This edition highlights D4I's capacity strengthening work and resources
This issue of the D4I Monitor highlights capacity strengthening work and resources from Data for Impact (D4I).
Learning Labs in Bangladesh Following a workshop on understanding Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey data, workshop attendees expressed interest in establishing a D4I-hosted Data Discussion Learning Lab to provide the facilitators and participants with opportunities to collaborate, continuous support through a WhatsApp group, and monthly Learning Lab sessions.
D4I’s work in Moldova: Using data-informed decisions to protect at-risk children
In Moldova, D4I works to help harness the power of data to improve the lives of children in adversity. Funded by USAID Moldova, D4I is helping to strengthen the capacity of national and sub-national authorities to collect better quality data, analyze it more effectively, and ultimately use that data to make better decisions and improve outcomes for the children who are dealing with an array of adversities.
Strengthening Capacity for Child Protection Policies and Case Management
This collection of resources highlights D4I work to improve localized capacity for evaluation by helping countries to align program, policy, coordination, staff, and budget resources to better assist vulnerable children. Find information on evaluations, assessments, guidance, and activities in Armenia, Colombia, Moldova, Rwanda, and Uganda.
Workshop Helps Social Workers in Moldova Apply Ethical Codes and Analytics for Child Protection Work
D4I led an “Exploring the degree of penetration of support in the field of social assistance and child protection” workshop at a recent scientific conference in Moldova, which also included a virtual presentation from UNC Chapel Hill’s Dr. Kimberly Strom focusing on professional ethics in social work.
This email was produced with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the terms of the Data for Impact (D4I) associate award 7200AA18LA00008, which is implemented by the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in partnership with Palladium International, LLC; ICF Macro, Inc.; John Snow, Inc.; and Tulane University. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States government.
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