Slow week in the Federal Register. Further SCOTUS reactions.
Slow week in the Federal Register. Further SCOTUS reactions.

Regulation Digest
July 17, 2024
Vol. 13, No. 29
Editor: RSC Staff
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Marketplace of Ideas

GW Regulatory Studies
- The Treasury Gets Busy, Douglas Holtz-Eakin
Bipartisan Policy Ctr.
- Podcast: Life After Chevron's Death, Theresa Cardinal Brown
Brookings Inst.
- Comments on the Federal Home Loan Bank mission, Aaron Klein & Kathryn Judge
Cato Institute
- The Deregulation MaverickPaola Talavera
Federalist Society
- Webinar: FTC Rulemakings, 7/24, feat. RSC's Mary Sullivan
Harvard T.H. Chan
- Course: Benefit-Cost Analysis: Valuing Life and Health, September 16-20, 2024
Heritage Foundation
- Podcast: Loper Bright and the Future of Chevron Deference, Alan Rozenshtein & Molly Reynolds 
Law & Liberty
- Podcast: The SCOTUS Summer, James M. Patterson
Mercatus Center
Niskanen Center
- House Introduced Version of PROVE IT Act, Shuting Pomerleau & Conrad La Joie
Pacific Legal Fdn.
- Reparations Roundup, Samantha Romero
R Street
The Regulatory Review
Wash. Legal Fdn.
- FDA's Solution in Search of a Problem, Jennifer D. Newberger
- Flip Flopping by the Solicitor General, RSC's Richard J. Pierce, Jr. 
- What's Next for the Agencies, Andrew C. Mergen & Sommer H. Engels

Agency Rulemaking Highlights

Notable Actions

Emissions Standards for Lime Manufacturing Plants
The Environmental Protection Agency finalized amendments to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Lime Manufacturing Plants. The rule includes maximum achievable control technology standards for hydrogen chloride, mercury, organic HAP, and dioxin/furans. Effective September 16.
Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued an advance notice of proposed rulemaking to update Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 207, “Seating systems.” This action fulfills the statutory mandate in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and partially grants rulemaking petitions related to the deformation of seat backs in rear impacts. Comments due September 16.
Child Care and Development Fund Eligibility
The Department of Health and Human Services issued a proposed rule to amend the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) regulations to allow all Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations operating CCDF programs, at their discretion, to establish and use eligibility criteria regardless of family income. Comments due September 16.
Flood Risk Management
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) issued a final rule to implement the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard and update its 8-step decision-making process for floodplain reviews. The rule will change how FEMA defines a floodplain with respect to certain actions and how FEMA uses natural systems, ecosystem processes, and nature-based approaches when developing alternatives to locating a proposed action in the floodplain. Effective September 9.
The George Washington University
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