Connecting the ACCGov Leisure Services Department with Local School Children
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Fall Registration Begins August 6!
The Athens-Clarke County Leisure Services Department will begin online registration for fall activity opportunities on Saturday, August 6 at 9:00 a.m. The selection of activities highlights the arts, environmental science, recreation, sports, and holiday events for adults and children. Programs include art classes, baton, youth cooking classes, dance, gymnastics, nature programs, preschool activities, soccer, softball, teen programs, tennis, theatre, therapeutic recreation, and special holiday events.
Online activity registration will continue until activities are at full enrollment or they begin.
Before registering, individuals who have not already done so must establish a free online account at Payment may be rendered using a debit card, American Express, Discover Card, MasterCard, Visa, or a MasterCard or Visa gift card.
Individuals with expired scholarships and new scholarship applicants must visit a Leisure Services Department facility office at least five business days prior to registering for a program. Scholarships must be applied for in person. Information regarding the scholarship activity, including required documentation, is available at
For more information, please call 706-613-3800
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Leisure Services Offers Afterschool Programs
These programs are offered Monday-Friday from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. University of Georgia students serve as volunteer mentors and assist children with their homework and lead recreational activities. Transportation is provided if the child attends the school zoned for that Community Center. Parents must contact the school to arrange bus transportation after their child is registered for afterschool.
For more information, please call 706-613-3800.
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Make a Splash...One Last Time This Summer!
All Department pools will close for the season on Sunday, July 31. The Rocksprings Park Splash Pad will close for the season, as well. The Walker Park Splash Pad, located at 200 Trail Creek St, will remain open, weekends only, through August from 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Admission is $1 per person.
For more information, please call 706- 613-3589.
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Movies by Moonlight at Dudley Park
Leisure Services will host a free “Movies by Moonlight” outdoor movie on Saturday, August 13 at 8:30 p.m. at Dudley Park
The event features the 1997 Science Fiction film “The Fifth Element” and will be presented in the earthen amphitheater adjacent to the pavilion near the Firefly Trail.
Registration is not required. Attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets and will sit on the ground to watch the film on the large inflatable screen. Food and beverages will not be sold or provided at the park. Restrooms and water fountains will be available until the end of the screening.
Patrons can ride bikes or walk to the viewing area which is accessible from the Firefly Trail and Greenway Trail. Parking can also be utilized at both Dudley Park parking lots; 286 South Poplar Street and 1170 East Broad Street.
All park rules will be enforced, including; dogs always on leash, no alcohol, no smoking, and no grills/cooking.
For more information, please call 706-613-3800.
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Athens Water Festival
It's back! The annual Athens Water Festival at Sandy Creek Park! This special event is scheduled for Saturday, September 10 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. The Festival is free, however there is the $2 per person park entry fee.
Come have a dino-mite time at the Athens Water Festival! Join us for a T-Rexcellent time at the Athens Water Fesitval.The event offers dozens of water-themed events and activities for the whole family! Bring a refillable water bottle and a swimsuit..
For more information, please call 706-613-3729.
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No School? No Problem!
For more information, please call 706-613-3800.
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ACCGov Activities and Online RegistrationThe Athens-Clarke County Leisure Services Department offers a diverse selection of activities highlighting the arts, environmental science, recreation, sports, and holiday events for adults and children. All registration takes place online at
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ACCGov Leisure Services ScholarshipsThe Athens-Clarke County Leisure Services Department offers scholarship to qualifying Athens-Clarke County children. Scholarships allow participants to pay less than the program fee.
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