Notice - your points are about to expire
Now there's a phrase that will strike fear into your heart. Nobody wants to lose out on their "free stuff" right?
Loyalty rewards and scammers were made for each other. We are joining more and more loyalty programs and look forward to seeing "you've just earned a free
somethingorother - maybe a cup of coffee or a toaster if you fly ten thousand miles.
Unfortunately this makes us easy prey for increasingly sophisticated phishers - criminals who send messages saying "you've just earned a toaster for flying ten thousand miles". Frequently these offers will expire in only one day which can cause us to throw caution to the wind and click an infected link.
Here are just a few I've received recently.
As we collect more and more of these loyalty cards, chances are the spam sent to millions of us will appear to come from a company we patronize. These alarms are the successors to random messages saying your PC is infected or your nephew is in prison which of course were the successors to "I'm willing to share my fortune with you if you just get me out of jail" beginning four hundred years ago with the Spanish Prisoner Scam. This is just another warning to be careful about clinking on links. Next month I'll post information about how to recognize suspicious web site addresses.