Walk & Ride Challenge: October 17 - November 4
Registration for the 2022 Walk & Ride Challenge is open and free this year!
Get Your Team: Employees of any downtown Bethesda-based employer are eligible, from small businesses to giant organizations. Your team will compete with others from all around downtown Bethesda. Both in-office and teleworking (remote) employees may participate.
Get Registered: Register teams of three to five people for free! Each team member will need their email address to register and set up to start logging their steps on October 17. Regstration deadline is October 14.
Get Your Gear: Teams can use their own step trackers or request pedometers from BTS if needed. (Sorry, no t-shirts provided this year.)

Questions? Contact Brandan Stuckey at BTS (301-656-0868 x129 or Bstuckey@bethesda.org).
MDOT Walktober website

Walktober Spotlights Pedestrian Awareness

The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) is partnering with a variety of other agencies and organizations this month to promote and host events and webinars focusing on pedestrians' safety, health and commuting options.

Fun Fact
Walking is Maryland’s official state exercise. MDOT’s Walktober initiative is a great chance to discover:
  • How walking is an easy and accessible exercise.
  • How to safely use pedestrian infrastructure.
  • How to incorporate walking in your daily routines within the provisions of social distancing and other restrictions.

Free “Walkinars”
Join Walktober partners for four 90-minute webinars (uh…”walkinars”), hosted by the Maryland Department of Planning, on a variety of walking-related topics. Panelists will identify key resources to build, strengthen and sustain local partnerships and share new tools and technologies being used across the country to identify and plan for pedestrian-accessible routes for all ages and abilities. Learn more and register for the walkinars here.
  • Walkinar #1 — Thursday, October 6: National Perspectives on Walking and Pedestrian Safety: Where We Are and How We Move Forward
  • Walkinar #2 — Thursday, October 13: Equity and Walkability: Improving Pedestrian Infrastructure in Underserved Neighborhoods
  • Walkinar #3 — Thursday, October 20: Walking and Public Health: Research Insights into the Value of Active Living
  • Walkinar #4 — Thursday, October 27: Great Partners and Creative Approaches for Promoting Safe Walk Opportunities

Walk Maryland Day
Plus, October 5 has been officially designated as Walk Maryland Day! To celebrate, you’re encouraged to register as a walk leader or a “sole mate” (a walk participant). Registered walks can be:
  • Alone or in groups.
  • In parks or city neighborhoods.
  • Via wheelchairs or on treadmills.
  • Or wherever and however safe walking experiences are available.

Check out details here about Walk Maryland Day and register as a walk leader or sole mate.

Welcome Marriott

Commute Options Part of Marriott’s Efforts To Be a Good Neighbor
“Bethesda is a pretty great community to be a part of,” said Stacey Cohen, vice president of workplace management at Marriott International. Cohen spent the past six years coordinating the giant relocation project that brought the company’s headquarters to downtown Bethesda, and she manages the new headquarters building at 7750 Wisconsin Avenue.
Cohen explained that Bethesda has always been Marriott’s home. “Our first corporate headquarters was on River Road, and then we were at Fernwood Road for just over 40 years, so we have our roots in the area,” she said. “One of the big decisions about where to move to was, we wanted to join an established community and be a part of that community.”
Downtown Bethesda checked off all the boxes Marriott was looking for, including multiple mobility options for employees (whom the company refers to as associates). The new building’s proximity to the Bethesda Metro Station, which also provides easy access to multiple bus routes, means Marriott associates can make the most of their employer-provided transit subsidy. Associates can get up to $120 a month when they commute via public transportation.
“It’s flexible as to the type of public transit they choose to use, but our goal is to reduce the number of single-occupant vehicles on the road,” said Cohen. The transit benefit is administered by Marriott’s human resources department. The benefit is available to all 3,000+ associates at headquarters, she noted.
Like many employers during the pandemic, Marriott embraced remote work (what transportation experts have long called telework or telecommuting) as a way to continue daily operations while supporting public health mandates. Telework worked so well that the company decided to move forward with a hybrid approach that includes both remote and in-person work for all its associates at headquarters, except those, like janitors and engineers, whose jobs really must be done in person.
“We learned a lot about how to successfully work remotely,” said Cohen. “Our associates don’t have a fixed number of days per week in the office, but we encourage them to come in for collaborative encounters.”
Associates making the trip into downtown Bethesda via bicycle or scooter have access to 100 lockable bike cages in the headquarters basement garage. They also have convenient locker rooms available next to the bike cages.
For those associates who opt to drive — or carpool — to headquarters, Marriott is using technology to inspire the use of electric vehicles: The headquarters garage includes 66 EV charging stations. Cohen also plans to explore charging technology for electric bikes.
Marriott is sensitive to the effects of bringing its headquarters workforce into downtown, hence its support for telework and multiple commute options to keep traffic and parking impacts to a minimum.
“We definitely want to be a good neighbor,” said Cohen. “We just finished our move-in, so we’re in a mode right now of seeing where we end up and how we can best partner with the community while also taking care of our associates.”
Marriott associates with questions about alternatives to driving alone can contact Allison Kemp at Bethesda Transportation Solutions at 301-656-0868 Ext. 121 or AKemp@bethesda.org.

  • Bicycle donation drive will take place on October 14. See details here.
  • Bike lane project updates can be found here.
  • Take Ride On's Customer Satisfaction Survey before the October 7 deadline here.

Bethesda City Cycling Class October 8
Details are here.

Metro's New Map
View the new Metrorail map and why it changed here.
www.bethesdatransit.org |  (301) 656-0868
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