Finish Strong with Support from the Learning and Teaching Commons
Here at the midpoint of Spring Quarter, it feels like time is suddenly going into fast forward, rushing towards the conclusion of the academic year. A lot of the work being done in the Commons now is focused on a strong finish to 2023-2024 and kicking off a successful Summer Institute season.
First, we want to celebrate all of our faculty accomplishments this year. If you haven’t already submitted a Faculty Note highlighting the great work you’ve done, it’s not too late! The deadline is May 15th, and we are working on plans to exhibit and feature these Faculty Notes to make sure contributors are recognized throughout the coming academic year.
Second, don’t miss out on some timely workshops to support your work as you wrap up the semester. Tuesday, May 9 the Washington Center invites authors of the book Learning that Matters: A Field Guide to Course Design for Transformative Education to present a virtual workshop on Making Courses Memorable: Beginning and Ending (REGISTER). All faculty are also invited to join us for our final New Faculty Workshops of the year: May 15th Sam Fennel has prepared a special edition of LGBTQ+ 101 for faculty (REGISTER) and on June 5th Sandy Yannone will be providing insights into supporting Academic Statements and reflective writing in All’s Well that Ends Well. Check the Commons Event Calendar for times and details of all upcoming events.
Finally, if you haven’t yet scanned the Summer Institutes program and registered, now is the time! Registration is open until June 12. Make sure you secure a spot before registration fills for your selected institutes.
View all institutes in our Program
Space is limited, register today!
May 15th, 3:15-5:00 PM | SEM II E3123 & Zoom
Everyone is welcome to join the new faculty for this workshop.
An introductory workshop for those at all levels of LGBTQ+ knowledge. Come learn about LGBTQ+ statistics, language and scenarios. This training is an opportunity to learn about LGBTQ+ identities, gender and sexuality, and examine prejudice, assumptions, and privilege. This is an opportunity to come and ask questions and learn how to support the Evergreen State College LGBTQ+ community.
Learn more →
June 5th, 3:15-5:00 PM | Zoom
Everyone is welcome to join the new faculty for this workshop.
Reflective writing is a high-impact practice that can be incorporated into any course with the right strategies and support. Join us for this workshop facilitated by Sandy Yannone, Director of the Writing Center, for insights into guiding student reflective writing with an emphasis on developing Academic Statements. We'll also be joined by program secretary Julie Rahn to discuss the importance of careful editing to ensure the quality of final submissions.
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The Learning and Teaching Commons celebrates notable faculty accomplishments through Faculty Notes. Each year we collect notable publications, presentations, appearances, recognitions, awards, exhibits, performances, research, or other accomplishments to celebrate the incredibly talented faculty at Evergreen.
Washington Center Collaborative Workshop
Making Courses Memorable: Beginning and Ending
Too often we open courses by reviewing the syllabus and end them with a final exam. In both cases, we squander critical opportunities to engage learners, build relationships, and reflect. In this interactive workshop, the facilitators will help translate ideas from Priya Parker’s The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters to education, and participants will apply those ideas to course design. Participants will plan course introductions that welcome and build community and course conclusions that allow for looking inward and looking outward.
facilitated by :
Cynthia Alby, Georgia College and State University Karynne Kleine, Georgia College and State University JuliA Metzker, The Evergreen State College Caralyn Zehnder, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Tuesday, May 9th, 2023 | 9:00 - 10:15 am (Pacific Time)
Zoom-Registration Required
The Washington Center Collaborative is a space for higher education faculty, scholars, practitioners, and administrators to discuss emergent issues with colleagues at other campuses.
| Do you have a teaching puzzle? The Learning and Teaching Commons offers individual and small group remote teaching consultations.
There will be an Academic Statement workshop for students on May 17th 1-2:30pm in Evans 1001. Please remind your students to attend.
You will be able to do all the things you can now. Only the look and feel of how you do them will change. Details on the changes and helpful support resources for navigating the new look and feel will be released with the launch.
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Holistic Advising Conversation
You’ve probably heard the buzz about holistic advising at Evergreen, but what does that really mean? To shape a model for holistic advising, we want to build upon the wisdom of the many staff and faculty on campus who advise students. If you feel you advise students in any way, please consider joining a 1.5-hour conversation in week 8 where we will explore Evergreen’s approach to advising.
To participate, please complete a brief survey to identify your availability and share some information about your current advising practices.
Take the Survey →
| May 12 | 10am-12:30pm | Zoom
Fostering Connection and Belonging: Practical Strategies for Creating Inclusive Learning Communities
How can cultivating psychological safety foster belonging?
This workshop is designed for educators and learning community practitioners who are committed to creating supportive learning environments that foster connection and belonging. We will explore inclusive professional communities through the lens of psychological safety. Participants will leave with tools to improve the psychological safety in their learning communities and working teams.
June 2 | Virtual | Free!
The Accessibility Summer Camp is a FREE annual conference with the goal of connecting professionals and educators with best practices in accessibility and Universal Design. Over the past few years, the ASC conference has grown to become one of the most popular accessibility conferences in the country.Our mission is to provide accessibility professional development that empowers attendees to create high quality, accessible learning environments while removing barriers for all individuals who have a desire to learn.
Learn more →
The Evergreen State College’s Tribal Acknowledgements |
These individuals and offices are eager to support students. Keep this list handy when advising students or reach out to schedule a visit to your program or course.
The Greener Hub connects students in touch with the people, offices, and services they need.
- Visit the Daniel J. Evans Library page to learn about student access to electronic and print materials.
- Refer students to the Writing Center and the Quantitative & Symbolic Reasoning Center for tutoring support.
TRiO provides wraparound services to first-generation, low income, and disabled students.
Media Services offers equipment, instruction, and production services in audio, video, animation, film, and photography for students, faculty, and staff.
The Title IX office is available to support us in our responsibilities as mandatory reporters. Review the Guide for Responsible Employees for more information.
Connect your students with Advising and Career Services for support with academic planning and career exploration.
Access Services for Students with Disabilities works with admitted Evergreen students to ensure equal access to academic programs and services.
Submit your student concerns to the Campus Assessment, Response & Evaluation (CARE) Team. This cross-divisional team directs students towards supportive campus resources.
The basic needs center provides resources for a variety of student needs.
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