COVID-19 Resources for UCSB Researchers
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Access to Overleaf Commons for UCSB Faculty
Recently, the campus purchased a 500-seat campus Overleaf Commons for Institutions license. This license will provide enriched collaboration capabilities, team management capabilities, access to document templates and other enhanced features. In order to maximize the collaborative capabilities of the license, Primary Investigators and researchers are offered prioritized access to the UCSB Overleaf seats. Users with Overleaf free accounts will be able to continue using those accounts and can be invited to collaborate with projects within the Campus license environment.
If you would like access to the increased capabilities of the Commons for Institutions license, please respond to this google form and the ETS Overleaf support team will provision your account. In the meantime, you can go to to log in and link your existing account to the UCSB SSO instance. In order to link your account, please make certain your netID email address is listed as either as the primary or as a secondary email address on your Overleaf account.
For those who choose not to use the campus Overleaf Commons license, you may log into the UCSB Overleaf license at: and continue using your existing Overleaf licenses.
Eligible faculty may submit questions to
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Boilerplate language regarding ramp-up activities for campus research
The Research Development Office has drafted text intended for grant submissions that require a description of campus research ramp-up activities. This text may be changed to be consistent with research activities described in the proposal. Up-to-date text may be found here.
If you have trouble accessing the document, please email Kelly Pillsbury ( for a copy.
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Virtual NSF Grants Conference
This event is designed to give faculty, researchers and administrators key insights into a wide range of current issues at NSF. NSF staff will provide up-to-date information about the proposal and award process, specific funding opportunities and answering attendee questions. Registration will be free of charge and opens on Thursday, October 29 at 12PM EST.
Nov 16 2020 1:00PM to Nov 20 2020 4:00PM Alexandria
Nov 30 2020 1:00PM to Dec 4 2020 4:00PM Alexandria
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NEH Fellowship Proposals: Guidance from Reviewers and Awardees
To help UCSB faculty write competitive proposals to the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), the Office of Research Development is hosting two panel presentations:
NEH Reviewer's Perspectives Thursday, November 12 10:00 – 11:30 am RSVP HERE Learn how NEH evaluates and scores your application by three faculty members who have served as reviewers for NEH:
- Jenni Sorkin, Associate Professor, History of Art and Architecture
- Ross Melnick, Associate professor, Film and Media Studies
- Vesna Wallace, Professor, Religious Studies
NEH Awardees Perspectives Thursday, December 10 1:00 - 2:30 pm RSVP HERE Learn tips from successful NEH fellowship applicants:
- Kate McDonald, Associate Professor, History
- Mona Damluji, Assistant Professor, Global and International Studies
- Cecilia Méndez Gastelumendi, Professor, Associate professor, History
- Swati Rana, Assistant Professor, English
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NSF Dear Colleague Letters
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Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program 2021
11/10/2020 - Campus Pre-proposal (required) 02/04/2021 - Full Proposal
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The Office of Research administers the campus selection process for most limited submission competitions. Limited Submission programs restrict the number of applications, nominations, or proposals that an institution is eligible to submit to an agency. See the full limited submission procedures and guidelines.
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Upcoming Research Development Events
PI Academy: Finding Funding with the Pivot Search Engine Learn how to enroll in and use our campus subscription search engine Pivot. November 6, 2020, 12pm RSVP
NEH Fellowships Proposals: Reviewer’s Perspectives Learn how NEH evaluates and scores your application by three faculty members who have served as reviewers for NEH. November 12, 2020 10:00 - 11:30am RSVP
NEH Fellowships Proposals: Awardee’s Perspectives Learn tips from successful NEH fellowship applicants. December 10, 2020 1:00 - 2:30pm RSVP
PI Academy: Early Career Research Programs Attend this workshop to plan your submission calendar, and to learn how our campus handles STEM junior faculty awards that limit the number of campus submissions. December 11, 2020, 12pm RSVP
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Find Funding with Pivot
Take advantage of UCSB's subscription to Pivot, a comprehensive funding opportunities database that features customized funding searches, funding opportunity tracking, deadline alerts, and more. Pivot is available to faculty, staff and students. Access is available via a campus network, or sign up for an account for off-campus access.
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Research Development maintains curated lists of funding opportunities of relevance to UCSB faculty. These are a good introduction to Pivot, and a great place to start in your search for research funding.
You may need to log in if you are not on a campus network.
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Get in Touch!
The Research Development unit of the Office of Research at the UC Santa Barbara publishes Fundamentals. Click here to get in touch with Research Development staff regarding your proposal development needs.
If you have news or updates or feedback you'd like to share, please send to
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