Hamilton is now AAPI, the GOP attempts to gut DACA & the birthers are back.
Hamilton is now AAPI, the GOP attempts to gut DACA & the birthers are back.
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January 23, 2019
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Joins Key Committee and New Black Caucus Member Aims to Investigate Supreme Court Justice 
SHUTDOWN DAY 33Senate leaders have scheduled procedural votes for Thursday on two competing bills to reopen the government. One measure includes funding for Donald Trump's border wall; the other is a short-term spending bill that would fund shuttered agencies through February 8th. COUNTEROFFERA group of centrist Democrats wants Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to ask the president to end his government shutdown in exchange for allowing a vote on Trump's border wall request. FBI WEIGHS IN… Members of the executive board of the FBI Agents Association issued a new report detailing the consequences of the ongoing shutdown and its effects on essential operations, such as investigations into crimes against children and terrorism. AND THE COAST GUARD… The Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard said Tuesday it was “unacceptable” that members of the service branch continue to be forced to work without pay. STATE OF THE UNIONThe White House says it’s forging ahead with plans for a State of the Union address at the Capitol next week. But Speaker Pelosi has already said nope. There’s also talk of a MAGA rally instead. TRUMP TOWER MOSCOW… Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said there were no plans for Moscow Tower. Here they are. AND THEN THERE WERE SIXSouth Bend, IN Mayor, 37-year-old Pete Buttigieg, says he’s forming an exploratory committee for a 2020 presidential bid. He could become the first openly gay presidential nominee. TRANSGENDER BANThe Supreme Court on Tuesday revived the Trump administration’s policy of barring most transgender people from serving in the military, voting to temporarily allow the ban to go into effect while court challenges move forward. BACK TO SCHOOLLeaders from the LA teachers union and the Los Angeles Unified School District struck a tentative deal Tuesday, ending a strike that's left 600,000 students in limbo. NETFLIX AND DEALNetflix has joined the Motion Picture Association of America, a move that reflects its evolution as a major player in the movie business. THE BEAT AND CHILL… It’s cold. Everywhere. We’re kicking off your Wednesday with this...
  • Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) looks out for federal contract workers missing pay.
  • Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton is now AAPI.
  • The GOP is trying to gut DACA. Their plan includes turning away minors seeking asylum.
  • Congressman Darren Soto (D-FL) aims to protect military spouses.
  • California gets a Surgeon General.
  • Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) brings in the cash.
  • Congressman Marc Veasey (D-TX) wants federal law on voter ID.
Congressman Cedric Richmond (D-LA) and Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), who spoke to InspireNOLA students at Richmond’s “Project LIVE & Achieve” Rally for New Orleans students on Friday.
KS state Rep. Susan Ruíz and Congresswoman Sharice Davids (D-KS) rooting for the Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday.
House Oversight Announces New Members
Three of the most talked about and outspoken freshman women in Congress have just been named to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which is expected to be at the center of investigations into Donald Trump's administration. Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) are among the new members on the Committee chaired by Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-MD). The trio joins Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA), now serving his second term in Congress, who is also among the newly named committee members. The Committee already has a major hearing on its schedule -- it's expected to hear public testimony from Trump's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, on February 7th.
Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker will testify on February 8th to answer questions about his views on Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation, any actions he's taken related to the probe, and his decision not to recuse himself from the Special Counsel’s investigation after Justice Department ethics officials recommended he do so. And Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross has agreed to testify before the Committee on March 14th to address the administration's decision to add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census. The controversial plan was halted by a federal judge and is still working its way through the legal system. Tlaib became fodder for cable news anchors when she vowed to “impeach the motherf---er,” referring to the president, just hours after her swearing-in. “If I based the choices going on the committee based on what people said or their reputations or whatever, I probably wouldn’t have a committee,” Cummings told Politico. “I am excited -- there were a lot of people that wanted to come on our committee.” More here.
