Newsletter - April 2023
Newsletter - April 2023


Dear Oasis Friend,
Your partnership with Oasis is at work in Africa. Recently, WorldRenew hosted a training based on Oasis’s Helping Without Hurting in Africa, by Jonny Kyazze and Anthony Sytsma.
At this training, church leaders were taught to apply the book’s eye-opening principles, ensuring that their compassionate outreach was positively impacting their local communities.
Naomi Makau, a development worker, explained that, “if someone comes in and 100% intervenes in your issues, then it becomes their intervention… but by taking ownership, then I know that I’m part of it and I want to sustain it, because I put in resources."
Helping Without Hurting in Africa teaches that in order to ensure that change will be pervasive and long-term, the community must be given a chance to contribute. Empowering individuals to work for (and desire) their own transformation is much more effective than imposing change on them externally.
As Pastor David Kangangi put it, “each one of the people we serve and the people we minister to have different abilities, and it is only that their abilities need to be ignited.”
By teaching the principles of this groundbreaking book, the foundation for the future of effective ministry in Africa is in progress. 
Learn more about Helping Without Hurting in Africa


Chao Wanje’s book Getting Married considers cultural issues in a marriage. She says, "Our cultures, families, and communities have expectations about marriage and the roles of husband and wife. Even though our cultures are changing, these expectations still affect how we relate."
All marriages face challenges. Getting Married offers the opportunity for couples to avoid going through the pain of trial-and-error by equipping them with skills to face the challenges.
Getting Married teaches couples to communicate their expectations and intentionally build their relationship. 
Blog - Preparing for Marriage


As a Nigerian lady who’s single in her 40s, Bookie Adekanye is convinced singleness isn’t a curse to a life of gloom. She shares in her book, "I’ve tried to attend fellowships for singles, but I’ve lived past the stage of youthfulness that they are structured for. I struggled to find people who were talking about the issues that affected us – and I began to realize there were more and more of us."
In Happily Whenever After, you’ll be inspired by other single women’s journeys. Hilariously relatable moments encourage you that you’re not in this alone. 
The God of the Bible used single ladies to deliver and save, and he definitely has a plan for you.
Are you a single lady? This book may change your life. Already married? Tell the ladies in your women's group, sister, or friend about it.


In I Once Was Dead, Cedric Kanana shares his unforgettable testimony. From trafficking drugs and preaching Islam to being ordained as a minister, Cedric’s complicated journey shows God's power over even the most complex issues Africans face today.  
The miracles recorded in this book—whether healing, deliverance, hearing God’s voice, protection from threats, or even resurrection—echo the book of Acts and show God’s incredible spiritual power.  
I Once Was Dead’s compelling testimony will show anyone that God can transform their lives. Read it to become more aware of the mighty power of God.
Get the book.


Inspired by the Africa Study Bible

Though the world has become indifferent to the African roots of Christianity, the African Christian perspective actually helped to shape the Christian tradition.
African theologians, such as Origen and Clement of Alexandria, have played key roles in theology, biblical scholarship, and the spreading of the gospel in early centuries. Athanasius, who has now been deemed the “Father of Orthodoxy” for his vehement opposition to the Arian heresy, was instrumental to the creation of the Nicene Creed. Augustine, author of the famous Confessions, is possibly the most influential Christian since Paul. The unique African perspectives of these theologians have shaped Christianity as we know it today.
Christianity’s African roots are rich and deep...
Learn more about Christianity's African Roots

Defend Until the End

Inspired by Stand Up for the Gospel by Rev Dr Emmanuel Kwasi Amoafo
One of the main faults of the modern African church is complicating the gospel. Rev Amoafo points out that while some fall into the trap of “prosperity doctrine,” others become victim to a cold, hard, religious legalism.
Jude 3 tells us to “defend the faith that God has entrusted once and for all time to his holy people.” Though it may be scary to call out the wrongs we see, as Christians we are called to live a life of holiness set apart from the things of the world. 
Learn more about standing up for the gospel
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