

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