Please contact Jessica Himes at if you have similar materials you would like to see shared with the membership, if you have topics you would like to see more information about, or if you would like to opt out from receiving the Policy & Research e-mails.  
TCSA's Fall Conference and Trade Show is October 12th - 14th at the Oprland Hotel in Davidson County (Nashville).  Online registration and payment is now open - click here.  To print a registration form, click here.  To view the updated agenda, click here.  
Tennessee's revenues exceeded the budgeted estimates for August by more than $38 million.  General fund revenues exceeded estimates by $32.3 million, while sales tax revenues were $24.9 million more than estimated.  Click here to read the full report on August revenues.  
The Comptroller's Office of Research and Education Accountability (OREA) has released a new report examining whether charter schools in Tennessee receive the correct amount of funding from their authorizing school districts.  The report concludes that a definitive answer to that question is not current possible.  OREA found there is insufficient clarity, transparency, and verification associated with the calculation and receipt of charter school funding in the state.  Click here to read the report.  
The Department of Correction issues monthly reports to provide a snapshot of jail populations across Tennessee.  Data on convincted felons and pre-trial detainees are shown in three ways: one-day-end of the month counts, calendar year averages, and fiscal year averages.  Click here to view those reports.
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