Read all about it in the latest Annual Report
Read all about it in the latest Annual Report
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 The 2019 Annual Report—How Al‑Anon Is Working

Ever wonder how your Appeal Letter and group contributions are serving the worldwide fellowship? Each year the World Service Office, including its Staff and dedicated Volunteers, compile insights into the work we undertake on your behalf—creating the online Member Blog, providing permission to a country to translate its first Al‑Anon book, or visiting nearby cities to share with members like you. The 2019 Annual Report, as approved by the 2020 World Service Conference, is now available in Spanish, French, and English. We hope you enjoy what you helped to create!
Read the report

The 2020 World Service Conference Summary (P‑46) Captures Important Conference Discussions

  • What decisions did the 2020 World Service Conference make during its historic, abbreviated virtual Conference?
  • What discussions did members of the 2020 World Service Conference hold on our Conference communication platform?
  • How will Al‑Anon celebrate its 70th Anniversary in 2021?
The 2020 World Service Conference Summary (P‑46) covers these conversations and more.
2020 World Service Conference Summary

Connecting with Professionals on Social Media

LinkedIn is a social media platform many people use to connect with their professional colleagues in all types of fields, including addiction—of which alcoholism is a subset—and mental health.
The WSO maintains a LinkedIn page for Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. to attract professionals, an important source of referrals to Al‑Anon, to our worldwide fellowship.
Read more Visit AFG on LinkedIn

August 2020 Appeal Letter

In February, May, August, and November, the quarterly appeal gives each member an opportunity to participate in Twelfth‑Step work beyond the group level.
August 2020 Appeal Letter

New Topic for the Member Blog

August’s topic is, “What has been the most meaningful reward of being a Sponsor or having a Sponsor?”
Now, you can also write about Al‑Anon’s three Legacies. This month features Step Eight, Tradition Eight, and Concept Eight. 
Sharings on the Member Blog may be used in future Al‑Anon publications. 
New topics will be added each month!
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