October 3, 2023

Dear Gauchos,

Welcome to all of you, both new and returning students! We are excited to welcome you to campus. At this time of transition, it feels particularly important to reaffirm our campus values and expectations of you as a student and scholar at UCSB. 

We are committed to a campus that is free of sexual violence and sexual harassment.  We have zero tolerance for sexual violence or assault of any kind, including sexual activity without fully informed and conscious consent, dating or domestic violence, and stalking. These actions, whether committed on or off campus, are violations of UC policy, campus regulations, and the law. If you are the victim of or become aware of such an incident, please make a report and/or seek assistance from one of the following resources:

CARE Advocate Office for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence or Misconduct, a confidential resource and information on reporting options for sexual violence, sexual assault, abusive relationships, and stalking, Student Resource Building, 805-893-4613 (24-hour advocacy line) or http://wgse.sa.ucsb.edu/CARE

Title IX/Sexual Harassment Policy Compliance Office to officially report incidents of sexual violence, sexual harassment, dating or domestic violence, or stalking to the University, 805-893-2701 or https://titleix.ucsb.edu/.  

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and 24/7 Counseling, 805-893-4411 or https://caps.sa.ucsb.edu/.
A full list of resources for impacted parties is available here: https://titleix.ucsb.edu/resources-for-impacted-parties. 

One of our highest priorities at UCSB is to promote inclusion and belonging for all students. We value civility, dignity, and differences of opinion that help us to learn and grow. We uphold freedom of expression, and we respect academic and personal freedoms. We condemn behaviors that are exclusionary or that create harm among our community. You may find, however, that there are times when your free expression offends or causes discomfort in others, just as there may be times when you become offended or uncomfortable after hearing someone else’s thoughts or opinions. It is in these times that we ask you to take a moment to listen and express your views empathetically, keeping in mind our Principles of Community.  

Undoubtedly, free expression nurtures innovative thinking and the creation of new knowledge. However, free speech is not unconditional. Speech that harrasses a particular individual or in which a direct threat is made is not protected speech; it is a violation of our Student Conduct Code. Additionally, our Campus Regulations have time, place, and manner restrictions that ensure that free expression does not disrupt classes or the orderly operation of the campus. To make a report regarding a bias issue, please visit https://studentlife.sa.ucsb.edu/bias. To make an individual or organizational conduct report, please go to https://studentconduct.sa.ucsb.edu/. Resources to address issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and campus climate are available from many Student Affairs Departments as well as the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (https://diversity.ucsb.edu/). 

We also want to remind you that, as you return to campus and many of you move into housing in Isla Vista, that IV is a vibrant community of both students and community members. We value the community members who make IV the wonderful, complex place that it is, and want to remind you to be cognizant of all of your neighbors, including the community members who may not be students. Please be respectful of your neighbors, consider their needs, and be sure to abide by the noise ordinance that governs Isla Vista. 

A complete directory of Student Affairs departments and their contact information is available at www.sa.ucsb.edu. Each department listed offers student support and involvement opportunities. We look forward to working with you as we lead the way together in making sure our campus is a safe and welcoming place for all. 


Margaret Klawuun, Ph.D.
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Katya Armistead, Ed.D.
Assistant Vice Chancellor/Dean of Student Life
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