Thank you for being the change!
Thank you for being the change!

March 22, 2019  

Final Outcome of the "Fight for $15" Legislation

Your Voices were Heard in Annapolis!
Thank You
First, thank you to everyone who answered our calls for action, wrote letters, sent emails, made phone calls, and traveled to Annapolis to rally on behalf of people with I/DD, their families, and the staff who support them. Your efforts were greatly appreciated!

Compromise Outcome
On Wednesday, the "Fight for $15" Bill (HB166/SB280) passed through the House and Senate after a vote in both chambers to accept the Conference Committee report. These final bill changes see a flat 4% increase to DD Services each year from FY21 to FY26 as the minimum wage increases from $10.10/hour to $15/hour.
These funding levels are not at the levels we need to truly maintain ground as the minimum wage goes up in Maryland and we are deeply disappointed in this outcome. That said, it is important to note that the figures represent a funding amount that is a better scenario than a decision to revert to the House percentages (3% each year).
We believe that the better percentages we received in the end are a result of the incredible action of self-advocates, families, provider staff, and others who came engaged in targeted advocacy around these bills. It is important to recognize that we also had incredible legislators in both the House and the Senate who worked tirelessly to get our funding restored and were successful in part.

Next Steps
Going forward, we must continue to build on this result. Please join us in sustained advocacy and educational outreach beyond this legislative session. Together we must safeguard the quality support services which people with disabilities need to live fulfilling lives in their communities!
If you are interested in learning more about advocacy and/or being part of an advocacy team, please contact Deborah Mark at 301.984.577 x1245 or
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”   ―Margaret Mead
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