Roland Martin launches new digital show and Kamala Harris claps back at WH.
Roland Martin launches new digital show and Kamala Harris claps back at WH.
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July 03, 2018
Catherine Cortez Masto Says Do Not Call, DNC Launches Black Women Tour, and Raj Shah Takes Leave from White House
AND THEN THERE WERE FOUR… The president on Monday spoke to four candidates to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court: Federal Appeals Court Judges Amy Coney Barrett of the Seventh Circuit; Brett Kavanaugh of the District of Columbia Circuit; and Raymond Kethledge and Amul Thapar of the Sixth Circuit. Trump said he would most likely meet with two or three other candidates before making his final decision which will be revealed on Monday, July 9th. SEPARATED KIDS UPDATETen Senators penned a letter to government agencies on Monday requesting a list of all migrant children separated from parents as a result of the Trump administration’s controversial “zero tolerance,” as well as an update on their individual situation. CUSTODY CONFUSION… Meanwhile, staffers at the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the division within HHS that oversees the care of unaccompanied children, have received no instructions on how to proceed to meet the court-ordered July 10th deadline. COME AT ME BRO… The White House on Monday targeted Senators Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), two of Trump's potential 2020 rivals, over immigration in nearly matching tweets falsely accusing Harris of "supporting the animals of MS-13." The Senator quickly replied tweeting, “As a career prosecutor, I actually went after gangs and transnational criminal organizations. That's being a leader on public safety. What is not, is ripping babies from their mothers.” AMERICA FIRST, AMERICA ALONE... Ahead of next week’s NATO meeting in Brussels, Belgium, the president is again criticizing allies, including Canada, Germany, and Norway, for spending too little on their own defense and warning that the U.S. is losing patience with what he said is their failure to meet security obligations shared by the alliance. DUTCH PM TO TRUMP: NAH... Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte interrupted Trump during a White House photo-op on Monday as the president referred to upcoming discussions between the U.S. and EU around trade deals and tried to joke that if the discussions failed, it could be positive. Rutte quickly injected with the Coca-Cola theme: a “no" and a smile. WHY THEY CALL IT THE GREEN MOUNTAIN STATE... Vermont became the ninth state in the country to allow the recreational use of marijuana. Feel the burn. END ZONEThe NFL is trying to force Colin Kaepernick’s collusion case against the league to come to a close. The request puts the future of the case in the hands of arbitrator Stephen Burbank, who now must determine whether Kaepernick’s legal team has uncovered sufficient evidence to continue the quarterback’s action against the league. CATCH THE BEAT… on Monday! We’re dark for the July 4th holiday recess. So if you don’t see us in your inbox, don’t worry. I’M GOOD LUV, ENJOY. We’re leaving you, until next week, with this...
  • Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) wants to know if Scott Pruitt used EPA resources to “ratf*ck” current and former staff.
  • Could Kerri Evelyn Harris bring the next major upset in her race for Senate?
  • Tara Sweeney is confirmed as Interior Department's Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs.
  • John Conyers III wants to run as an Independent.
  • Meet the first Black officer to command West Point.
  • NJ Dem Senators Cory Booker and Bob Menéndez want to make sure 9/11 memorials have the support they need.
  • Roland Martin launches new digital show.
  • WaPo’s Jonathan Capehart talks with Rev. William Barber. Check out his latest piece in Blogs.
CNN’s W. Kamau Bell in Hawaii for the season finale of United Shades of America during the weekend.
Congressman Rubén Gallego (D-AZ) standing up for immigrant families at the #FamiliesBelongTogether march in Phoenix, AZ during the weekend.
Catherine Cortez Masto Fights Unlawful Robocalls with More Penalties and Enforcement 
Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV)
on Thursday introduced a bill that will improve enforcement and enhance penalties for violations made under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). The Deter Obnoxious, Nefarious, and Outrageous Telephone Calls Act, or the DO NOT Call Act of 2018, would create a penalty specific to violations of the TCPA that can include up to one year in prison. Initiating a robocall without the consent of an individual is outlawed under the TCPA, which permits the FCC to issue fines and victims to pursue civil action in court. However, violators have set up shell companies designed to evade fines and technology has made it easier to make robocalls. “Billions of illegal robocalls are initiated every year, amounting to billions of dollars lost on telephone scams targeting the elderly,” said Cortez Masto. “Stricter penalties and better enforcement are needed to protect Americans from being defrauded by bad actors who are knowingly violating the law.” More here.

