Coming Back Safe & Strong

Coming Back Safe and Strong Update
What You Need to Know, When You Need to Know It
Thank You and Happy Holidays
As we near the close of 2020, we wish you holiday health and happiness, comfort and support, and an easier year ahead for all of us! Thank you for doing your part to keep us all Coming Back Safe and Strong. This campus community has demonstrated, time and time again, that we can rise up together to stay Stony Brook Strong and play a major role in supporting our surrounding communities. We’re proud of all we’ve accomplished and hope you are too.
 -- The Coming Back Safe and Strong Team
Vaccine News!
On Tuesday, December 15, Stony Brook Hospital began administering COVID-19 vaccines to our highest risk hospital workers! Read the full SBU News story here, which includes a video of this historic occasion. With more vaccines expected in the days and weeks ahead, hospital staff are being asked to keep a close eye on their emails for invitations to be vaccinated.
This Just In: Winter Guidance for Supervisors
Supervisors just received important information and reminders for winter return to work. Here’s the full message and here’s a quick recap:
  • Start of our Return to Work Plan final phase (5) has moved back to January 31, 2021 (from December 31, 2020)
  • Phase 3 is recommended December 25 - January 10 (where most employees work remotely, except those labeled 'Essential' and whose main duties can't be performed remotely).
  • Supervisors are encouraged to continue to use staggered work schedules to keep campus density low and support social distancing.
  • Use of the CampusClear app or paper log (for those without access) is still required each time you come to campus.
  • All supervisors are responsible for checking that these daily screenings are completed.
  • Employees not feeling well once at work should immediately leave campus, seek medical care and call the Health Information Line at 631- 632-5000, ext. 1, for return to work guidance.
COVID Testing: What Students Need to Know and Do
Students -- help us all continue to stay safe! See how in our latest COVID Testing Update for Students.
P.P.E., Testing, Travel and Other Important Reminders
In a special Coronavirus Update, Stony Brook Medicine employees got the message -- Face Masks Are a Must! Specifically:
  • They must be worn in addition to staying six feet apart.
  • You should wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol, after touching or removing your mask.
  • They protect you and those around you -- an important reminder for us all!
Clinical staff were also reminded to wear full-face shields -- versus goggles -- when caring for patients who are COVID-19 positive. Also to please keep our N95 respirators clean so they can be reprocessed -- view this short video.
Gloves can be helpful when you’re cleaning, or caring for someone who’s sick. But they can also create a false sense of security and are not necessary in most everyday situations, like running errands. Visit our continuously updated Safety Protocol FAQs page on the Coming Back Safe and Strong site for more on how to prevent COVID spread and keep our campus community safe.
Testing During Intersession? YES
In case you ‘didn’t see the memo,’ here’s all you need to know about pooled COVID-19 testing during intersession in the SAC, HSC Galleria and at Stony Brook Southampton. Please note that those under a quarantine order will NOT be able to access University testing at these locations.
Traveling Over the Holidays? PLEASE NOTE …
If you travel during the holiday  season, please remember to review and follow NYS COVID-19 travel advisory guidelines, available on the New York State Department of Health website, and complete the New York Traveler Health Form upon re-entering New York State.
The CampusClear app provides an important way to ensure we’re all ‘cleared’ to come to campus from a health and safety standpoint. And it’s simpler to use than logging onto the website. If you haven’t yet, please go to the App Store on your phone to download this free application. Make sure to accept the option for helpful daily reminders.
Already have the app but don’t get the reminder notifications? Simply go to  ‘Notifications’ under ‘Settings’ on your mobile device to turn them on.
When doing your time recording, please remember to charge any appropriate accruals for absences other than our two official holidays -- Friday, December 25, 2020 and Friday, January 1, 2021.
Get Help ‘Surviving the Second Wave’
Join our Stony Brook Medicine (SBM) Support Team this Monday, December 21, noon to 1:15 pm, to hear about all the support resources available to SBM staff. Here’s a link to this comprehensive informational forum: Attendee Link: “Surviving the Second Wave: Support Resources Virtual Forum” (for best access, download Microsoft Teams to your phone or computer before the meeting).
Give the Gift of Life -- Yes, You Can!
Say good riddance to 2020 by doing something positive: donating critically needed blood. You can be the reason a Stony Brook University Hospital patient lives to celebrate the New Year.  Walk-ins are welcome, but appointments are strongly encouraged:
Monday - Friday, 8 am - 8 pm
Saturday, 9 am - 4 pm
Call 631-444-DONATE (3662); OR
Go to
As a special gift for YOU, whole blood donors will receive a 24” foam handle snowbrush; platelet donors, a fleece field blanket; and all Stony Brook employees are eligible to receive a ‘Stony Brook Star Card’ (get three and you’re eligible for a Stony Brook Superstar Award and a University-branded item).
Take that 2020!
Keep Doing Your Part to Fight the Spread of COVID
Some of the most important things you can do to keep us safe and ‘open for classes’ beyond this semester are also some of the simplest:
  • Wash your hands or use sanitizer when soap and water aren’t available.
  • Maintain a physical distance of at least six feet from other people.
  • Wear a mask.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces in your workplace every day.
  • Try to avoid using other people's phones, desks, offices, tools and equipment
  • Stay home if you’re sick.
Complete your CampusClear app to assess for COVID-19 symptoms before arriving on campus.
Have an Idea? Need an Answer?
Visit our continuously updated return to the workplace FAQs on our Coming Back Safe and Strong website, or send your questions to
Subscribe to our email list.