Message from
Provost Daire |
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Message from
Provost Daire |
Dear Colleagues,
This time of the fall semester is often stressful for students, faculty, and staff alike. Given this, I wanted to remind you of the on-going support and resources we have for students and for you. Support U provides assistance to students through case management, the emergency grant, the food center and pantry, and connects students with resources on and off campus.
I wanted to highlight three things that will be useful for faculty and staff: First, the Dean of Students Office (DOSO) team provides tools, language, resources, and tips that will bolster your existing trusted relationships with students in need. Please reach out to DOSO to consult or ask questions.
Second, Support U workshops are available to help staff and faculty identify students who may be experiencing challenges or crisis and learn how to refer students to resources, including case managers. Faculty and staff who attended the sessions thus far have been very complimentary of the content and opportunity to dialogue and learn. Here is what a couple participants have said:
“There are many resources available to assist distressed students. We are all part of the web of support, even if it is only to connect someone to needed help.”
“Wonderful, wonderful! This was intensely productive. Such important content and valuable context provided in a brief presentation. Tremendously valuable for all faculty and staff. Thank you!!”
Survey respondents note increased levels of knowledge, ability and comfort in being able to work with students needing help. There are more Fall workshop sessions available, so we encourage you to attend.
Finally, please direct students that have financial emergencies or needs to the UWM Emergency Grant. Of the 219 students who received emergency grants in Fall 2022, 94% graduated and/or re-enrolled in the next term (compared to 89% for all UWM students).
I also wanted to share some initial, preliminary data points relating to the successes of this centralized, comprehensive Support U initiative:
Of the 346 students who received DOSO case management services in Spring 2023, 74% graduated and/or re-enrolled in Fall. While these rates are lower than the 85% rate for all students, these students are facing significant and often overlapping challenges, including mental health issues, physical health issues trauma, loss of a loved one, technology insecurity, food and housing insecurity.
The number of food pantry visits increased by 98% from 2021-2022 to 2022-23. Of the 844 students who visited the food pantry in Spring 2023, 95% graduated and/or re-enrolled in Fall. This mirrors national research that indicates that students with comprehensive, holistic support including emergency aid and food pantry access are retained at a higher rate than students who did not receive similar support.
With appreciation,
Andrew P. Daire, PhD
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
| University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2310 E. Hartford Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53211
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