| The Nashville Voter
Volume 75, No 11-- November 2022
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November 19 at 12:00pm. The Environmental Committee invites you to sign up for Cumberland River Compact’s tree planting event with Root Nashville. We will be planting 300 trees fortifying Nashville’s urban tree canopy. Sign up to volunteer at cumberlandrivercompact.org/events.
December 2 at 12:00pm. December Hot Topic: Homeless in Nashville. Lindsey Krinks, Co-Founder and Interim Co-Director for Open Table Nashville will give an overview of the homeless situation in our area and how her organization addresses the issue. She will be joined by Julia Sutherland, Executive Director for the Village at Glencliff, to discuss the concepts of Housing First and Housing as Healthcare, both linchpins of this new program. www.LWVNashville.org.
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| President's Message
Another election is behind us, and as always, the League of Women Voters dedicated time to observing and advocating on behalf of voters. The League of Women Voters Tennessee was a plaintiff in a lawsuit to seek action for voters in Davidson County that were given incorrect information about their districts and voting precincts. Those voters that were affected had paper ballots waiting for them on Election Day, and those that voted early could cast a provisional ballot with the correct district at the Election Commission office. As news spread, it was clear that this issue impacted people all over Tennessee. As more information comes out about what happened in Davidson County and across the state, the state and local leagues will continue to monitor and advocate for a full explanation from the Secretary of State and local election commissions.
Across the state, the LWVTN restarted our poll watching program. I would like to extend a sincere thank you to the volunteers that observed in Nashville on behalf of the LWVN. We had 10 volunteers that observed more than 12 locations across the city for over 50 hours! Way to go! We appreciate your service to the community and dedication to free and fair elections. During observations of voting sites, volunteers were tasked with filling out a short report about a variety of things including wait times, staffing, number of machines, and how voter issues were solved. The LWVTN is compiling reports to share with local and state officials.
Lara Webb
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Health Care/Public Health Committee By Constance Caldwell and Claire Sullivan
As We Continue
For the last two months, most of our health-related conversations have centered around the reversal of Roe vs. Wade and its implications for reproductive health in varied arenas. This will be a long-term discussion but we can not forget the other conditions which are still in our view:
- Epidemiologists and other national health care professionals are predicting a severe flu season which has already begun in Tennessee. They are recommending that all who are able (six months and older) take the influenza vaccine which is readily available by the end of October.
- Use of the Telemedicine venue has greatly increased in the last three years and appears that it will continue to do so as the public has gotten use to it. Statistics show that the major users are mostly women and persons 65 years and older.
- The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and local authorities continue to confiscate large amounts of street drugs and opioids in an effort to reduce the number of opioid overdoses and deaths. Some of the pills found have been multicolored like candies and could be a hazard to children who are exposed to them. Fentanyl remains the highest threat to the public.
- The bivalent vaccine booster against the variants of COVID -19 is available. We continue to learn more and more about the virus itself and how its presentation of symptoms tend to change. You are encouraged to get the booster.
The Health Care/Public Health Committee would like to thank all persons who joined our First Friday presentation on October 7 as we sought to bring practical and legal understanding to the issue of Reproductive Rights in Tennessee. Clare Sullivan, Co-Chair of the Committee, is asking that interested persons please review the Chapter's Position Paper on Access to Comprehensive Reproductive Services which is located on our website and send any comments to her. The committee has worked consistently to include facts which have wide ranging implications for our community.
You are invited to register for the chapter's next First Friday 'Hot Topic' scheduled for December 2, 12:00 noon. It will feature guests from Open Table Nashville and the Village at Glencliff as they share information on Nashville's homeless situation and one innovative program which has been developed to address that issue.
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Hot Topics
By Karen Wieckert and Melissa Hanson
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
DACA, an acronym for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, is a policy established by President Obama in 2012 that protects around 800,000 young people — known as “DREAMers” — who entered the United States unlawfully as children. The program does not grant them official legal status or a pathway to citizenship, but it does allow them to apply for a driver’s license, a social security number, work permit and protection from deportation.
Note: DREAMers are subject to US payroll tax withholdings but for the most part are not eligible for social safety net services such as housing assistance, medical assistance, food assistance, or federal financial aid for education. A few states do allow access to state or local education assistance; Tennessee does not. Limited Medicaid assistance is provided in California, Minnesota and New York to DREAMers who meet other program eligibility requirements.
In 2017, The Trump administration announced that it would start to phase out the DACA program. Several court cases prevented the full repeal of DACA, with the Supreme Court ruling in 2020 that an attempt to do so was “arbitrary and capricious,” as well as a violation of federal law. However, the following restrictions were put in place:
● The program was reduced from two years to one
● All renewals had to be within 150 to 120 days before the existing application expired
● No new DACA applications would be accepted
Then in 2020, a federal judge ruled that Chad Wolf, the acting head of the DHS under Trump, did not have the authority to make those changes to the DACA program, and those rules were therefore invalid. This allowed first-time DACA applicants to be permitted to apply and extended the renewal period back to the original two years.
In January 2021, President Biden issued an executive order formally reinstating the program. That Order was appealed and in July 2021, a federal judge ruled that first-time DACA applicants were again barred from applying to the program. However, all individuals whose DACA requests were approved prior to July 16, 2021 would be able to continue to have DACA status and all DACA request recipients that were approved before that date would continue to be eligible to renew their DACA status and work permits. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) would accept the filing of initial DACA and employment authorization requests, but they cannot approve these initial DACA and EAD requests on account of judge’s ruling. There are currently approximately 80,000 first time applications submitted nationally, but not approved.
