This October, in recognition of National Principals Month, we have the privilege of honoring you, our ESD 105 school leaders! We want you to know that we value each and every one of you and the essential role that you serve in our region. You spend your days, nights and sometimes weekends and holidays investing in your students and staff, often at the expense of your own personal lives. It does not go unnoticed.
In your work, you brave each day to show up to provide much needed care for our students who are experiencing the biggest challenges, for our staff who need the most support and for our communities who look up to you for strength, stability and guidance. It does not go unnoticed.
Today, and every day, we hope you wear a smile knowing that you're respected, valued and celebrated by all of your colleagues here at ESD 105! We thank you for your unending work and commitment to paving the way for the future of our region!
We invite you to invest in yourselves this year. We provide opportunities for support and development through various Principal PLCs and open office hours geared toward both general and specific needs and audiences.
Comprehensive School Counseling |
School Administrators!
As you continue working on your Comprehensive School Counseling Programs, aligning with SSB-5030, we wanted to provide several opportunities to support you and your school counselors. In partnership with Hatching Results and OSPI, we will be hosting two FREE full-day sessions. These sessions are designed for your teams to come together to continue the CSCP work.
Fall Session: December 2, 2022 (9 am to 3 pm at ESD 105)
Tailored to CSCP site teams (including supervising administrators), this full-day working session will provide an opportunity for distraction-free, off-site analysis and planning time. Walk away with an actionable, realistic 2022-2023 plan for making incremental changes in CSCP staff use of time and Tier 1 CSCP supports as we seek to align further to 5030 and the ASCA National Model.
Spring Session, April 11, 2023 (9 am to 3 pm at ESD 105)
Tailored to CSCP site teams (including supervising administrators), this full-day working session will provide an opportunity for distraction-free, off-site analysis and planning time. Walk away with an actionable, realistic plan for aligning your CSCP to evidence-based practice at Tiers 2 and 3 and evaluating the CSCP’s impact on student outcomes, efficiency, and effectiveness.
In alignment with these offerings, OSPI and Hatching Results will offer four webinars throughout the year. Here you will find the session dates, times, and PdErnoller links.
For more information on ESD 105 School Counselor Support, click here.
Although we already knew it, COVID brought home the importance of leadership within our schools and districts. At every turn, you were relentless in ensuring your students and staff were safe, both physically and emotionally, while making sure there was access to as much learning as possible. COVID, however, also ushered in some practices out of necessity that went against what we know to be best, and some of these have remained part of our continued post-COVID journey. While exceptions existed, many of us were tethered to our offices. Collaboration focused on evidence-based practices and student learning waned, while a more isolationist and survivalist mentality was pervasive. And, leaders being out of their offices or schools for their own professional learning, was deemed non-essential because of the many pressing issues you faced.
Now, as we continue to re-emerge from this pandemic cloud, it is time for us as a region to recommit to learning together. It can’t be put off any longer. Engaging in dialogue around problems of practice, being in classrooms to sharpen our instructional expertise and listening to student voice is how we should be collectively spending our time together.
The job of school leadership is to remove barriers, increase capacity in others, and bring clarity to the fundamental purpose of improving equitable outcomes for each student. This cannot be done in isolation. We hope that you see the value in the work of SCWIN, and we ask you to commit, or recommit, to this network for the good of our region. In turn, we commit to doing our best to create meaningful learning experiences each and every session.
Superintendents and their designees are invited to join us for our 20th year of SCWIN! The South Central WA Instructional Network (SCWIN) brings school district leaders together for continuous learning and reflection amongst their peers, maintaining a focus on system leadership of teaching, learning and equity.
We will focus on three essential questions:
- How do central office leaders deepen their connections to students and remain student-centered while working with adults?
- How can central office leaders authentically center principals and their work?
- How can central office leaders lead for equity and inclusion in different local contexts?
CEL as a principal leadership network includes 6 days of Problems of Practice hosted in selected district sites, including opportunities for embedded knowledge building. In addition to our onsite district meetings, we are also tentatively planning a summer retreat to be held July 31-August 1 TBA.
Sessions have already begun for 2022-23, but it's not too late to join us!
OSPI in partnership with AESD is launching the second year of the PreK-3rd Grade Leadership Network for administrator teams seeking to identify and develop district level improvements focused on the early years. Participants will learn about key strategies related to early learning to ensure elementary schools are organized and supported to provide high-quality learning opportunities across the early grades. Participants will also network with other districts.
Click here for more information and to register online!
Migrant Education Convening
The purpose of the ESD 105 Migrant Education Program Convening is to provide migrant staff and educators with an opportunity to learn from each other and plan for delivering services to meet the unique needs of migrant children, youth, and their families.
In the training participants will learn:
• Effective strategies to support migrant student and their families
• Building a collaborative learning community
• ESD services available to support districts in fulfilling their MEP obligations
• MEP Updates
Learn more and register
Perfect for district/building leadership teams, teacher PLCs, Balanced Calendar & other implementation teams & more!
Learn how to find & fix gaps in your system to better support students! Cohort 3 members will walk away with an understanding of the fundamental Improvement Science concepts and gain hands-on experience using proven methods and tools.
Learn more and register teams
A Picture Says A 1000 Words |
We've probably all heard the adage that a picture says a thousand words. The phrase is old, but the sentiment is especially important in the age of modern websites and social media.
More than ever, people are scrolling through feeds displaying image after image, after video, and they generate opinions on topics based on what they see! I recently read an article that shared that content paired with effective imagery was 94% more impactful than posts with no image.
Be thoughtful about the images that you use on your websites and social media pages. Each time you share an image, you are sharing a story about who you are and what you value as a school and as a district.
Pay attention to the facial expressions of those you're featuring. Sad, scared and bored students and staff don't send the message you're looking to convey.
You don't need to have a fancy camera or dozens of pictures from a single event to show what a great success it was. Grab your cellphone, snap a few photos and then pick your top 3-5 high-quality images and share away!
Try taking pictures from different angles, not always straight-on with kids posing. Instead, get down at student level and show close-ups of them engaged in learning. Try to show how different students are engaging in the same lesson in their own unique ways.
Your images should accurately reflect who you are, both your students and your staff. Make sure to spotlight ALL students, doing what they love to do. Don't only feature sports teams, but try to show a wide range of clubs and activities, feature students with disabilities and from varied ethnicities and cultures.
As often as you can, showcase your staff doing what they do best... engaging students! Parents love to see what their kids are doing while they're at school and seeing them smiling and engaged with staff helps build trust and pride in the programs that you're offering.
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If you have a communications crisis or question, we're here to help! You can reach the ESD 105 public relations & marketing department at brittany.kaple@esd105.org or by phone at (509) 314-5586.
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