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Second Edition of Ependymoma Guide Now Available!

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

The objective of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month is to spotlight cancers that affect children, survivorship issues and raise additional funds for research and family support.
One way you can help with this cause is by sharing information about ependymoma with others.
• Ependymoma is the third most common brain tumor in children. 
• Ependymoma is the most common type of primary spinal cord tumor in children.
• Approximately 250 children are diagnosed with an ependymoma per year.
Approximately185 children (0-14) per year.
• Approximately 50 teenagers (15-18) per year.
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Ependymoma Guide

Order A FREE Ependymoma Guide

We are now printing the second edition of our Ependymoma Guide to provide you with the basic facts surrounding ependymoma, its diagnosis and treatment.
If you would like to order a FREE copy of the guide, send the following information to Your name, mailing address, phone or e-mail. Indicate if you would like a pdf or mailed copy.


CERN Inspirational Story
By Katie (Henry’s Mummy)
Imagine… Imagine being told your child is seriously ill.
Imagine crying until you think there’s nothing left.
Imagine feeling like you’ve been punched in the stomach and wandering the corridors, as if your life was on pause for days on end, not able to comprehend what is happening.
Imagine signing a consent form knowing that death is an option.
Imagine having to hand over your child to surgeons for endless hours and waiting…
Imagine having to watch as your once active child isn’t even able to open their eyes for a week.
Imagine the terror…
Imagine the pain of having to leave your baby in the care of strangers and not be able to sleep by their side.
Imagine standing by as your baby’s body is pumped full of poison.
Imagine holding your baby while someone holds a mask over their face as they struggle in fright.
Imagine holding your baby countless times as someone sticks needles in them while they scream.
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