Cory Booker and Bob Menéndez Team Up to Fund 9/11 Memorials Support
New Jersey Democratic Senators Bob Menéndez and Cory Booker want to create a federal grant program to help support the memorials dedicated to commemorating the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S. Together with their NY counterparts, Democratic Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer, the lawmakers introduced the September 11th National Memorials Act to create a funding stream to support the security, maintenance, and successful operations of The World Trade Center site, the United 93 Memorial, and the Pentagon Memorial. The bill would authorize up to $25 million in annual funding to ensure the security, maintenance, and successful operations and educational programs at the memorials; support free admission for active and retired members of the military and 9/11 first responders, as well as family members of victims of the attacks of 9/11; and require grant recipients to provide to the Department of Interior and the public comprehensive financial disclosure information. “As we remember those who perished on that dreadful day, we must back up our pledge to never forget with real action in support of the memorials erected in their honor,” said Menéndez. “I’m proud to join Senator Booker to introduce legislation that will help keep our 9/11 memorials running smoothly and securely for every American who wishes to honor the memories of the mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, friends and neighbors we lost that day.” Booker added, “These memorial sites are the sacred ground where Americans come to remember, reflect, and pay their respects. We must never forget the horror of that terrible day, the lives that were lost, and the people whose lives were forever changed. That’s why it’s incumbent on us to keep these sites secure and accessible to all Americans for generations to come.” More here.
Raja Krishnamoorthi Wants to Know If Scott Pruitt Used EPA Resources to Retaliate Against Current and Former Staff
Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL)
wants Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) to convene hearings on reports that EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt reportedly used agency resources to attack current and former aides. Krishnamoorthi’s letter concerns a June 28th article by the Daily Beast which reported that Pruitt “actively undermined the reputations of former and current staffers, with campaigns that former senior EPA officials have described as ‘ratf*cking’.” In his letter, the Congressman writes, “When longtime aide Millan Hupp gave truthful evidence before a Congressional committee, as she was legally required to do, she was forced out of the EPA. Even after she left, reports state that Mr. Pruitt continued to damage her career by warning potential employers away from hiring her. ... I urge you to convene hearings to reveal the full extent of this Administration’s use of official resources and executive power to defame and retaliate against whistleblowers and others who reveal ongoing ethics violations in the Trump Administration.” More here.

Member of Parliament for Permatang Pauh in Malaysia Nurul Izzah meeting with former Obama WH staffer Kal Penn, filming in Malaysia last week for an upcoming documentary.  
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation teen advocates Katie and Haley on Thursday meeting with Congressman Tony Cárdenas (D-CA) for their 10th annual Teen Advocacy Day in DC.
Raj Shah Hits Pause on WH Job
White House Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah will take a leave of absence from his position in order to oversee the communications effort on behalf of Donald Trump’s next Supreme Court nominee. The announcement was made on Tuesday in a statement from WH Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. “Shah will oversee communications, strategy and messaging coordination with Capitol Hill allies,” the statement said. It was also announced that the Director of the Office of Public Liaison, Justin Clark, will oversee White House outreach, and White House Counsel Don McGahn’s office would oversee the selection and overall confirmation process. More here.

