Please Help
Please Help
View online. September 26, 2017
Finger Prints of Faith
Ready for School
Casa de Fe School open for business!
Everyone is ready for school.
Dear Friends of Casa de Fe,
This has been a very blessed time in that we were able to purchase the new van for Casa de Fe, but on the other hand a very difficult time because we have been very low on operating funds and have not as yet been able to pay our employees for their August work. It is very hard to explain to them that we can buy a $40,000 vehicle but don’t have the money to pay their salaries. We really need your help! If you could see your way to helping with an extra or onetime donation to Casa de Fe’s general fund I am sure God will bless you for your generosity. We have a great staff of workers who care for the children of CdF and it is hard knowing we don’t have enough money to pay them. Please Help by clicking the donate button and donating to the general fund.

Personnel Needs
Pastor (Must be able to minister in Spanish)**
Health Care Manager
Therapists (Occupational, Physical, Speech)
Psychologist (Specializing in trauma and abuse in children. Must speak Spanish)
Help with managing teams on site
Maintenance/Construction Manager
Teachers or people willing to teach**
**urgent needs
Hope Extended Youtube page.
Casa de Fe Facebook page

Casa de Fe's
New Van
Thank you all for helping make the new van for CdF a reality. It is so nice to have reliable transportation for the Special Needs children to get to school. Having doors on both sides of the van makes it so  much easer to get the children in and out of the van.
Del Director
Damos  gracias al Creador de los Cielos y la tierra, porque nos ha permitido estar con vida hasta hoy con todos los que conformamos Casa de fe, pero sabemos que nuestro Padre nos ayudado y nunca se ha separado de nuestro lado, la cual es todas las cosas son para bien ya que nuestro Padre tiene el control de todo y estamos en los  planes de Él. 
En este comienzo de año fue muy preocupante para todos nosotros, porque se iniciaba clases y necesitábamos  todos los implementos para la escuela, pero nuestro Padre de los cielos nunca deja a su hijos, Dios toco un par de corazones  que nos regaló todos los cuadernos necesarios para la escuelas  y también al alcalde de Mera también nos ayudó con unas listas de útiles para los niños, pero a un nos falta las lista para los niños de la escuela especial, en si  todos los implementos para el año escolar fueron por los buenos corazones de mucha gente y de ustedes que nos ayudan aquí en Casa. 
Así que cada Quincena yo y un grupo de Tías nos trasladamos a la ciudad de Pelileo a la feria de legumbres en nuestro pequeño caminito, ahí en la feria vamos de puesto en puesto pidiendo unas donaciones de legumbres, las señoras de cada puesto generosamente nos obsequian , pero estas última quincena nuestro medio de trasporte el pequeño caminito se nos dañó, y nuestro hermano  de la Casa él nos ayudó a traer las cosas, pero su carro nos quedó muy pequeño asi que nos tocó alquilar una camioneta para traer toda las legumbre donadas.
Todas las actividades que realizamos para los niños, lo hacemos con mucho cariño ya que los cincuenta y ocho niños que se encuentra aquí en casa, son como nuestros hijos la cual los amamos, y hacemos todo el esfuerzo para que ellos se sientan contentos y felices.
Seguimos trabajando con el mismo ánimo y gozo con cada uno de los niños niñas adolescentes y discapacidades especiales que se encuentran aquí. Y a Ustedes gracias por las ayudas que realizan para nuestra casa y Que El Padre de los Cielos los bendiga mucho tanto en su familia, en su trabajo y en sus congregaciones.
Instruye al niño en su camino en su camino y aun cuando fuere viejo no se aparte de Él.            Prov. 22:6  

From the Director
We give thanks to the Creator of the Heavens and the earth, because he has allowed us to be alive until today, along with all those who are a part of Casa de Fe, but we know that our Father has helped us and has never separated from our side, trusting that all things are for good since our Father has control of everything and we are in His plans.
At the beginning of the school year it was very worrying for all of us, because we started classes and needed all the school supplies, but our Father in heaven never leaves his children, and God touched a pair of hearts that gave us all the necessary notebooks for the schools and also the Mayor of Mera who helped us with a list of supplies for the children. However, we still lack the supplies for the children of the special needs school, but we are very thankful for all the supplies for the school year that were given from the good hearts of many people and of you who help us here at Casa de Fe.
Every 2 weeks, I and a group of tias travel to the city of Pelileo to the vegetable market in our little truck, there at the market we go from vender to vender asking for donations of vegetables, which the sellers generously give, but these last two weeks our means of transportation, the truck was in for repair; thankfully a brother in Christ of CdF offered to help us to bring the donations, but his car was very small so we had to rent a van to bring all the donated vegetables.
All the activities we do for the fifty-eight children, we do it with a lot of affection since the children that are here are like our children, we love them, and we make every effort to make them feel happy.
We continue to work with the same spirit and joy for each of the children, adolescents and special disabilities that are here. And to you, thank you for the help you do for Casa and may the Father of Heaven bless you so much in your family, your work and your congregations.
Train up a child the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it. Prov 22: 6

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