Peter is one of the most complex of Jesus’ disciples; both his strong faith and his colossal missteps are well-known. What other figure in Scripture does Jesus call both “the rock” on which the church will be founded, and “Satan,” who has misinterpreted Jesus so significantly that he experiences Peter as a hindrance to his ministry? Who else has the courage to step out on deep water, so far from land, when Jesus says, “Come,” but then loses that courage after just a few steps and needs to be rescued when he starts to sink? Sound familiar?
It is no stretch to say that Peter’s entire relationship with Jesus is a series of “turns”—turning away, and turning back; putting his trust entirely in Jesus one minute, and then putting that trust in himself, and his own reasoning and ideas. Again, sound familiar? We want so much to do the right thing, to follow Jesus faithfully, to trust Jesus fully—and yet, we are stiff-necked and stubborn, after all, and so sure that we know what is best.
So, in this week where we are focusing on repenting and returning, it is good to remember Peter’s own journey with repentance. Peter’s repentance was not one-and-done, and his road of discipleship was not straight. There were steps and missteps, progressions and regressions, and yet: Jesus never gives up on Peter [when Peter asks Jesus about forgiveness in Matthew’s Gospel, and Jesus tells him that one should forgive “seventy-seven times,” one can imagine Jesus saying, “And aren’t you grateful for that, Peter?”]; and in the end, Peter never gives us on Jesus, either—he keeps coming back, trusting that Jesus will receive him and forgive him. Jesus tells Peter to “feed my sheep,” and Peter spends the rest of his life doing just that.
Our way of discipleship is long, and, like Peter’s, it is full of wrong turns and dead ends. But, it is also includes surprising destinations and rewarding detours, and, ultimately, life abundant and life eternal with Jesus Christ.
Loving God, thank you for your steadfast guidance and trustworthy accompaniment at every step along our path. Call us back to you when we stray, and give us courage to follow where you lead. In Jesus’ name we pray, AMEN.