Available Volunteers, COVID Tip, Clinic Spotlight
Available Volunteers, COVID Tip, Clinic Spotlight

*For the latest COVID-19 resources and links go to our resource page*

Weekly Update
Week of April 13

Need volunteers? MD and MPH students are looking to help!

Students in medical schools and MPH programs have reached out and are interested in volunteering in free clinics.  Their work would be done remotely and they must maintain social distancing as outlined in the CDC guidelines.   Contact Deb Miller at dmiller@charitablehealth.org if you are interested!

Important Dates

Q3 UCF Direct Services Reporting Due

April 17, 2020

UCF Development Grant Application Due

April 24, 2020

COVID-19 Tip of the Week:

How to store, don, and doff masks for storage and reuse without contamination. 

How to reuse masks without contamination

CHN Member Spotlight:

Ashland Christian Health Center
This week we wanted to make a shout out to  Ashland Christian Health Center, who was recently featured in the Times-Gazette's article titled 'Weathering the coronavirus storm — Ashland Christian Health Center serving the community in new ways':
"The whirlwind known as COVID-19 jolted the Ashland Christian Health Center on a couple levels.

Not only were new protocol needed for patient treatment, but the nonprofit’s signature fundraiser, the 10th annual Chocolate and More, was an early casualty of Gov. Mike DeWine’s ban on large gatherings.

In 2019, over 750 attended the fundraiser in Mozelle Hall to buy treats from 19 vendors and bid in the silent auction, bringing in $10,500 for the center, according to Executive Director Cheryl Benway"...Click here for the full article


$2 million to help NAFC members in good standing with programmatic and operational support, medication access and adherence, and NAFC Symposium Registrations. There is a brief grant application to complete.  Please note, if your organization has received funding from the NAFC and/or Direct Relief previously, you are still eligible to apply. 

$15,000, $20,000 and $25,000 grants are available; please submit applications by FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020. 
Click here to apply for this grant 
Direct Relief’s CEO made the announcement with this wonderful video that can be viewed here.


We are keeping the rolling grant application open for any future funds that become available that can be utilized for grants in the amount of $10,000 and under. 
Click here to apply for this rolling grant
*NAFC administered grants are only available to NAFC member Free and Charitable Clinics, Pharmacies, and State Associations. NAFC partners are not eligible for these grant programs.   

UCF Direct Services Grant Q3 Reporting Due TODAY

Q3 UCF reports covering data from January 1, 2020 - March 31, 2020 are due April 17, 2020. Please upload reporting forms to our Dropbox. We know there are new and unique challenges each of you are facing in this pandemic and we want to thank you for all of your hard work! A couple of important notes we would like you to keep in mind while completing your Q3 reports.
  • Track ALL telehealth visits. Just as you would a traditional visit, please make sure to track (as best you can) all the same information you would normally report. We want to put together a good number to show these telehealth visits you are all providing throughout this pandemic.
  • When tracking the visit type in section 5 - place all telehealth visits in the 'other' category. And note that those visits are telehealth. 
  • With closures, limited staffing/volunteers, and the sheer high work volume may of us are facing - we understand it may not be possible to get these numbers in on time. Please do the best you can! Email dmiller@charitablehealth.org and let us know if this won't be possible and we will work with you.

We would like to highlight that these funds CAN be used towards new COVID-19 needs - the funds in this grant are to help your organization provide direct services to your patients. Just make sure you note it in your Q3 report narrative! 
Click Here for UCF Reporting Documents

What do you need? What can we do?

What challenges, financial and otherwise is your organization facing during these hard times? What can the Charitable Healthcare Network do to help? If you have not yet competed this short survey, please do and let us know.
Let us know what you need!

Coronavirus Relief Options - Paycheck Protection Program

The Paycheck Protection Program is a loan designed to provide a direct incentive to keep workers on the payroll, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization are eligible.
SBA will forgive loans if all employees are kept on the payroll for eight weeks and the money is used for payroll, rent, mortgage interest, or utilities.

You can apply through any existing SBA 7(a) lender or through any federally insured depository institution, federally insured credit union, and Farm Credit System institution that is participating. Other regulated lenders will be available to make these loans once they are approved and enrolled in the program. You should consult with your local lender as to whether it is participating in the program.

Lenders may begin processing loan applications as soon as April 3, 2020. The Paycheck Protection Program will be available through June 30, 2020.
Paycheck Protection Program Details

Charitable Healthcare and COVID-19: a Weekly Discussion Group

The Charitable Healthcare Network is hosting a weekly virtual discussion group for Ohio's charitable healthcare organizations. Here we will check-in with one another as well as share resources and strategies on our approach to handling the COVID-19 pandemic. Meetings will be held Wednesdays from 11am-12pm. Click the link below to register!
Register for the COVID-19 Discussion Group

UCF Development Grant Applications Due Next Week

There are three UCF funding opportunities open to members of the Charitable Healthcare Network:  Direct Services, IT Development, and QA Development.  The Direct Services funding was released last fall.  RFPs for IT & QA Development are now open. The grant cycle will run from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. Applications are due to the CHN Dropbox by April 24, 2020.

Click the links below for the application instructions and application: 

The Application Instruction Sheet (PDF)
- The Application for Funding (PDF / Word)

Watch the March 31st webinar review of the grant application here

(O) 614-869-3412, or (E) dmiller@charitablehealth.org 
I think we're all feeling a little bit of this right now. It's Friday for those of you who don't know anymore. Have a good weekend everyone!
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