Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to the end of Week 5. This week I had to face some hard truths.  The future I had scripted for my personal and professional life has been irrevocably altered.  Now, I am struggling to rewrite my script.  
It’s dawning on me that we are experiencing a collective trauma. Our families, our students, our colleagues, and our communities are all impacted.  This trauma will show up differently for each of us and we will have our moments of frustration, deep loss, and joy.  An important reminder that we need our learning brains to do our work, so aptly described by Jacob Ham in this short video. So, my colleagues, I encourage you to take a moment to check-in with yourself.  What scripts are running through your head?  Do you need to take some time to rewrite?  Are you taking breaks for your brain and body?  Are you feeding your heart with beauty and joy?
Below, we’ve curated a few resources on Trauma-informed approaches to working, learning, and teaching:
Be kind to yourselves,
JuliA Metzker
Elizabeth Williamson
Evergreen library staff check out chromebooks to students. 

Teaching Resources

Individual and Small Group Consultations

Facilitated by the Keep Teaching Coordinating Team

The Keep Teaching Coordinating Team continues to offer one-on-one or small group consultation sessions for pedagogy and technology related topics. In order to sign up for these sessions, please check the calendar in the Keep Teaching Canvas course. Email your questions, queries and suggestions to Learning and Teaching Commons.

Workshop | Keeping Documentation Exciting and Manageable

Facilitated by Arnold Aprill

Wednesday | WK 7 | 13 May 2020 | 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM 

This virtual workshop is for sharing methods for keeping the documentation of work-in-progress exciting by introducing the concept of documentation as “action research”, and for providing tips on keeping documentation manageable. Please RSVP for advanced reading and the zoom meeting link. 

Equitable Remote Seminars: Lessons Learned, Looking Forward
Facilitated by Elizabeth Williamson 

Wednesday | WK 8 | 20 May 2020 | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Now that we’ve all had the experience of running seminars and workshops online, this is an ideal time to take stock of what you’ve learned, and what you would still like to know. Please join us for a Commons Conversation focused on sharing best practices — first and foremost the ones you have gleaned from your teaching experiences, but also from our peers at other institutions. Running an equitable seminar on zoom relies on many of the same skills that make for successful in-person seminars. At the same time, not all of our students can easily get on zoom, and many benefit from supplementing live sessions with asynchronous options. We’ll talk about all of this and more in this LTC conversation! 

Keep Teaching Canvas Course

We encourage all faculty and instructional staff to enroll in the Keep Teaching Canvas course. The Canvas course offers a robust selection of remote teaching resources, curated by the Keep Teaching Coordinating Team and Evergreen Faculty and Staff.

Did you miss an important campus announcement?

We’ve cataloged the communications relevant to teaching and learning on the important updates, policies and recommendations module in the Keep Teaching canvas course. 

Visit for more advice, resources, and tools.

Faculty Highlights

Kudos to our nine faculty colleagues who were recently awarded continuing contracts:
Lucky Anguelov, Stephen Beck, Steve Blakeslee, Lori Blewett, Marla Elliott, 
Shangrila Joshi, Joli Sandoz, Suzanne Simons, John Withey
Students in Ryan Richardson's program, Photography: Documentary, are documenting their lives while in quarantine using photography and videography. The images below are part of a short photo essay depicting the first few weeks of their experience. "It’s amazing viewing each student’s perspective of the current saturation." says Richardson. At the end of the quarter they plan to put together a short video encompassing the perspective of the class as a whole.
Student  submissions from “Document Isolation: Life While Sheltering in Place” 

Share your stories here

We've heard such wonderful tales of the creative ways faculty and students are adapting to learning and teaching in physical isolation.  Send a short description of an activity, student project, and other resource to the Learning and Teaching Commons. Materials will be posted on the Keep Teaching Canvas Course and highlighted in this newsletter.

Student Resources

Additional resources for supporting students are available in the Keep Teaching and Keep Learning Canvas courses. Please encourage your students to review the Keep Learning website at :  
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