One of the most requested enhancements to TeleLink in recent years is dashboards. Using surveys and focus groups to determine the most useful data for the TeleLink community, Equinox added a dashboard feature to the system (version last year and then published a corresponding TeleLink Dashboards Bulletin to our online library. This article explores how and why to rely on, as well as benefit from, TeleLink’s dashboards.
What's special about a dashboard? Dashboards graphically display chart-driven data, so you can quickly analyze current details, review historical trends, identify research issues, and provide status reports. TeleLink uses summarized tables to create quick snapshots that are easy to digest and to send to management without affecting system performance. Dashboards let you quickly evaluate system/network performance and identify potential issues. There are several proactive and reactive ways to apply this helpful TeleLink resource.
Which dashboards are available? TeleLink offers dashboard views for: Carriers, Progress by Hour, Rural Call Completion, and Trunk Groups. Your grid selection drives that dashboard's graphs.You can export individual dashboard panes, export the entire view, look at the overall picture, or zoom in to examine individual components/details.They're quite versatile!
Can a dashboard help with customer complaints about quality of service? Absolutely. The Carriers dashboard lets you see all your carriers at a glance and then dive into individual details. To address such a complaint, go to the Carriers dashboard and look if minutes of use have increased to a carrier with QoS issues This view is also a great resource for researching routing. Specifically, the 'Daily Carrier Usage' graph could help you identify a misroute. An unexplained spike or a dip in the trend bears further investigation and can point to additional reports for monitoring. Other uses for this view include load balancing, comparing carrier performance, and monitoring carrier stability.