The latest news from Nashville Public Library.
The latest news from Nashville Public Library.


Did you know that 88% of your child's brain is developed by the time they turn three? This is why it's critical that you feed your child's brain with words just as you feed their body with food. Use every opportunity to sing songs, say rhymes, and simply talk to your child. Ask your librarian: she can recommend books, rhymes, and songs, too!

Book of the Month

Ms. Lindsey, the branch manager at the Southeast Branch, says "I love Mo Willems' picture books, but his Elephant and Piggie early readers books are just so fun to read aloud with little ones while also teaching them sight words and other book concepts like word and thought bubbles."

Winter is Here!

Friday, December 21 is the first day of winter. Nashville Public Library has lots of great books about winter and snow and all of the fun things that come with it. Put a few on hold today!

Did You Know?

RBdigital is a free magazine service for library card holders. Download the latest issue of Babybug, Ladybug, Parents, Family Fun, or more than 60 other titles and read them when it's convenient for you!

Learning Activity

Pour a thin layer of flour or sugar in a plate, pie pan, or tray. Help your child write the first letter of their name with their index finger. Let them draw and explore the feeling of the flour or sugar in their hands. Encourage them to pinch it between their index finger and thumb to build up the muscles they'll need to hold a pencil later!
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