Dear Evergreen Colleagues,
As we close out this quarter, I have enormous gratitude for the heart that each of you poured into your work with students this quarter. There is no doubt that we are in a moment of change for Evergreen - yet the core of what matters hasn't changed. Helping students achieve the goals they've set for themselves and leave Evergreen inspired to be agents of change has always been and will continue to be the essence of our work. Take some time to reflect and rest so you can return with renewed enthusiasm.
The Learning and Teaching Commons newsletter is delivered to your inbox on the Friday of odd weeks of the quarter. Click here to read past newsletters.
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In lieu of an inclusive teaching tip this week, we've recast the recent message from Dean Tate Arunga expressing solidarity with our Asian and Pacific Islander communities in the wake of terrible violent shootings in the Atlanta area. We also recommend a recent op-ed, Hope Still Matters, recently penned by Mays Imad.
A Statement of Compassion from
The Evergreen State College, Tacoma
March 18th, 2021
The Evergreen State College Tacoma denounces the wrongful and heinous acts that led to the killings of 6 Korean women and 2 additional victims, while at their workplaces in the state of Georgia. We grieve the tragic loss of any lives on American soil but are all too aware of the pain experienced from targeting a specific group of people on the basis of ethnicity and/or gender. We declare that all intersections including race, ethnicity and gender be protected from such hateful crimes. Whole communities are left in shock and grief. These growing incidents are intolerable and must stop.
We take this opportunity to cherish more than a century of contributions by the Asian community in the production of innovation and the establishment of iconic industries in the USA. We understand that we are a nation of immigrants and that we are a better country because of the cultural ingenuity and tenacity of our Asian brothers and sisters.
This national tragedy calls for a moral reckoning of our collective consciousness. This is a time when we must search our hearts to show deep compassion and kindness for one another. It is imperative that we condemn the growing violence that enables any ethnic group of people to be terrorized and traumatized. They have a right to live and work in peace. Please join us as we rededicate our lives to changing the national course of action, guided by compassion and love.
In Community,
Marcia Tate Arunga, Ph.D. Dean,
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Highlights- The Evergreen State College Foundation, KairosPDX, and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) invite you to celebrate and honor the life of Andrew Ayala on Saturday, March 20 at 11 am. Pre-event registration is required.
- The Campus Climate Workgroup is hosting an Unlearning Racism Community Conversation on March 23 at 12 pm.
- Computing and Communications will be offering two upcoming opportunities to attend an Intro to Microsoft Teams Level 100 training for Evergreen community members. These are repeat sessions and recordings will be made available afterward. More information can be found in this recent email.
- Registration is open for the 2021 Equity Symposium: Wade in the Water.
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Washington Center Collaborative Series: Winter 2021
During the academic year, the Washington Center Collaborative host monthly conversations that provide a space for you to engage with fellow higher education scholars, practitioners and administrators on topics relevant to our collective work supporting student success. Join the Washington Center Collaborative Slack to continue the conversation, share resources, and connect with colleagues.
Post-COVID: What will we take forward?
Julia Metzker, Director of the Washington Center for Improving Undergraduate Education Evergreen State College
This last year has been like none other. Many of us have changed the way we teach and work drastically. We are moving into a season of anniversaries, which include loss and change. For the final conversation of the year, Julia Metzker will guide you through a structured reflection process designed to articulate the learning and growth we’ve experienced over the past year. And to make commitments to carry forward new approaches and practices.
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SAVE THE DATES: Curriculum Planning Retreathosted by the Washington Center & the Washington Learning Communities Consortium April 22, April 29 & May 6 | 3:30-5 PM PST
The curriculum planning retreat is designed to support faculty building integrative learning experiences for students. Sessions provide value for both those newer to integrative learning and those with many years of experience in linked or paired courses, clustered courses, first-year experience programs, living-learning communities, or coordinated studies programs.
This year, the event is reimagined in a remote-collective space over three consecutive Thursdays, providing time in-between for faculty to “retreat” for further reading, curriculum development, or engagement in program planning. The sessions will open with an all-star panel of learning community leaders who will address connections between integration and student success. This initial focus on student success will help frame subsequent sessions focused on designing integrative assignments and effective team-teaching (in face-to-face and remote learning environments). For those newer to integrative learning, the first session will also provide a brief history of integrative learning in Washington State.
- Why Learning Communities Matter & How Washington State Led the Charge
April 22, 3:30 - 5 pm PST - Designing Integrative Assignments: Leading Students to Transformative Learning
April 29, 3:30 - 5 pm PST - Team Teaching: Planning for Meaningful Integration in the Classroom and Online
May 6, 3:30 - 5 pm PST
Registration Fee: $25 for all three sessions
Registration Opens March 22, 2021
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TEACHING RESOURCES EdPuzzle is Now Available Through July 2021
EDpuzzle is a teaching tool used to place interactive content into pre-existing videos from a variety of sources, such as TED or YouTube, or into videos you have made. More information can be found here.
Request a Teaching Consultation
Do you have a teaching dilemma, issue or question? Is there an activity you are struggling to translate to remote teaching? Do you need some help designing asynchronous activities?
The Learning and Teaching Commons offers individual and small group remote teaching consultations. Consultations provide an opportunity to get direct feedback on your teaching puzzles. Click here for details.
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These individuals and offices are eager to support students remotely. Keep this list handy when advising students or reach out to schedule a visit to your program or course.
Academic Statement Support
The Writing Center has developed a guide to help students write Academic Statements. Please share this resource with your students. More information can be found in this recent email.
Virtual Commencement
Faculty, please alert your students that the deadline for participating in this year’s virtual commencement is Thursday, April 1st. For more information visit the Graduation webpage.
Spiritual Care Appointments
Faculty, please let your students know that they can now schedule confidential, virtual appointments where they can explore issues related to belonging, purpose, identity, grief/loss, joy/celebration, personal and communal values, religious/spiritual discernment, and self-care. It can be a space for students to vent, be present to and process their own feelings, or learn practices that assist with grounding & centering. Students can email Chaplain Melissa Bennett directly to schedule an appointment.
Other Resources:
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Curriculum Planning | 1-5pm
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