Marc Veasey Intros Federal Law to Allow Voting Without ID
Thirty-four states have some form of ID requirements at the polls, and seven states have strict photo ID laws -- no exceptions. Congressman Marc Veasey (D-TX) on Thursday introduced legislation to allow voters arriving at polls without the identification required by their state to submit a sworn, written statement affirming their identity -- just like absentee voters -- even if they do not have the state-required identification required. The America Votes Act would allow voters to submit a standard, not provisional, ballot. The legislation, which Veasey introduced with Congressman Rick Larsen (D-WA), is modeled on the voting system in Washington state where voters can affirm their identity by submitting a similar written statement. “In 2019, voting should be easy,” said Veasey. “But getting a photo ID is far from simple; especially if you’re in one of the 34 states with voter ID laws and are Latino, African American, poor, or elderly.” The bill is included in H.R.1, the Democrats’ For the People Act -- a sweeping combination of election, campaign finance, and ethics reforms. More here.

Mazie Hirono Intros Bill to Ensure Sure Federal Contractors Get Back Pay
A newly passed law will ensure that the roughly 800,000 furloughed federal employees, and those working without pay, will be reimbursed for lost wages. However, employees of federal contractors cannot count on any compensation for lost labor and many may have been let go. Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) on Tuesday introduced legislation to secure back pay for these workers. The Fair Compensation for Low-Wage Contractor Employees Act, introduced with Senator Tina Smith (D-MN), would provide back pay up to $600 per paycheck for employees of federal contractors who were furloughed or had their hours reduced due to the government shutdown. The bill aims to help low-wage federal contractor employees, including janitorial, food, and security services workers. “Federal contract workers perform important services across Hawaii and don’t deserve to suffer financially because of Donald Trump’s government shutdown,” Hirono said. “This bill aims to make things right with federal contract workers who often work long hours at low wages.” More here

Journalist Yeganeh Rezaian, CBS News’ Gayle King, and author/WaPo contributor Jason Rezaian in NYC for an interview about his latest book, Prisoner.
MSNBC’s Richard Lui and JPMorgan Chase’s Dr. William Kapfer at NYU for a PwC Fireside Chat series last week.
Senate GOP Proposes Changes to Child Asylum and DACA, as SCOTUS Refuses to Hear DACA Rescission This Term
Senate Republicans on Tuesday released their Donald Trump-inspired legislation on DACA and border security funding which drastically changes the program. It does not focus on extending DACA -- it basically replaces it with a different program that would exclude thousands of “Dreamers” who would have been eligible under DACA. The proposed legislation creates new income requirements for applying for DACA, meaning poor immigrants would not be eligible. The GOP proposal would also not only double the DACA application fees, but it would require all “Dreamers” to re-apply. The GOP plan would also grant “Dreamers” a three-year status -- that cannot ever be renewed. Senate Republicans included the Trump administration’s pending public charge rule that bans anyone who is 5% or more dependent on any level of government, even state or local aid, from receiving legal status. This would exclude numerous “Dreamers” in states such as California and New York, which offer state benefits to them, from eligibility. And for any “Dreamer” who claimed to be a citizen -- which some did before learning they were brought to the U.S. at a young age -- they would also not qualify. The GOP proposal also includes provisions that would require “Dreamers” to pay back any legally-obtained tax credits; prohibits them from getting permanent residence without “registering a legal entry” first; excludes those with removal orders; and excludes “Dreamers” not already in DACA. They also proposed drastic changes to the asylum system. Specifically, children younger than 18 from Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala would not be able to apply for asylum at U.S. border. Children would be turned away. A new requirement would make it necessary for them to apply from their home country and cap the number of children who could qualify each year for the asylum program at 15,000. This news comes after the Supreme Court on Tuesday refused to take up the Trump administration’s attempt to rollback the Obama-era policy. The move means protections for nearly 700,000 “DACAmented” remain in place for at least the next several months. The soonest the Supreme Court could take up the case would be this fall with a decision unlikely to be issued until 2020. More here.
