Gearing Up for the New School Year

As we soak up the last of these summer days, the RTSWS Team is hard at work preparing for another incredible school year.
Did you know RTSWS has 4 different curriculum sets?
Every summer, RTSWS updates each curriculum with current news headlines, relevant topics and refreshed activities for the upcoming fall sessions. 
During the fall sessions, female financial professionals lead classroom workshops on financial and investment literacy. Our cutting edge, open-sourced curriculum rips from the headlines, discusses public policy, economic policy and stock and bond markets. In each set, students play the role of a financial advisor to their fictional client, Janella, at different stages of her life. 
Students act as a financial planner for Janella, a 28-year-old female. They create a budget for her, keeping in mind her short-term and long-term tinancial goals
Students act as a financial adviser for Janella, a 17-year-old college-bound student.
Analyze her college costs and her short-and long-term financial goals.
Students act as a wealth management advisor for Janella, a 39-year old professional female, with a sizeable sum of money saved and ready to invest in a publically-traded company.
Students act as a financial advisor for Janella, a 28-year-old female who is interested in investing in a company which is an environmental, social and governance leader.

During all curriculum sets, students will learn about investing, the capital markets and follow weekly stock market trends. RTSWS cohorts rotate to a new curriculum set each year, allowing students an opportunity to explore new topics and build on their existing knowledge.
Stay tuned for more details on 23-24 School Year!

Wall Street Firms for Girls Podcast

Breaking barriers and shattering stereotypes, this summer marks a remarkable milestone as RTSWS Student CEO Sophia M., a high school trailblazer from Hunter College High School in NYC, launches captivating new episodes of "Wall Street Firms for Girls."

Prepare to be inspired as Sophia's groundbreaking podcasts provide a platform for leading female professionals in the male-dominated Wall Street industry to share their invaluable advice and empowering stories. With each episode, she ignites curiosity and ambition in the hearts of high school girls, urging them to explore the exciting world of finance.

Be a part of this transformative journey by tuning in to some of the latest episodes released this summer. Together,
we'll witness the rise of a new generation of fearless women, poised to make their mark in the financial world. Let's celebrate the power of diversity and the unwavering determination of these young women to redefine the future of finance.
Check out the latest episodes below and join us on this exhilarating ride towards empowerment and equality in the world of finance.

Finding the Right Fit: The Experiences and Advice From a Partner at a Multibillion Dollar Fixed Income Asset Management Firm

Carolina Siles is a partner at Lucid Management and Capital Partners LP, a specialized fixed income asset management firm. In this episode, Carolina describes her career as a partner of a multibillion dollar firm and discusses her experiences working in finance, from her perspective as a Latina woman. More specifically, she talks about her work-life balance throughout her career and explains the importance of finding a firm that best supports your personal and career growth.
Different Careers at a Bank: Exploring Communications Careers in Finance

Sophia interviews Esther Lee, the communications manager at Capital One, on the role of communications at a big bank. The segment first focuses on defining and detailing the skill set and opportunities of positions within this field, followed by a recount of Esther's own experiences at Capital One and how she has incorporated her passion for writing into a career in finance.
Tune in to the Podcast
Read more Summer of Finance stories in our upcoming newsletters.
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