image of a smiling person wearing glasses in front of a white background.

Congratulations! Well Done! Kudos! 👏🥳 

Dear Evergreen Colleagues,
This is the final newsletter of a remarkable year. There are many, many accomplishments to recognize and many people to thank. I am devoting this newsletter to offering gratitude and congratulations! I hope you will join me by sending a note of appreciation to a colleague (or two).

First, congratulations to all the greeners who will be celebrating their graduation today! We are so proud of you and excited to see the inventive ways you will put what you learned at Evergreen to use.
Many congratulations to the Evergreen faculty that achieved important milestones of retirement and conversion...

Recently Retired:

Marianne Bailey, Terry Ford, Ruth Hayes, Pat Krafcik, Jim Neitzel, Sarah Ryan

Recently Converted:

Lalita Calabria, John Caraher, Kris Coffey, Cali Ellis, Dion Gouws, Shawn Hazboun, Vuslat Katsanis, Prita Lal, Maria Isabel Morales, Melissa Nivala, Brad Proctor

I want to extend a personal thank you to the members of the Learning and Teaching Commons Advisory Council who provided such valuable support and advice during a year of what seemed like constant “rapid retooling” - Thank you for your resilience and creative energy!

Learning and Teaching Commons Advisory Committee

Eric Stein, Sonja Wiedenhaupt, Pauline Yu, Anthony Zaragoza, Julia Heineccius, Eirik Steinhoff, Stephen Beck, Ariel Birks, Robin Bond, Ashley Williams, Rachel Homchick, Bonnie Walden, Kel Lane, and Sandy Yannone 

And finally I want to express a very special thank you to Eric Stein who served as the 2020-2021 Learning and Teaching Commons Faculty Scholar. In this role, Eric made important contributions to learning and teaching at Evergreen. I invite all of you to offer a give back for Eric at

See you at graduation (!
In Community, 
The Learning and Teaching Commons newsletter is delivered to your inbox on the Friday of odd weeks of the quarter. Click here to read past newsletters.


  • Please celebrate the service of the retiring and emeritus-elect faculty. Their contributions to our students and the college have been vast and outstanding. Congratulations to Marianne Bailey, Terry Ford, Ruth Hayes, Pat Krafcik, and Sarah Ryan! 
  • Nancy Murray will be the next Faculty Chair. Many thanks to Nancy for taking on this role and for John Caraher’s service as the outgoing Faculty Chair. More information can be seen in this email.
  • Dr. John Carmichael will take on the role of interim college president for approximately two years, and Dr. Dexter Gordon will be serving as executive vice president. For more information on this exciting announcement, review this recent email.
  • Please show some virtual appreciation for Eric Stein, this year's Learning and Teaching Commons Faculty Scholar. You can create a note of appreciation by visiting this page. More information about Eric’s wonderful contributions to the Commons this year can be found in this email.
  • Hannah Simonetti, Director of Climate and Belonging Education and First Peoples Multicultural Trans & Queer Support Services has accepted a position as Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Bellingham Technical College. Please join IESS in honoring Hannah by contributing to her Kudoboard. For more information, review this recent email
  • Kelsey Thiem and Mary Kite from Ball State University are conducting a study that explores faculty views and practices about sharing teaching materials. They hope to have responses from a cross-disciplinary group of faculty and welcome Evergreen faculty to participate. For more information, visit this page
 page of text showing the use of the digital annotation tool Hypothesis
Evergreen Faculty Sarah Williams Using the Annotation Tool Hypothesis

Teaching Tool Spotlight: Hypothesis

"Writing in the margins has always been an essential activity for students.  Annotation helps in reading comprehension and in developing critical thinking about course materials.  Adding Hypothesis for collaborative web annotation in Canvas supports student success by placing active discussion right on top of program readings, enabling students and faculty to add comments and start conversations in the margins of texts."

~ Feedback from a Member of the Faculty
Collaborative web annotation with Hypothesis has been available in Canvas at Evergreen since Winter 2019.  Pre-pandemic, about 2 or 3 programs and classes used it each quarter.  When we went remote in Spring 2020, usage spiked.  In 2020-2021 so far, we’ve had about 500 unique student annotators in programs and classes that spanned all academic divisions.  About 13,000 annotations were written.  Now, about 30 programs and classes have used Hypothesis, including, to name only a few, Literary Arts Foundations / Foundational Studio Projects in the Visual Arts / Eating in Translation / Refugees, Migrants, Borders, and Walls / Culture, Text and Language in World Societies Capstone / The Fungal Kingdom / and Mathematical Systems.