Meet the New Acting Head of the DEA
Attorney General Jeff Sessions 
on Monday announced the appointment of Uttam Dhillon as Acting Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration. The Indian American lawyer was most recently Deputy Counsel and Deputy Assistant to Donald Trump. Prior to his Trump administration service, Dhillon was Chief Oversight Counsel for the House Financial Services Committee under Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX). Dhillon has held a number of senior positions previously including as a partner with Fitzpatrick Hagood Smith & Uhl in Dallas, serving as the first-ever Director of the Office of Counternarcotics Enforcement at the Department of Homeland Security, and as an Associate Deputy AG at the DOJ. He was the Majority Chief Counsel and Deputy Staff Director of the House Select Committee on Homeland Security in 2003 and Senior Investigative Counsel for the Government Reform and Oversight Committee in the late 1990s. From 1990 to 1997, he was the Assistant United States Attorney in the Central District of California. Dhillon received his Bachelor’s from California State University, Sacramento; Master’s from the University of California, San Diego; and a law degree from Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California, Berkeley. He is also certified to fly single-engine aircraft and small unmanned aircraft. He made headlines earlier this year after an NYT report claimed he misled and withheld information from Donald Trump about whether he could fire former FBI Director James Comey. Dhillon feared that firing Comey would put the presidency in danger, and he reportedly told Trump he needed “cause” to fire the FBI Director, which was not true. More here.

Andy Khawaja Appointed to U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
Senate Democratic Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-NY)
last week appointed Andy Khawaja to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. Andy is the Founder and CEO of Allied Wallet, a leading online payment service provider headquartered in Los Angeles. The Lebanese American immigrant founded the company in 2005, and has since expanded its presence to Germany, India, Macau, Hong Kong, and the United Kingdom. Outside of his work as an entrepreneur, Andy has consulted current and previous presidential administrations as well as members of Congress on topics including the Middle East, cybersecurity, and banking. Prior to his work as an entrepreneur, he held several roles in the retail industry, before becoming the VP and Buyer for the high-end LA-based fashion company Bernini. He is fluent in five languages -- English, French, Spanish, German, and Arabic -- and has been featured in numerous publications including Time Magazine, Bloomberg, The Guardian, Wired Magazine, and ForbesThe president and leadership of both political parties in the Senate and House appoint USCIRF Commissioners.
 More here.
First Black Officer to Command West Point
Lt. Gen. Darryl A. Williams
 has become the first Black officer to command West Point in its 216-year history. He has held high-ranking Army posts in Europe and Asia, and he assumed command as the Academy’s 60th Superintendent during a ceremony Monday morning in West Point’s Jefferson Hall. The 1983 U.S. Military Academy graduate earned Master's degrees in leadership development, military art and science, and national security and strategic studies. The native of Alexandria, VA has served as the Deputy Chief of Staff for the U.S. Army in Europe and the Deputy Commanding General for support for the 2nd Infantry Division in South Korea. He also held a role as commander of the United States Army Africa in Italy. During that time, President Barack Obama announced that he would establish a command center in Liberia and assigned Williams to lead the U.S. response to the Ebola crisis. Most recently, Williams was commander of NATO’s Allied Land Command, based in Turkey. Williams’ appointment comes less than a year after Simone Askew -- an African American cadet and Rhodes Scholar -- was selected to take the top position in West Point’s cadet chain of command. The Academy recently announced that the more than 1,200-member incoming class of 2020 includes 186 African Americans. More here.
Senate Confirms Interior Department's Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs
Tara Sweeney
has been confirmed as the Interior Department's Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs. She is the first Alaska Native to hold that post and only the second woman. The 1998 Cornell University graduate and member of the Native Village of Barrow and the Iñupiat Community of the Arctic Slope is a businesswoman with the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation. She was confirmed by the Senate last week. The Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs oversees Interior’s various responsibilities to enhance the quality of life, promote economic opportunity, and provide quality educational opportunities for American Indians, Indian tribes, and Alaska Natives while protecting and improving their trust assets. The Assistant Secretary also has operational authority over the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Bureau of Indian Education. Sweeney -- a lifetime member of the National Congress of American Indians -- was crowned Miss NCAI in 1993 and traveled the country as an Ambassador for the organization. More here from Indian Country's Mark Trahant.

CNN's Van Jones and Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) on-set Sunday before an episode of The Van Jones Show in NYC.
NM congressional candidate Deb Haaland (D) on Saturday receiving endorsement from Senator Tom Udall (D-NM). 