TJ Cox’s First Bill Aims to Provide Zero-Interest Loans to Those Impacted by Shutdown
First-term Congressman TJ Cox (D-CA) on Thursday introduced his first piece of legislation: a bill that would require the Treasury -- at the request of the employee -- to issue 0% interest loans to the 800,000 federal workers who have been impacted by the government shutdown. The Immediate Financial Relief for Federal Employees Act would allow hundreds of thousands of workers across the country to immediately access funding to pay their bills and builds on the bipartisan bill passed last week passed by Congress and signed by Donald Trump which guarantees back pay for federal employees during the shutdown. “This is a commonsense piece of legislation that would provide immediate relief to the hundreds of thousands of federal employees who are suffering from this unnecessary shutdown,” said Cox, one of the newest members of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus. “Right now, families in every neighborhood and zip code, are being forced to decide how to pay their mortgages, heating bills, put food on the table, or even ration medicine. We must do whatever we can to protect the workers who are paying the price for this Administration’s cruelty – and this legislation, common practice at businesses across the country, aims to do just that.” More here.

Darren Soto Aims to Protect Military Spouses from Deportation
Congressman Darren Soto (D-FL)
will hold a press conference on Wednesday to announce legislation he introduced that would allow military and veteran spouses who entered the U.S. without documentation to remain in the country while they pursue lawful permanent resident status. The Protect Patriot Spouses Act will allow military or veteran spouses who meet the bill’s requirements to be exempt from the three-and ten-year bars for re-entering the U.S. and no longer considered “inadmissible.” Currently, a person who entered the U.S. without documentation and is married to a military service member or veteran who is a U.S. citizen cannot pursue legal status unless they leave the U.S. and present him-or-herself to a consular post abroad. At least 350,000 American citizens are married to foreign-born spouses with significant problems with U.S. immigration law. Of those, as many as 11,800 active U.S. military service members are dealing with a spouse or family member who is facing deportation, according to American Families United.
Soto's press conference today at 2P EST will feature Pamela Juárez, the daughter of a Marine veteran whose mother was deported in August 2018. It will be livestreamed here.
Civil rights icon Dolores Huerta marching with her grandson and his peers in support of LA teachers on strike last week.
TV personality Tamron Hall celebrating her new talk show over the weekend in Miami.
Top House Dems Get Ready to Press Education Secretary
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos will soon face additional scrutiny for her policies and decisions by the top Democrats on Committees that oversee education, veterans’ affairs, and government oversight. Much of that scrutiny will come from Congressman Bobby Scott (D-VA), Chair of the House Committee on Education and Labor, who said he is prepared to call DeVos to testify “as often as necessary.” Scott told the AP that when Dems were in the minority, they had not been getting answers to most of their questions. Scott will probe whether the Education Department is “allowing states to skirt federal rules requiring them to address achievement gaps between students of different races.” Congressman Mark Takano (D-CA), Chair of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, is already planning to hold hearings on how DeVos’ policies affect military veterans -- especially how some schools recruit veterans and collect their GI Bill funding, but leave them with poor job prospects, and how for-profit colleges recruit on military bases. “Where Secretary DeVos has been insidiously effective is in undermining rules and undermining protections for students,” Takano said. He’s not the only one who wants to hear more about DeVos’ relationship with for-profit colleges -- Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), Chair of the House Committee on Oversight, said he will also look into this, as well as explore whether DeVos “exposed student borrowers to predatory practices and jeopardized their educational goals.” More here.

Lynne Patton Tweets Violate Federal Law
Trump family party planner-turned-HUD senior official Lynne Patton on Tuesday sent out tweets from her official Twitter account demanding action from New York's housing authority -- in violation of federal rules. It appears Patton doesn’t care about federal laws. She ended a tweet demanding the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) restore heat and hot water to more than 10,000 residents with: “ I DON’T CARE IF I’M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE TWEETING DURING THE SHUTDOWN.  FIX IT, @NYCHA!!!” Public housing residents spent Martin Luther King Jr. Day -- one of the coldest days of the year, with real-feel temperatures below minus-15 -- without heat and hot water. The shutdown scuttled Patton’s plans to spend January living in public housing. She said she will reschedule her month-long stay with four families once the shutdown is over, saying federal law “prohibits federal officials from performing certain duties.” In the meantime, she’ll continue to live at Trump Plaza in NYC. More here.

Hawai’i constituent Sarah Milianta-Laffin and Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) marching with LA teachers in Hawai’i over the weekend.
