A Special Message for Supervisors

Stronger Together: Meet Your New Colleagues
As more of us come back to campus to gear up for the fall semester, we realize that there are mixed emotions: some excitement perhaps or some trepidation for those who have been remote, including faculty, staff and students.
One thing we do know for a fact is we are Stronger Together. And we welcome everyone back with the same mix of gratitude, empathy, camaraderie and support we all worked so hard to establish throughout the pandemic.
And as we return to a “now normal” this fall, we acknowledge that there have been many new hires across the University’s departments, divisions and units including clinical locations. So we are taking this opportunity to introduce these new faces and personalities to our campus community as a way to get to know each other.
If there is someone in your department whom you think would be interested in sharing their story, please share this message with them and ask them to complete the form found at this link. We will add the approved content to the Stronger Together website throughout the semester and beyond.
We are asking all those who participate to submit a jpeg-formatted photo taken in their workplace  environment. See examples of the type of image we are looking for below.
Thank you. Please contact the Stronger Together team at strongertogether@stonybrook.edu if you have any questions. 

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