DNC Launches Black Women Outreach Tour
The DNC has launched a new initiative called the Seat At The Table Tour -- a Black women outreach tour designed to "rebuild relationships, restore trust, and strengthen infrastructure within communities to champion Democratic values and build towards electoral victories." The tour is being done in collaboration with the Congressional Black Caucus and Black women Mayors, and will consist of listening and training sessions for Black women. "This is the Democratic Party’s opportunity to show that we want more than just Black Women’s votes. We also need and want Black Women’s input, ideas, and organizing power," Waikinya Clanton, the DNC's Director of African American Outreach. "We want to hear from Black Women across this country about what keeps them up at night and what we can do to help fix it. Whether it’s training candidates on how to address certain issues, training organizers on how to advocate on issues locally or connecting Black women Democrat. We want to connect and work with Black women to help move this country forward in a real and meaningful way." The tour kicked off June 16th in Brooklyn with an event honoring the late Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm -- the first Black woman elected to Congress. More here.

Could Kerri Evelyn Harris Bring the Next Major Upset?
Following Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s victory against incumbent Congressman Joe Crowley in NY’s primary, establishment challengers are getting more and more attention. One of those candidates is Kerri Evelyn Harris, who is taking on Senator Tom Carper in Delaware’s Democratic primary. The 38-year-old biracial lesbian civil rights activist and veteran is challenging Carper from the left, on a platform that includes calls to abolish ICE, single-payer healthcare, and racial and economic justice. She currently serves as the Program Director for the Achievement Matters program at the Metropolitan Wilmington Urban League, which helps reduce the achievement gap for middle-school students. She is also pursuing a Bachelor's in nonprofit management from Wilmington University. The mother of one joined the Air Force after 9/11 and, following the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, she did double duty by volunteering with Habitat for Humanity rebuilding houses along the Gulf Coast at night. After serving for eight years in the military, Harris retired in 2008 because of medical complications from an anthrax vaccine. She retired in the midst of the Great Recession, and her post-military career résumé includes lawn mower, fried chicken cook, acupuncturist, auto body mechanic, and manager of a leadership program for former gang members. “The average person in Delaware looks like me,” she says. “I know those struggles. I’ve lived those struggles, even now running the campaign. I drive a beater 1999 Volkswagen, and I could fix the car but I don’t have time to fix the car. I know what everybody’s going through, and I’m going through it with them as I’m running the campaign. I am with them. It’s a humbling experience, to say the least.” Harris co-founded the Delaware Civil Rights Coalition -- a group of a dozen civil rights and religious organizations which works to combat broad attacks on women, Muslims, African Americans, and the LGBTQ community -- on the eve of Donald Trump's inauguration. More about her here.

John Conyers III Wants to Run as Independent
John Conyers III
is circulating petitions to appear on the November ballot as an Independent candidate, after being found ineligible to appear on the Democratic primary in the race for his father's congressional seat due to a lack of signatures necessary to appear on the ballot. Candidates without a party affiliation have until July 19th to submit 3,000 qualifying signatures to make the November ballot, according to state rules. The crowded 13th District Democratic primary to replace resigned Congressman John Conyers Jr. includes Conyers' great-nephew, Ian Conyers, as well as former state Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Shanelle Jackson, Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones, state Sen. Coleman Young III, and Westland Mayor Bill Wild. Conyers' former staffer, Kimberly Hill Knott, is running as a write-in candidate. More here.
CNN’s Ana Cabrera spending time with her sister Angelina Cabrera during the weekend in NYC.  
National Domestic Workers Alliance Director Ai-jen Poo and The Leadership Conference's Vanita Gupta in DC on Saturday for the #FamiliesBelongTogether march.
Heidi Zhou-Castro to Join Al Jazeera DC Bureau
Heidi Zhou-Castro has joined Al Jazeera English's DC bureau as a General Assignment Reporter. She was previously a Dallas-based correspondent with Al Jazeera America, covering immigration, Texas, and the border. Prior to that, the 33-year-old was the evening anchor for YNN Austin, TX, an affiliate of Spectrum News of Austin, where she reported breaking news events and produced long-form and series pieces. The 2007 Northwestern University graduate began her journalism career as a reporter at News 8 Austin, covering general assignment and breaking news and also specializing in long-form investigative stories. More about her here

CNN Taps Names New Associate Producer to Politics Team
Luqman Adeniyi has joined the CNN Politics team as an Associate Producer in the DC bureau. The 2016 University of Texas at Austin graduate previously worked as a News Associate at CNBC in New York, where he began in the rotational program as a segment producer for the Closing Bell, a writer for, and most recently, a social video producer. The bilingual storyteller, who is fluent in both English and Yoruba, also previously helped manage a team of 25 online writers and videographers for a local platform in Austin called Burnt X. More about him here.
