Welcome to Puget Sound's faculty-staff e-newsletter
Welcome to Puget Sound's faculty-staff e-newsletter
Two new shows open at Kittredge Gallery, Aug. 28 Class of 2021 on Storify
Welcome back, Loggers! Today we begin a new academic year at Puget Sound and a new semester of Open Line. Check your inbox every Monday morning for campus news, events, and announcements you need to know.
KNOW THIS campus news and announcements
It's all about the strategy. Next month campus will begin the important process of strategic planning, developing our vision for the university for the next decade. All members of the Puget Sound community are encouraged to participate in this process. Learn more at pugetsound.edu/strategicplan, and plan to attend the Strategic Planning Community Conversation on Wednesday, Sept. 6, from 3 to 4 p.m., in the Tahoma Room. Questions or comments? Contact strategicplan@pugetsound.edu.
What did President Crawford say? If you were unable to attend the President's Welcome for Faculty and Staff last week, you can read a transcript of President Crawford's remarks online. You also can find the text of President Crawford's messages to the campus community on the Office of the President pages of our website.
Share an evening of scholarship, debate, and dinner. Jess K. Smith, theatre arts and founding artistic director of ARTBARN, will explore site-specific and immersive theater productions at the first Daedalus Dinner of the semester on Wednesday, Sept. 20. Reserve your seat ($15) by Sept. 13, by calling x3207.
Plan for life after Puget Sound. Consultants with TIAA-CREF will be on campus this fall to answer questions about saving for retirement. Individual sessions will be held in Wyatt 226, on Sept. 13–14, Oct. 11–12, Nov. 8–9, and Dec. 6–7. To schedule your appointment, call 800.732.8353 or visit tiaa-cref.org/ScheduleNow
More news
DO THIS featured event
Classes begin, Aug. 28.
Am I Safe? Clarissa Sligh, and One. Dot. Sumi, Fumiko Kimura, through Sept. 23, Kittredge Gallery.
LogJam! 2017, Sept. 1, 5 p.m., Todd Field.
Belt it out. Interested in performing the national anthem at an upcoming home game? The Loggers need you. Call x3974 or email gwalz@pugetsound.edu to learn more.
Register your vehicle. All faculty/staff vehicles must be registered with Security Services at the start of each academic year. Go to myPugetSound and follow the Vehicle Registration link under the Campus Operations menu to register your car.
LoggerUP. Check out the Logger volleyball games and cross country invitational at home this week!
Get ready for LogJam! 2017!
More events
BE PROUD noteworthy accomplishments
Nese Devenot, humanities, co-authored the article "Cancer at the Dinner Table: Experiences of Psilocybin-Assisted Psychotherapy for the Treatment of Cancer-Related Distress" in the upcoming issue of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology
Vanessa Koelling, biology, co-authored the article "Effect of Expanded Variation in Anther Position on Pollinator Visitation to Wild Radish, Raphanus raphanistrum" in the journal Annals of Botany.
Jan Leuchtenberger, Asian studies, was awarded the 2016–17 Dirk Andrew Phibbs Memorial Research Award for her project “The Influence of Jesuit Politics on Early European Discourse About Japan." This award was established in 1999 to honor and encourage teaching and the exploration of new ideas, and to gain new perspectives in other cultures through travel. Recipients are selected by the University Enrichment Committee.
Work by Janet Marcavage, art and art history, will be included in Try to See it My Way, an exhibition of prints dealing with optical phenomena, curated by Travis Janssen at the Surplus Gallery at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. The exhibition runs Sept. 11–29.
Dawn Padula, music, released the album Gracious Moonlight, with songs by Rob Hutchinson, music, and featuring music faculty members Tanya Stambuk and Catherine Case. Logger Aidan Glaze ’18 recorded, mixed, and mastered the release, and recent alumnus Michael Stahl ’17 designed the album art.
Jennifer Utrata, sociology and anthropology, recently published a chapter in the new edited volume Grandparents in Cultural Context (Routledge). The chapter is titled "Grandmothers in Russia's Matrifocal Families: Shoring Up Family Life."
Brag about yourself
The Class of 2021 has arrived! See all the #pugetsoundbound photos, tweets, and posts on the Class of 2021 Storify.

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