Congresswoman Lauren Underwood (D-IL) earlier this month with federal employees fighting to end the government shutdown.
Kirsten Gillibrand Rolls Out Diverse Staff Hires
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
has announced a new round of diverse staff hires for her 2020 campaign staff. Gregory Smiley, the campaign manager on Gillibrand’s 2018 re-election campaign, will serve as her national Deputy Political Director. The CUNY graduate has deep NY ties having previously served as a Regional Representative for Governor Andrew Cuomo (D). Alexandria Phillips will serve as the Senator’s Traveling Press Secretary. The 2012 Spelman College graduate, and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. previously worked in Gillibrand’s Senate Office as Press Sec.  She also worked in the office of Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) as Director of Surrogates and Media Affairs. She’s no stranger to presidential campaigns. In the 2016 cycle, she served as Hillary Clinton’s National Media Booking Manager. And Alexandra Sánchez (not pictured) her Senate Research Director and advisor since Gillibrand joined the Senate in 2009, will serve as her Research Director. More here.
Kamala Harris Raises $1.5 Million as Right Wingers Resurface Birtherism 
Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) raised more than $1.5 million in online donations in the first 24 hours of announcing her candidacy for president. The donations included more than 38,000 individual donors, with the average donation hovering at $37. The Senator is expected to be a fundraising powerhouse. In April 2018, Harris said she would no longer accept corporate PAC money. However, prior to that, she accepted plenty during the 2016 and 2018 cycles, receiving almost $361,000 in business PAC contributions. In the 2018 cycle, when she was not even running, she raised more than $6.4 million overall, which was more than the average Senator. In her 2016 campaign, she raised above $15 million. Much of the contributions were movie industry dollars. Top contributors to Harris’ PAC included Time Warner ($127,725) and 21st Century Fox ($89,325). The contributions flowed in as a far-right conspiracy theorist resurfaced birtherism accusations, falsely insisting that Harris -- who was born in Oakland, CA -- could not legally be president because her parents had lived in the U.S. for less than five years before having her. CNN’s Chris Cuomo came under fire for suggesting in a since-deleted tweet that there’s no proof of where Harris was born and that the onus is on her to prove right-wing “birther” conspiracists wrong. He has since apologized and tried to clarify the tweet. More here.

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Asian American Actor Assumes Hamilton Role
For the first time on ever on Broadway, an Asian American actor stepped into the title role of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton. Marc delaCruz, who is Filipino and Japanese American, made his debut Saturday in the role of Alexander Hamilton in the Broadway production of the acclaimed, award-winning musical. While it was his first time playing Alexander Hamilton, the Hawai'i native has played several other roles such as Hamilton’s father-in-law Philip Schuyler, James Reynolds, and Hamilton’s doctor. He joined the cast in December. Miranda often speaks about deliberately casting actors of different ethnic backgrounds to play the characters to better represent American diversity today. “I am over the moon to be a part of Hamilton,” he said in an interview. “I’ve been a fan of Lin-Manuel Miranda since I saw ‘In the Heights’ and I always wondered at the possibility of being in something he created.” More here.