Roland Martin Launches Digital Show
Just six months after TV One suspended production on Roland Martin’s daily morning news program News One Now, the longtime TV commentator is back with a digital show. goes live on September 4th. Martin describes the show as “giving a voice to the voiceless and speaking truth to power on the issues of the day.” The show will be broadcast live from DC and will focus on news, politics, culture, sports, entertainment, education, business, and finance. Martin said the show will also broadcast from towns across the country “to hear from people and not just what the DC pundits have to say,” Martin said. He went on to say that he’s in discussion with some TV stations who have expressed airing the show in local markets. The theme song for the show was recorded by Terry Ellis and Cindy Herron, members of the singing group, En Vogue. Martin talks more about the show here.

Congressman Jimmy Gómez (D-CA) celebrating the Fourth of July during the City of El Sereno’s 59th Annual Independence Day Parade on Saturday in CA.
UnidosUS' Janet Murguía with Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) in DC for the #FamiliesBelongTogether march.
Ford’s Top Lobbyist Heads to SoftBank Group
Ziad "Z" Ojakli
, Ford Motor Co.'s top lobbyist, is heading to SoftBank Group. The 51-year-old, who presently serves as VP for Government and Community Relations, is departing the automaker July 15th. He joins SoftBank as the technology company's SVP and Global Government Affairs officer in DC on August 1st. The hire of Ojakli comes as the company makes major investments in the U.S. Donald Trump said Thursday that SoftBank CEO Masayoshi Son had increased investments from $50 billion to $72 billion. One investment is a Ford competitor, General Motors Co. SoftBank Investment Advisers recently said it was pouring $2.25 billion into GM Cruise Holding LLC, the company's self-driving and lidar development subsidiary. Since joining the automaker in 2004, Ojakli has overseen Ford’s global government affairs in 110 markets. He also led the company's philanthropic arm, the Ford Motor Co. Fund. The 1989 Georgetown University graduate previously served as Principal Deputy for Legislative Affairs for President George W. Bush from December 2002 to 2003 and served as a Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs from 2001 to 2004. From 1995 to 2000, he served in senior positions in Congress including as the Policy Director and Chief of Staff to the Senate Republican Conference Secretary. He is an active board member of numerous organizations, including the Arab American Museum Advisory Board; Arab American Center for Economic and Social Services; the Jackie Robinson Foundation; and the National Civil Rights Museum, among others. More here.
American Medical Association Elects First Black Woman President
Dr. Patrice Harris
has become the first Black woman elected as President of the American Medical Association (AMA) -- the largest association of physicians and medical students in the U.S. She will become the 174th president of the AMA in June 2019, and is now serving as president-elect. Harris is a practicing psychiatrist in Atlanta and an adjunct Assistant Professor in the Emory Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. She has worked for children both clinically and in the advocacy arena. Starting with medical school at West Virginia University -- where she also received her undergraduate degree and a Master’s -- she completed a psychiatry residency and child psychiatry and forensics fellowships at Emory, and then became a Barton Senior Policy Fellow at the Emory University School of Law. As past Director of Health Services for Fulton County, GA, Harris was the county’s chief health officer, overseeing all county health-related programs and functions, including a wide range of public safety, behavioral health, and primary care treatment and prevention services. “[The] AMA has, and will continue to be, a partner in innovating how we educate the next generation of physicians,” Harris said. She went on to say that she is glad to have a diverse background and hopes to apply it to her new position and future policies. “Every detour I have taken on my journey I appreciate because I learn and have learned from every detour, every challenge, and I think its just all gone together to get me to where I am today,” Harris said. More here.

Friday, July 6th - Thursday, July 12th: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. 68th Boule. George R. Brown Convention Center, 1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston. Click here for more information.
