January 2019

Among the Columbian College faculty getting press during December were the following individuals:



Alison Brooks was featured in the Smithsonian Magazine article “What We Learned About Our Human Origins in 2018.”

Roy Richard Grinker authored the article “Being Trans Is Not a Mental Disorder” for The New York Times

Bernard Wood was quoted by Science News in the article "‘Little Foot’ skeleton analysis reignites debate over the hominid’s species."

Arts & Design

Dana Tai Soon Burgess was featured by The Georgetowner in the article “Portrait Gallery’s Resident Choreographer Speaks.”


Arnaud Martin’s research was featured in the article “A Hands-On Look At Gene-Editing Technique CRISPR, Which Could Be A Game-Changer For Ag” on the KUNC/Community Radio for Northern Colorado website.


Akos Vertes was quoted by Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News in the article “Unraveling the Secrets inside Single Cells.”


Tara Sinclair was quoted by The New York Times in the article “What Is a Recession, and Why Are People Talking About the Next One?


Michael Mann was quoted by KQED-FM, San Francisco, in the article “Wildland Development Escalates California Fire Costs.”

Media and Public Affairs

Ari Bevacqua authored The New York Times article “Bringing Yoga to a Newsroom or Workplace Near You.”
Emma Briant was featured in the USA Today article “Steve Bannon: Fired architect of Trump's campaign insists he's still relevant. Others aren't so sure.'"
Dante Chinni co-authored the NBC News articles “Where Americans stand apart (and together) on holiday gifts” and “Up Next: 2020 Senate contests come into focus.”
David Ensor was quoted by NPR in “Voice Of America Vows Independence, As Trump Calls For ‘Worldwide Network.’” and by the Los Angeles Times in “Trump says he wants a government-run media outlet. He’s ignored the one he has — so far.”

Peter Loge authored “The logistics of changing the world: why new members of Congress should treat their offices like businesses” in The Hill.

Ethan Porter spoke to Al Jazeera for the segment “Russia used all major social media platforms to aid Trump: report.” His research was featured by The Economist in the article “What psychology experiments tell you about why people deny facts.”
Frank Sesno joined CNN's Reliable Sources to reflect on the life and legacy of George H.W. Bush, appeared on CNN’s Smerconish for the segment “Trump’s Biggest Foe: Conservative Media?’’ and spoke to WNET’s GZERO World With Ian Bremmer for the segment “America, Divided.’’ He was quoted by The New York Times in the article “Troubled by Lapses, Government’s Voice to the World Braces for New Trump Management,” by Variety in “The Gradual Disappearing Act of the White House Daily Press Briefing,” by Sinclair Broadcast Group in “Coverage of Trump's Christmas visit to Iraq reignites war with media,” by The Associated Press in “Media coverage contrast’s George H.W. Bush’s era with Trump” and in Politico’s "Morning Media Roundup."
Nikki Usher authored the Nieman Journalism Lab article “Three Ways National Media Will Further Undermine Trust” and the Slate article “Bring Back the AIM Away Message.”

Political Science

Sarah Binder authored the articles “Three reasons you should be startled by how the Senate rebuked Trump” and “The shutdown is just the finale. Here are five takeaways from the Republican Congress’s chaotic 2018” for The Washington Post. She was quoted by The Associated Press in the article “No tea party here: Democrats can’t wait to govern.” She commented on President Trump’s criticism of the Federal Reserve and Chairman Jerome Powell for several media outlets including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Bloomberg and Marketplace

Henry Farrell authored the articles "Rudy Giuliani is Trump’s cybersecurity adviser. He might want a refresher" and “Britain has plunged into Brexit chaos. Here are the key facts” for The Washington Post, and co-authored “The Huawei arrest made the stock market tank. Trump may not even have known about it” for the Post

Marc Lynch was featured in the Washington Post article “How a chilling Saudi cyberwar ensnared Jamal Khashoggi.”

Mike Mochizuki was quoted by Japan Today in the article “TPP 11 now a reality, raises bar for Japan's multiparty approach.”

David Shambaugh spoke to War on the Rocks for the podcast "Jaw-Jaw — Vicious Cycle: The Opening and Closing of Chinese Politics." He was quoted by the South China Morning Post in the article "From doves to hawks: why the US’ moderate China watchers are growing skeptical about Beijing."

John Sides was quoted by Vox in the article “The Republican Party versus democracy.”

Organizational Sciences and Communication 

David Costanza was quoted by the Dutch newspaper Trouw in the article “We Label People Because it is so Easy.”


Public Policy and Public Administration 

Stephanie Riegg Cellini was quoted by NPR in the article “Does More Federal Aid Raise Tuition Costs? Not For Most Students, Research Says.”

Kathryn Newcomer and visiting researcher Quentin Wilson wrote an answer to the question "How can public servants integrate evidence into policy?” for the website apolitical.

Regulatory Studies Center

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