Spring Break and Return, Cumberland Honors, COVID Tests, Winterim and more
Spring Break and Return, Cumberland Honors, COVID Tests, Winterim and more

MARCH 3, 2021

Spring Break Begins Friday at 2:30 p.m.

Friday, March 5 at 2:30 p.m. - Sunday, March 14

Boarding students may remain on campus over spring break. Boarding students who leave MUST return to campus on Sunday, March 14, Noon-5:30 p.m. 

Online Learning

Monday, March 15 - Friday, March 19

Monday, March 15, we will resume with our online schedule to allow students who have traveled to quarantine. 

Return COVID Testing Schedule

All boarding and day students will be tested before we resume in-person classes on Monday, March 22.
COVID Testing Schedule
TUE MAR 16, 2:30-3:15 PM: Day Students Last Names A-M and Spring Day Student Athletes
WED MAR 17, 7:30 AM: Boarding Students (Quarantine ends with negative test results.)
THU MAR 18, 2:30-3:15 PM: Day Students Last Names N-Z


We are grateful for the much-improved weather and the opportunity to spread out across the campus, the community, and the region for Winterim. Students are learning new skills from auto repair to personal finance. Exploring the Cumberland Plateau in person and Colombia virtually. Building literal bridges on our trails and figurative bridges in our community through service projects. We will be uploading photos from our activities throughout the week.

Announcing Cumberland Honors

This fall, ninth and tenth-graders will have the opportunity to express their intention to pursue graduation with distinction through the Cumberland Scholars program which encourages students to take full advantage of the school's place-based and outdoor education offerings. The road to distinction will include academic study, experiential learning, technical skill demonstrations, service requirements, and leadership opportunities. The crowning achievement will be a public presentation of a senior capstone research project focused on place-based or outdoor education. Read more.

Quarter 3 Ends Friday

Quarter 3 ends on Friday. Students have been encouraged, cajoled, and prodded to get in any outstanding work before 2:30 p.m. on Friday. The Writing Center will be open on Thursday afternoon to provide help to any students working on outstanding writing assignments.

Community Service Opportunities

Service Coordinator Rachel Malde is sponsoring a series of afterschool community service opportunities for our students. In addition to helping our neighbors and friends, students will earn two hours towards their service requirement at each event. This year's service requirement is 10 hours. View the Community Service Opportunity calendar. Students performing independent service projects may report their hours here.

Interact Book Drive Ends Friday

The Interact Club is collecting gently used and new children's and YA books. Drop-off boxes are located in the front hall of the Simmonds building and will be there through Winterim. They are also accepting cash donations to purchase books. Questions? Contact Kathleen Perkins '22 or Libby Neubauer '23.

Thank You!

Thank you to Nate Wilson for guest speaking at the Mountain Goat Trail winterim class.
Thank you to Giulianna Gray and Courtnay Zeitler for stepping in to cover Chapel and classes for Mother Short while she was on parental leave.

Mother Short Returns

And we welcome Gabriel Perkins-Lawrence

Following Spring Break, Mother Short will return from parental leave to resume her Chapel, classroom, and pastoral duties. She will be joined by Gabriel Perkins-Lawrence, a second-year seminarian at Sewanee's School of Theology. Originally from middle Tennessee, Gabriel moved to Sewanee for seminary from Albany in the Diocese of Georgia. Gabriel's husband Casey is also enrolled at the seminary working on a Master of Arts in Religion. He formerly worked in music, community organizing, and dabbling in stage direction. Gabriel will be assisting with preaching, planning worship, teaching confirmation classes, and offering pastoral care. 


Congratulations to our winter athletes and award winners.

We're Spreading Good News

We've been welcoming newly admitted students to SAS with lawn signs this week. If you see one in your neighborhood, help a child celebrate and tell them, "You belong here!"

Re-enrollment Contracts Due Today

A reminder that re-enrollment contracts issued in February are due today. Your timely action allows us to plan for the coming year. 

Employment Opportunity

SAS is currently accepting applications for a Business Office Associate. Please help us by directing qualified applicants our way.

Weekly Highlights

View the full calendar for all events. Subscribe to SAS calendars (instructions on the calendar page) to have school events, team schedules, and calendar updates automatically delivered to and updated on your desktop or mobile device.
No University Classes
Re-Enrollment Contracts Issued in February Due
9:00 AM Winterim Morning Course
12:30 PM Winterim Afternoon Course
6:30 PM Allowance Distribution
6:30 PM Van Run for Residents of Colmore
7:30 PM Winterim Boarding Activity: Open Union with Baking and Volleyball in the gym
9:00 AM Winterim Morning Course
11:30 AM Lunch
12:30 PM Winterim Afternoon Course
2:40 PM Debate Club, Bishop Bratton Rm 4
3:10 PM Chess Club, R-C Rm 12
3:30 PM Climbing Club, Bouldering Shed
3:40 PM Community Service: Doggie Bags, Art Room, Rm 20
3:40 PM Writing Center Open, Simmonds
6:30 PM Van Run for Residents of Watts
7:30 PM Residential House Clean-Up
7:30 PM Sewanee Zoom on Universities and Reparations, Virtual


8:45 AM Announcements, Advisory Locations
9:00 AM Winterim Morning Course
11:00 AM Winterim Afternoon Course
12:30 PM Lunch + Winterim Celebration, Quad
2:30 PM Spring Break Begins!
2:40 PM Buses Depart
(No Afternoon Programs)
Airport Shuttle Departs Campus for BNA

7:45 AM SAT, Simmonds
NOON-5:30 PM
Boarders Return to Campus to Quarantine
4:00 PM Campus Shuttle Departs Nashville Airport
8:45 AM
Announcements, Virtual
10:10 AM Literary Club, Virtual
2:30 PM COVID Testing for All Residential Employees, Wood-Alligood Gymnasium
2:30 PM-3:15 PM
COVID Testing Day Students with Last Names A-M and Spring Day Student Athletes, Gym
3:00 PM Community Service Opportunity: Active History, Virtual
3:00 PM Writing Center Open, Virtual
7:30 AM
COVID Testing for Boarders, Wood-Alligood Gymnasium
11:00 AM Chapel, Virtual

SAS-a-Facts will be on break next week.
Have a great Spring Break!

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