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Our Limited-Time Discount on Crowns is Back!

Over the years, Pasadena Family Dentistry has gotten to know many patients over the years who are loyal and dedicated to their long-term oral health. Today, we want to show thanks by helping you save on your next dental crown treatment!
Whenever you purchase a dental crown at our office, you’ll receive $200 off your procedure. The special will be valid from April 10th-21st. Whether you require restorative dentistry for the first time, you need to have a very old crown replaced, or a filling is no longer functioning as intended, today is the best day to pick up the phone and call.
No matter the cause of your dental damage, such as decay or injury, our team is prepared to help make your next treatment as affordable as possible. Not sure if you need a dental crown? Schedule a consultation with our knowledgeable dentists for a one-on-one evaluation. We’ll confirm if a crown is the best solution based on your circumstance.

Give us a call today to receive your discount and fully personalized treatment plan. We can’t wait to see you!

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