Saturday, July 7th 2P: "Take ACTION Now: Establishing the Alpha Kappa Alpha Social Justice System Agenda" panel during Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc’s 68th International Conference. Featured guests include Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), Congresswomen Frederica Wilson (D-FL)Terri Sewell (D-AL), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)Alma Adams (D-NC), and more. The event will be livestreamed here.
Saturday, July 7th - Tuesday, July 10thUnidosUS’ 2018 Annual Conference. Speakers include Ilia Calderón, Co-Anchor of Noticiero Univisión, Darren Walker, President of the Ford Foundation, Marc Morial, President and CEO of the National Urban League, Maria Teresa Kumar, President and CEO of Voto Latino, among others. Walter E. Washington Convention Center, DC. Click here to register.
Wednesday, July 11th, 8AThe Hill Latino's Entrepreneurship and The American Dream Forum. The forum will feature conversations with Congressmen Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) and Adriano Espaillat (D-NY), as well as Congresswoman Jenniffer González-Colón (R-PR), about Hispanic small business ownership trends. The Newseum. Knight Broadcast Studio. 3rd Floor. 555 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., DC. Click here to register
Thursday, July 12th - Friday, July 20th: March On Washington Film Festival. DC. Click here for more information.
Saturday, July 14 - Wednesday, July 18th: NAACP’s 109th Annual Convention. Henry B. González Convention Center. San Antonio, TX. Click here for more information.
Tuesday, July 17th - Wednesday, July 18th: The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) 2018 National Women’s Conference. Phoenix. Click here for more information.
Tuesday, July 17th - Saturday, July 21st: The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) 2018 National Convention and Expo. Phoenix. Click here for more information.
Thursday, July 19th, 8:30A: DNC African American Leadership Summit and IWillVote Gala with Chair Tom Pérez. Special guests include Stacey AbramsSenator Cory Booker (D-NJ)Congressman John Lewis (D-GA), New York Assemblyman & DNC Vice Chair Michael Blake, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance BottomsEric Holder, and more. Address upon RSVP. Atlanta. Click here to RSVP
Friday, July 20 - Sunday, July 22nd: The 2nd Annual Black Campaign School, hosted by The Collective. Atlanta, GA. Click here for information
Wednesday, July 18th - Saturday, 21st: NAHJ International Training Conference and Career Fair. InterContinental Miami Hotel. 100 Chopin Plaza, Miami, FL. Click here for more information.
Wednesday, August 1st - Saturday, August 4th: The National Urban League's 2018 Annual Conference “Save Our Cities: Powering the Digital Revolution.” Columbus, OH. Click here for more information and to register.
Wednesday, August 1st - Sunday, August 5th: NABJ Annual Convention & Career Fair. Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center. 400 Renaissance Drive, Detroit, MI. Click here for more information
Monday, August 6th - Saturday, August 11th: 16th Annual Run&Shoot Filmworks Martha’s Vineyard African American Film Festival. Click here for more information.
Wednesday, August 8th - Saturday, August, 11th: AAJA National Convention. Marriott Marquis Houston. 1777 Walker St., Houston, TX. Click here for more information.
Friday, August 17th - Sunday, August 19th: Martha’s Vineyard celebrates Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s (D-CA) 20 years of service. Special guests include House Assistant Minority Leader Jim Clyburn (D-SC), Congressional Black Caucus Chair Cedric Richmond (D-LA), and more. Harbor View Hotel, 131 North Water Street Edgartown, MA. Kelley House, 23 Kelley Street Edgartown, MA. Click here for more information.
Tuesday, September 11th - Wednesday, September 12th: CHCI's Annual Leadership Conference. Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., DC. Click here for more information.
Thursday, September 13th: CHCI's 41st Annual Anniversary Awards Gala. Marriott Marquis Washington, DC. 901 Massachusetts Avenue N.W., DC. Click here for more information.
Wednesday, September 12th - Saturday, September 16th: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation 48th Annual Legislative Conference. Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Click here for more information.
Thursday, September 25th - Saturday, September 29th: NBMBAA 40th Annual Conference & Exposition. Detroit, MI. Click here for more information.
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