LA Magazine Names New Editor-in-Chief
Maer Roshan 
has been named Editor-in-Chief of Los Angeles magazine and LAmag.com. He most recently served as the Chief Content Officer and Editor of FourTwoNine, a California-based national men’s magazine. Prior to that, Roshan served as Editor-in-Chief and CEO of Awesome Projects, Inc., where he provided editorial and creative services to a diverse array of start-ups and clients including HBO, SnapChat, and The New York Times. The 51-year-old native of Iran also founded the iPad magazine Punch!, TheFix.com, and Radar, and was previously the Deputy Editor of New York Magazine. Roshan has written about politics, pop culture and business for The New York Times, The Miami Herald, The New Republic, The Hollywood Reporter, Slate, The Daily Beast, and Harper’s Bazaar, and has received awards from GLAAD, ASME, The New York Press Club, and Adweek. The 1990 NYU graduate began his journalism career as the Founder and Editor of NYQ -- a New York-based gay newsweekly covering politics, health, and culture. More here
The New York Times Adds to Metro Section
The New York Times is adding Corina Knoll to the NYT Metro staff. She mostly recently worked as a Staff Writer and Editor for The Los Angeles Times’ Metro section, where she was on the team that investigated corruption in Bell -- which led to the paper’s 2011 Pulitzer Prize for public service -- and went on to cover the trials of the city’s former officials. She also contributed to the paper’s coverage of the San Bernardino shooting, which won the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for breaking news. Knoll also previously worked as a Freelance Writer for ESPN, Managing Editor for KoRe Asian Media, and Assistant Account Executive at Hill+Knowlton Strategies. The Macalester College graduate is a member of the Asian American Journalists Association. More here
Fortune Magazine Staffs Up Newsroom
Fortune Magazine has added several new faces to their newsroom. Tamara El Waylly is the Associate Editor for Fortune’s commentary section. She most recently worked for Asahi Shimbun, one of Japan’s national newspapers, as a United Nations reporter. El Waylly, who is of Bolivian and Egyptian descent, has also worked for the Broadcasting Board of Governors, Venezuela-based TV network Telesur, and the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate. The 2012 George Washington University graduate, who went on to earn her Master’s from Columbia University in 2015, is fluent in English and Spanish. Rey Mashayekhi is a Reporter covering finance and markets for Fortune. He was previously a Reporter at the Commercial Observer, where he reported on news and trends relating to the New York commercial real estate market. Mashayekhi has also worked for The Real Deal, The Villager, and Living LIC -- a local real estate website covering Long Island City housing. The 2013 New School graduate began his journalism career as a Staff Reporter for American Metal Market. Danielle Abril joins Fortune as a Tech Reporter. The El Paso native recently founded DigiNews DFW -- a digital news source for technology, startup and business news in the Dallas-Fort Worth area -- where she led content creation and strategy. Prior to that, she reported for the Dallas Morning News, Dallas Business Journal, and D Magazine. Abril earned her undergraduate degree from Southern Methodist University in 2008. More here.
Jay Jordan, artist/activist Harry Belafonte, and Women’s March Co-Chair Carmen Perez celebrating her birthday over the weekend.
 Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy (D-FL) with a constituent earlier this month at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Annual Commemorative Banquet in Sanford, FL.
House Judiciary Adds Counsel; New Member Teases Possible Kavanaugh Investigation
Benjamin Hernández-Stern
has joined the House Judiciary Committee as Counsel. The California native was most recently an Attorney Advisor in the Office for Civil Rights and Special Counsel at the Office for Access for Justice at the Department of Justice, 
where he focused on enforcement actions that arise from complaints alleging discrimination based on sex, race, color, national origin, and disability. Before joining DOJ, Hernández-Stern worked as the Director of the Academy for Civil Rights Investigators at the Department of Health and Human Services and was a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney in DC. Hernández-Stern is also a Major in the U.S. Air Force Reserve, where he serves as a Judge Advocate. The 2003 Brown University graduate, who has a law degree from Stanford University and a Master’s from Naval War College, was the Chief of Prosecution with the Criminal Investigation Task Force to Joint Task Force-Iraq. He began his role on January 22nd and already has a full plate. Congressman Joe Neguse (D-CO), a freshman who just joined the Committee, told his constituents the House Judiciary will “likely” investigate claims accusing Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of perjury during his controversial confirmation hearings last year. Kavanaugh is alleged to have lied about several different matters, including his drinking, his knowledge of Debbie Ramírez’s claims against him, and the meaning of a handful of slang terms written in his high-school yearbook. More here.
Stacey Plaskett Names Chief of Staff
Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett (D-VI)
has named Erik Prince as her Chief of Staff. He most recently worked as a Senior Manager for Government Relations at DFW Airport. Prior to that, Prince served as the Managing Director at Tennyson Strategic Consulting, and Director of Government Relations for Cummins, Inc. The 1999 Prairie View A&M University graduate has also held several positions on Capitol Hill as a Legislative Assistant to Congressman G.K. Butterfield (D-NC), Staff Assistant to former GA Congressman John Barrow, and as Staff Assistant to former DE Senator Joe Biden. More here.

Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) after announcing her 2020 presidential bid on Monday.
NFL player Marshawn Lynch and former OH Governor John Kasich on Friday backstage on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher in LA. 
Meet California’s First-Ever Surgeon General
Dr. Nadine Burke Harris
, a national leader in pediatric medicine, will serve as California’s first-ever Surgeon General. Burke Harris most recently served as Founder and CEO of the Center for Youth Wellness, a nonprofit which aims to improve the health of children exposed to toxic stress and trauma early in life. She previously was a Pediatrician and Medical Director at the Bayview Child Health Center. The University of California, Berkeley graduate -- who completed medical school at University of California, Davis and holds a Master’s at Harvard University -- completed her residency at Stanford University in 2005. Burke Harris serves as a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ National Advisory Board for Screening and on a committee for the National Academy of Medicine. She is an expert advisor on the Let’s Get Healthy California Task Force and the author of The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity. More here.

Thursday, January 24th - Friday, January 25th: The Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona, the National Congress of the American Indians, and the Tohono O’odham Nation host the Tribal Border Summit. Pascua Yaqui Casino Del Sol Resort Conference Center, 5655 W Valencia Rd, Tucson, AZ. Click here for more information.
Wednesday, January 30th, 3:30P: "New Chiefs of Staff Empower Hour." Join new Chiefs as they share their paths to Capitol Hill and give tips on how you can start preparing for senior roles in 2020. Location provided upon RSVP. Click here for more information.
Monday, February 4th, 6P: APAICS Celebration of Senior AAPI Congressional Staff to kick off Lunar New Year, join us as we celebrate AAPI staff leadership on Capitol Hill. TBD, DC. Click here for more information.
Tuesday, February 5th, 7P: Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater's 20th Annual Washington, D.C. Opening Night Gala Benefit, kicking off Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater’s annual engagement at The Kennedy Center. The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Opera House. 2700 F Street, N.W., DC. Click here for more information.
Thursday, February 7th, 12-6PCongressman Adriano Espaillat (D-NY) will host the first annual Dominicans on the Hill, a day at the U.S. Capitol where Dominican Americans from communities around the nation will attend workshops on issues ranging from immigration, education and the workforce, the U.S. economy, and trade. DC. Click here for more information.
Saturday, February 16th: The Association for the Study of African American Life and History’s 93rd Annual Black History Luncheon. Washington Renaissance Hotel, 999 Ninth Street, N.W., DC. Click here for more information.
Thursday, February 21st – Sunday, February 24th: The Power Rising Summit, a space for Black women to turn their power into action and create an actionable agenda. Hyatt Regency New Orleans, 601 Loyola Avenue, New Orleans, LA. Click here for more information.
Wednesday, February 27th - Saturday, March 1st: Black Women Talk Tech presents the 3rd annual Roadmap to Billions 2019 Conference, the only annual tech conference created exclusively by Black women founders for Black female founders and their supporters. Union West, 535 West 28th Street, New York, NY. Click here for more information
Thursday, February 28th - Sunday, March 3rdThe Women of Power Summit, a professional leadership conference designed especially for executive women of color. Confirmed speakers include Valerie JarrettStacey Abrams, and Merary Simeon, Diversity Vice President, Pepsico, among others. The Mirage, 3400 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV. Click here for more information.
Friday, March 8th - Sunday, March 17th: SXSW 2019. Featured speakers include Co-Founder of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Priscilla ChanCongresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI); and Endeavor's Bozoma Saint John, among others. Austin, TX. Click here for more information.
Monday, April 1st - Tuesday, April 2nd: HACU 24th National Capitol Forum on Hispanic Higher Education. Washington Marriott at Metro Center, 775 12th St., N.W. Click here for more information.
Tuesday, May 14th: APAICS 25th Anniversary Awards Gala Dinner to celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. The evening honors Asian American and Pacific Islander leaders, both current and pioneers, and recognizes outstanding individuals and organizations that continue to politically empower the AAPI community. 1000 H Street, N.W., DC. Click here for more information.
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