Dear Colleagues,
You may have experienced this: You're leading a discussion in class and from out of nowhere, a student brings up a controversial example or topic that gives you that deer-in-the-headlights moment. How should you respond? Or, what if you teach a class that examines sensitive subject matter--how do you approach this content in a proactive, mindful way?
While there's no one-size-fits-all blueprint, there are a number of resources and frameworks that can empower you to navigate difficult, unexpected moments. Here are a few opportunities and resources to get you started.
October Workshops! The
Provost's Teaching Fellows and the Faculty Innovation Center are offering programming this month relevant to this topic.
- Tuesday, October 8 from 11am - 12:30pm in SZB 450AF: The FIC will be hosting a workshop on Embracing Discomfort: proactive Strategies for Unexpected Moments. The workshop will be led by Kayla Shearer, Adria Battaglia, and Laura Struve (FIC). RSVPhere.
- Tuesday, October 15 from 11am - 12:30pm in SZB 450AF: The first October Think Tank will focus on Teaching Difficult Subjects and will be led by first-year Fellow Pauling Strong (Anthropology and the Humanities Institute) and senior Fellow Hina Azam (Middle Eastern Studies). You can find more information here.
2. Featured Programs on Campus.
- The Humanities Institute, directed by PTF Pauline Strong, offers the Difficult Dalogues program as part of the UT Core Curriculum. Founded in 2006 at the University of Texas, Difficult Dialogues began as part of the Ford Foundation initiative developed in response to reports of growing intolerance and efforts to curb academic freeom on U.S. campuses. UT Faculty have developed over 50 Difficult Dialogues courses for our campus, most of which are part of the First-Year Experience at UT. For more information contact the Humanities Institute, attend a workshop, or find resources here.
3. Additional Resources.
I hope that some of these resources will come in handy for you in your courses. See you next month!