The next Financial Stress Reduction® Workshop Telecourses begin soon!
The next Financial Stress Reduction® Workshop Telecourses begin soon!
Chellie Campbell, Financial Stress Reduction Speaker, Author, Coach

September 6, 2017                    News from Chellie Campbell                090617

Dear Dolphins,
People are weird about money.
Studies have shown that people are twice as afraid of losing their money as they are hopeful of gaining money. Most people look at the price of the thing they want first, and if it doesn’t fit comfortably within their budget (or what they think their budget is since most people don’t have a written budget), they just say no and don’t buy it.
But some things that you want to buy, even if they’re expensive, are worth the investment because the pay-off they will create in the future justifies the expense now.
For example, most people understand that college is a worthwhile investment, even though it’s very expensive, because it will add many thousands of dollars to your future earning power.
People are used to this evaluation and so even though making the investment in college may be difficult for their budget, it’s worth it for the future pay-off. People who sell high-priced goods and services need to be able to help their customers see the long-term value of making the investment in terms of future benefits. The difficulty is that when people feel insecure about their money, their fear of financial insecurity is heightened and it’s more difficult for them to place a bet on the future with money they have to spend today.
When these fears come up for your prospect, you’re going to hear them say, “I can’t right now”, “maybe”, “later”, “I’ll have to ask my (wife, husband, partner, accountant)”, “let me think about it”, “I don’t have the time”, “I don’t have the money”, etc.
So what are your counters to their objections? What are you going to say to convince them to spend money now for their future good? People will need your help to make this decision!
Here’s an example from “The Wealthy Spirit” about just such a conversation:
To Get Your Goals You Have to Ask the Right Questions
A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.”—George Patton
Ted and his girlfriend, Tina, were two young chiropractors building their lives and their businesses together. Cheerful, upbeat, and fun, they enrolled in my workshop in order to get clarity and focus on their financial goals. They mentioned that they knew one of the best ways to expand their business would be to buy another existing medical practice. I congratulated them on their astute reasoning, as it is often much easier and faster to buy a business than to build one patient by patient on their own. They asked me to keep a lookout for a business they might buy.
As often happens when a goal is clearly stated, a plan mapped out, and then presented to people who might assist with its accomplishment, it wasn’t long before a friend of mine, Ken, who owned a holistic medical center told me he wanted to sell his practice. He was delighted when I told him I might have a buyer! Excited at the prospect of helping three people achieve their goals by playing matchmaker, I couldn’t wait to tell Ted and Tina when they came to see me that afternoon.
“How much money does he want for it?” was the first question Tina asked.
“$250,000,” I replied.
“That’s too much money!” She exclaimed. “Forget it.”
“Wait a minute,” I interrupted. “You have asked the wrong question, didn’t like the answer and now you’re about to reject this deal without investigating further!” (In AA circles, they call this “contempt prior to investigation.”)
Tina paused. “Yeah, but we can’t afford $250,000,” she started to say, then caught herself as I shook my head and reached for a “No Yeah, but” button. “Okay,” she laughed, “What’s the right question?”
“The most important question is not how much it costs, but how much money does the business make,” I replied. “If the business generated $35 million per year, you’d find a way to come up with $250,000 wouldn’t you? Because that would be a fabulous profit for you.”
Tina and Ted laughed. “You’re right about that!” Ted said. “And maybe we could make payments over time or get a loan to purchase the business outright. Give us Ken’s number and we’ll look into this further.”
Although this particular deal did not materialize, Tina and Ted learned the importance of asking the right questions. How many times do we stop ourselves from going for our goals because we asked the wrong question or let an old belief or attitude convince us we couldn’t have it? It is a habit of thought that begins “That won’t work because…”
Replace that thought with “How can I make this work?”
Today’s Affirmation:
“My mind is open to receiving my heart’s desire!”
So are YOU ready to make a purchase that would increase your long-term prosperity for the rest of your life?
New Financial Stress Reduction® Teleclasses start Next Month!
If you are ready to do the work to make your life extraordinary, if you would like stop worrying, love your money, and put the “fun” back in “funds” - join me in the next Financial Stress Reduction® teleclass!
You can learn how to:
  • Have Faith in Your Ability to Create a Consistent Income!
  • Develop the Formula to Make it Happen!
  • Overcome the Obstacles That Get In Your Way!
  • Live the Rich Life of Your Dreams Now and put the “Fun” back in “Funds”!
Here’s how it works:
My teleclasses are very different from most – they aren’t about information, but transformation. Therefore:
  • I don’t have hundreds of people on the line – just 6-8 so everyone gets to share, ask questions, and receive personal attention