In August 2022, the Department of Homeland Security issued a final rule to preserve and fortify the DACA program. As for the other court cases pending, in October of this year, the Fifth Circuit once again ruled that the new rules were invalid and sent the decision back to the Texas courts for a decision. The 7000 Tennesseans with DACA permits are left in limbo and it is likely that whatever decision is made in Texas will also be appealed.
December Hot Topic: Homeless in Nashville
Lindsey Krinks, Co-Founder and Interim Co-Director for Open Table Nashville, will give an overview of the homeless situation in our area and how her organization addresses the issue. Open Table Nashville is a non-profit, interfaith community that disrupts cycles of poverty, journeys with the marginalized and provides education about issues of homelessness. Learn more about Open Table Nashville here: https://opentablenashville.org.
Lindsey Krinks will be joined by Julia Sutherland, Executive Director for the Village at Glencliff, to discuss the concepts of Housing First and Housing as Healthcare, both linchpins of this new program. The Village at Glencliff provides dignified medical respite and bridge housing for people experiencing homelessness. To learn more about this new community, go to: www.villageatglencliff.org.
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Environment Committee
By Russanne Buchi-Fotre and Kalen Russell
Zero Waste Nashville is a division of Metro Water Services. Their goal is to minimize the waste we generate and maximize the diversion of materials from landfills through sustainable solid waste practices. With a Zero Waste mindset, we can transition from a linear economy that focuses on the start and end of a product’s life, to a circular economy, that captures and reincorporates material - reducing, reusing, recycling, and composting. Learn more here: ZeroWaste.Nashville.gov.
The Environmental Committee invites you to sign up for Cumberland River Compact’s tree planting event with Root Nashville. On November 19, we will be planting 300 trees fortifying Nashville’s urban tree canopy. Sign up to volunteer at cumberlandrivercompact.org/events.
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Metro Council Meeting
By Pat McCauley and Jack McFadden
Here’s a recap of last month’s Metro Council Meeting:
- An ordinance to prohibit smoking and the use of vapor products in certain age-restricted venues passed on 3rd reading. This will take effect on March 1, 2023.
Affordable Housing/Unhoused
- Passed on 2nd reading, an ordinance requiring payments in lieu of taxes made by the Convention Center Authority be dedicated to affordable and workforce housing initiatives. A large proportion of these funds will go to Barnes Fund.
- Riverchase: passed on third reading. Height of buildings reduced from 10 stories to 7. New agreements with Salvation Army and displaced. Developers to leave in affordable housing units.
- A resolution passed appropriating $400K in American Rescue Plan Act funds to complete anticipated funding for right to eviction counsel. Right to Counsel (“RTC”) is proven to reduce displacement due to eviction, increase housing stability, and reduce inflows into homelessness.
- A resolution passed appropriating $300K in American Rescue Plan Act funds to complete anticipated funding for critical immigration legal services.
- A resolution passed appropriating $8 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds to the Urban League of Middle Tennessee and Nashville State Community College to advance workforce equity and strengthen family foundations through education and training in Davidson County. This funds a program that will bring workforce training to the community, preparing 1500 individuals to be Ready to Connect before committing to quality employer-supported programs.
- 1409: 3rd reading deferred to 1/3/2023 for public hearing. An ordinance relative to trees. The Nashville Open Space Plan - Nashville Naturally, sets a goal of acquiring 6,000 acres of new public parks and green spaces.
Metro Council Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month. Meetings start at 6:30 p.m. and are open to the public. Here’s where you can watch Metro Council Meetings:
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Membership Committee
By Reba Holmes Annual Membership Drive
Thank you to everyone who renewed their Membership. Your support is essential.
As a nonpartisan, grassroots organization working to protect and expand voting rights, we collectively empower voters and defend democracy through advocacy, education, and litigation, at the local, state, and national levels.
Again, thank you for sponsoring the League’s activities, programs, and underwriting. As of November 2022, we are 233 strong!
Share Your Comments We want to hear from you. Share your comments regarding why join the League of Women Voters, Protecting Voting Rights, Fairness in Voting, etc. Email your comments to lwvnash@gmail.com.
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Please let us know if there is a death in your family so that the membership may be aware of your loss.
Thank you!
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| Stay Informed about Upcoming Calendar Events!
If you get the electronic version of the Voter, we want you to know that the upcoming calendar events are available on our wonderful, new website – www.lwvnashville.org. On The calendar scrolls on the events of the current and upcoming events thanks to Tracy Depp, who keeps the calendar current. If you haven’t taken a look, do so to make sure you mark your calendar so you won’t miss a thing!
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ATTENTION: The Nashville Voter is a digital publication. If you have received this copy of the Voter in the mail, it means the League of Women Voters of Nashville does not have an e-mail address for you. Please help us by sending your e-mail address to LWVNash@gmail.com. Being on the LWVN e-mail database ensures your receipt of all LWVN newsletters, event invitations, meeting announcements, and Call to Action alerts.
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| 2022-2023 LWVN Board of Directors
Co-Presidents: Lara Webb
Immediate Past President: Madeline Garr
1st Vice Presidents: Melissa Hanson and Karen Weickert
Secretary: Elise Lamar
Treasurer Susan Mattson
Portfolio Chairs
Communications: Ophelia Doe
Community Connections: Sabina Mohyuddin and Katelyn Benhoff
Education: La'Kisha Harris and Harper-Grace Niedermeyer
Environment: Russanne Buchi-Fotre and Kalen Russell
Health Care/Public Health: Constance Caldwell and Clare Sullivan
Membership: Reba Holmes
Metro Government: Pat McCauley and Jack McFadden
Voter Services: Beth Gordon and Emily Grohs
Williamson County Representative: June Bond
Nominating Committee Chair: Senator Brenda Gilmore
Nominating Committee Members: Betsy Walkup, Constance Caldwell, Hasina Mohyuddin, June Bond, and Brenda Wynn
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