Hypothesis Updates

Evergreen has renewed Hypothesis in Canvas through the end of June 2022.  Also, Hypothesis has a new beta feature which is available to all right now.  This feature allows you to see all annotations across your program, without regard to which individual assignment the annotations were part of.  You can filter this view by user, so this could be very helpful as you write narrative evaluations – you can see one student’s entire corpus of annotations in your program or course without having to go from assignment to assignment.  Here is a very short tutorial on how to access this new feature.

For more on Hypothesis at Evergreen, contact Paul McMillin or Bridget Irish.  Hypothesis is easy to use, and you can be up and running in 15 to 20 minutes.  Paul is always happy to give a 20-minute introduction to Hypothesis to any faculty team that is considering using it for the first time, and/or to visit your program to help introduce a first Hypothesis assignment to your students.

Evergreen Faculty Present on Collaborative Web Annotation at the National CIEL Conference

In other annotation news, four Evergreen faculty presented “Annotation Lab” at the national CIEL (Consortium for Innovative Environment in Learning) conference in April. To review a quick visual tour of some highlights from the 4 presentations, visit the Commons blog.



Engaging Students in Learning Communities: Lessons Learned and Best Practices

Facilitated by Richie Gebauer, Cabrini University, David Finley, Chandler-Gilbert Community College, and Rita Sperry, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Learning communities have always had to adapt to a constant evolution of student needs, but this year LC practitioners had the added challenge of designing engaging and meaningful experiences in new virtual, hybrid, or modified face-to-face settings. As we wrap up a difficult 2020-2021 academic year, we would like to help our LCA members take some time to reflect on and share the lessons learned from this past year, many of which will likely become part of our best practices for LC work moving forward. The discussion will include both linked course LC models, as well as residential LCs and LLCs. 
DATE: Wednesday, June 16, 2021
TIME: 1:00 pm PT 
-- just join us at the Zoom link
Join Zoom Session Here!


If you registered for any of Evergreen’s 2021 summer institutes, or signed up for any waitlists, you can check your status by visiting this page.
If you think you are on any registration lists or waitlists in error, or need to cancel your participation in an institute, please eMail the Learning and Teaching Commons as soon as possible. We have healthy waitlists for many institutes, and may be able to move a waitlisted participant into the institute if you cannot attend.
We look forward to supporting your learning this summer. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Check Registration Here!



Online Learning Consortium

Don't forget to explore the resources available to you through the Online Learning Consortium! Evergreen holds an institutional membership to the Online Learning Consortium. As a member institution, faculty have access to free webinars, and other online teaching and learning resources. Members also receive special discounts on workshops, teaching certificate programs, conferences and events. 

To access your member benefits, create your free user account here. Be sure to use your Evergreen email to create your account. 

EdPuzzle is Now Available Through July 2021

EDpuzzle is a teaching tool used to place interactive content into pre-existing videos from a variety of sources, such as TED or YouTube, or into videos you have made. More information can be found here.   

Request a Teaching Consultation 

Do you have a teaching dilemma, issue or question? Is there an activity you are struggling to translate to remote teaching? Do you need some help designing asynchronous activities?
The Learning and Teaching Commons offers individual and small group remote teaching consultations. Consultations provide an opportunity to get direct feedback on your teaching puzzles. Click here for details.


These individuals and offices are eager to support students remotely. Keep this list handy when advising students or reach out to schedule a visit to your program or course.

Basic Needs Center- 1st Floor of the CAB

Students now have access to a space every Monday and Friday from 3pm-6pm to procure basic items. Students may schedule an appointment to pick up items such as PPE, library books, clothes, and hygiene items. Please let your students know about this resource.   

Hungry Greener Program

If you know of Evergreen students that are concerned about where they will get their next meal, this program will provide limited funds to eligible students that can be used confidentially in The Greenery using a current student ID card. Because the block meals will appear on ID cards, others will not know that the blocks have been donated. Complete a simple application for more information.

Other Resources:

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