  • I don’t play a recording and just show up for questions during the last 15 minutes. Every minute of every session is delivered live by me personally.
  • Every participant gets private access to and personal coaching from me throughout the course.
  • You take the entire course and get all the materials with satisfaction guaranteed at the end of it or you get a complete refund.
Think about it - how could you lose??!
The Fall Financial Stress Reduction teleclasses start in October!
8 Mondays October 23 – December 11 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm
8 Wednesdays October 25 – December 13 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Or just call Chellie today at 310-476-1622 – I’d be delighted to find out more about you and see how I might help you make all your money dreams come true!
Like this:
“I had amazing results.”
"Chellie is the real deal.  I took her class a few years back and had amazing results.  My mindset and business improved drastically.  If you even have an inkling it’s time to work with Chellie, do it!  You’ll be happy you did!!”  JuliAnn Stitick, Speaker, Author, Personal Brand Strategist, 818-653-2101
“Thank you for the magic and miracles…”
 “Chellie. there are not enough words to express my gratitude for what your course has done for me. You have transformed my life in so many ways with more peace and understanding around money. This peace and understanding has bought more harmony in my marriage and more business opportunities. The 'walls of lack and delay have finally come crumbling down' thanks to all those wonderful affirmations. I have finally given up on people pleasing because they are 'not my people!' Thank you for the magic and miracles you have bought to my life. Love you to bits xxooo”—Tanya Pluckrose, Customer Service Demystified,, 310-779-9277
“You will have completely transformed…”
Chellie Campbell's Financial Stress Reduction® Workshop is life-transforming. The workshop is not only about making more money -- it's about learning how to live your life in a way that will bring you more of everything you want. At the beginning of the workshop you tell Chellie what you want your life to look like and her role is to stand in that possibility for you at all times, so that whenever you are struggling she can remind you of what you want, show you how to get out of your own way, and help you return to a more empowered state of being. It really is such a privilege to work with someone at Chellie’s level of experience and expertise. At the very least you will be “better off financially” after the course, but at the very best you will have completely transformed your quality of life to where you can easily reach your life goals, make more money, and truly enjoy your time here swimming with dolphins!—Jaime Geffner, Online Video Producer,
“3 clients signed up for a total of $48,000…”
“Chellie’s affirmations are a magic wand for my business. I have found, over and over again, that when my money and client flow starts to slow down, it is precisely when I have let Chellie’s affirmations slip away from my morning routine. The great thing is that since they work quite magically, all I have to do bring them back in. In one instance, within eight days of bringing back Chellie’s affirmations, 3 clients signed up for a total of $48,000 worth of services. Thank you, thank you, thank you Chellie!”—Sakada,, 310-371-3789
“Right in the middle of the course, all of a sudden I started making an income that I could support myself on.”
“Before I attended Chellie’s course, I had a craft but no income.  Right in the middle of the course, all of a sudden I started making an income that I could support myself on.  It works like magic if you do the homework.  I still carry around my affirmations and read in her book every day.  As I read, I hear her voice reminding me of truths not things I formerly believed.  If you are financially stressed in any way, get yourself signed up for a delightful ride and a paradigm shifting experience.”—Dr. Anastasia Chopelas, Creator of the Diamond Healing Method, 310-692-4036,
Join our next fabulous group of people committed to living a rich life—inside and out. You can begin now to accomplish your goals in just 8 weeks. The course promises results—not just information—many people have doubled and tripled their income in this workshop!

Business Opportunity:
Become a Certified Financial Stress Reduction® Coach Now!
I’ve been teaching this 8-week workshop for more than 25 years and I love every minute of it! Now I am licensing others to use my name, books, materials, systems and branding – it’s a complete business-in-a-box with everything you need to be successful. If you love teaching, helping others succeed, and would like to make a six-figure income doing it, this program is for you! Click here for more info!
*If you take the Financial Stress Reduction® telecourse and within one year decide to become a Certified Financial Stress Reduction® Coach, your entire course fee will be applied to the cost of the certification program.
Here’s to your fabulous success!

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Chellie Campbell
Author, Speaker
Chellie Campbell
The next Financial Stress Reduction® Workshop Telecourses are beginning soon:

8 Monday Evenings
5:00 – 7:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Oct. 23 - Dec. 11, 2017

8 Wednesday Evenings
5:00 -7:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Oct. 25 - Dec. 13, 2017
Call Chellie for info
Books by Chellie
From Worry to Wealthy
Zero to Zillionaire
The Wealthy Spirit
Chellie has been featured in a wide variety of articles, magazines, and interviews
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