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Agency Rulemaking Highlights
Notable ActionsMethane Charges The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final rule to impose and collect an annual charge on methane emissions that exceed waste emissions thresholds imposed by Congress, as required by the Inflation Reduction Act. Effective January 17, 2025.
Toxic Substances Control Act: decaBDE and PIP (3:1) Exposure EPA issued a final rule revising regulations for decabromodiphenyl ether (decaBDE) and phenol, isopropylated phosphate (3:1) (PIP (3:1)): two persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic chemicals addressed in 2021 Toxic Substances Control Act regulations. This rule aims to address implementation issues and reduce potential human and environmental exposures to decaBDE and PIP (3:1). Effective January 21, 2025.
SNAP Utility Allowances The Food and Nutrition Service issued a final rule that revises the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) regulations for calculating standard utility allowances (SUA) and expanding allowable shelter expenses to include basic internet costs. The rule intends to ensure consistency and integrity in SUAs nationwide by requiring state agencies to submit their SUA methodologies for agency approval at least every 5 years, incorporating necessary revisions to baseline expenditure data and other methodology trends. Effective January 17, 2025.
Patent and Trademark Fee Updates
The Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) issued two final rules regarding setting and adjusting patent and trademark fees for fiscal year 2025. The fee adjustments for both patents and trademarks aim to provide PTO with sufficient revenue to cover the aggregate costs of patent and trademark operations, respectively, in future years. Trademark rule effective January 18, 2025; patent rule effective January 19, 2025.
Personal Financial Data Rights The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued a final rule to implement the personal financial data rights established in the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010. Under the rule, banks, credit unions, and other financial service providers must make consumers’ data available upon request to consumers and authorized third parties. The rule also defines obligations and privacy protections for third parties that access consumers’ data. Effective January 17, 2025.
US Investments in National Security Technologies The Department of the Treasury issued a final rule implementing Executive Order 14105, “Addressing United States Investments in Certain National Security Technologies and Products in Countries of Concern,” which requires US individuals to notify the Treasury of certain transactions with individuals from countries of concern that involve some national security technologies and products. Effective January 2, 2025.
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