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Nationals Newsletter
May 11, 2017 | A weekly publication of the National Speech & Debate Association
Dear friend, 
We're excited to share a peek at the schedule for high school registration on Sunday, June 18. Plus, we have a new speech camp scholarship opportunity, great webinars, and your last chance to purchase tournament lunches in advance. Get started below! 
There's so much to do at the Tournament on registration day! Check out some of the highlights below and start planning your first day at Nationals! 
Register Your Team » Registration opens for all coaches at 8:00 a.m. at the Sheraton Birmingham Hotel in Birmingham Ballroom 1, located on the first floor. Grab your tournament books, competitor ribbons, and much more. Be sure your status on the National Tournament registration banner on the Points App is marked as "Paid and Complete" in order to avoid long lines on Sunday! 
Explore the Expo » Stop by the Expo after registration! Check out camp programs, chat with colleges, grab your giveaways, and more. 
Coach Caucuses » Coaches interested in joining the conversation about issues of inclusion in the speech and debate community are invited to attend Coach Caucuses at the Sheraton Birmingham Hotel in Forum A and Forum B (second floor). 
11:00 a.m. – African American/Black Coaches’ Caucus 
2:00 p.m. – Hispanic/Latinx Coaches’ Caucus
3:00 p.m. – LGBT+ Coaches’ Caucus
4:00 p.m.
 – Womxn and Gender Non-conforming Coaches’ Caucus
Shop the Speech & Debate Store » Swing by the store and stock up on your speech and debate gear. You can pick up pre-ordered t-shirts, purchase supplies, and score great deals on clothing, accessories, and competition tools! 
World Schools Training and Demo Debate » Students and judges taking part in World Schools Debate should plan to attend training on Sunday at the Sheraton Birmingham Hotel in East Ballrooms A and B at 1:00 p.m. The training will be followed by a demo debate at 3:00 p.m. where you can see what you learned in action! Training is required, even for those who took part last year! To learn more about World Schools Debate prior to the tournament, click here
    National Tournament Coach Clinics » The Coach Clinics at the National Tournament offer learning opportunities for new and veteran coaches alike. Prepare to network, share tips, and grow your program. The schedule will be live here soon!
    Stop by the New Coach Reception » New coaches are invited to join us at 10:00 a.m. on the first floor of the Sheraton Birmingham Hotel in Birmingham Ballroom 11 (access through tournament registration) for one-on-one facetime with the organization’s Board of Directors and senior staff, including Executive Director J. Scott Wunn. You will have an opportunity to ask questions, become oriented to the tournament in a more personal manner, and enjoy the company of other new coaches. 
    InterProd Town Hall - The State of Interp » The Interp Town Hall Meeting is designed for both coaches and students who are interested in discussing the latest trends, rules, and ways to promote a positive experience in Interp. The beginning of the program will focus on a brief overview by the panel and then we will take questions from the audience in a traditional town hall format. 
    Time: 2:00 p.m.
    Room: Sheraton Birmingham Hotel - Forum G (3rd Floor)
    Panelists: Byron Arthur, Tony Figliola, David Kraft, Sarah Rosenberg, Joe Wycoff, Jacqueline Young
    Moderator: Jenny Cook
    Champion Briefs Debate Town Hall - The Future of Debate » Join us as we discuss trends, issues, and ideas for improvement in Public Forum, Lincoln-Douglas, and Congressional Debate! Champion Briefs is proud to present this panel of legendary coaches and engaged students aiming to create opportunities and improve equity in the debate community. After a moderated conversation, we'll welcome questions from the audience, so be prepared to join the conversation!
    Time: 3:15 p.m.
    Room: Sheraton Birmingham Hotel - Forum G (3rd Floor)
    Participants: Andrew Dolberg, David Huston, Sheryl Kaczmarek, Martin Page, Megan West
    Tournament Lunches - Due Tomorrow » Coaches can order pre-purchased meal tickets, which are good for lunches provided on-site at the competition for coaches and students. Please note that dining options around the school venues are very limited. Advance orders will both guarantee you quicker access to a meal onsite and help us effectively plan for the right amount of food. Meals will vary by location and day, but will include a main entree and number of sides and/or dessert. You have a choice of a meat-based or vegetarian meal to fuel up for competition. High school coaches can select their options in the "Meals" tab of National Tournament Registration in the Points App and middle school coaches can sign up for meals when registering on Tabroom. Meal selections and payment are due tomorrow, May 12
    Speech Camp Scholarship Fund » Already thinking about next season? So are we! We're excited to announce a new partnership with the Forensic Institute Scholarship Fund. This program is designed to help accepted students with a demonstrated financial need pay tuition at three excellent summer programs! Click here to learn more or to begin the application process. Don't delay, the deadline is May 31.  
    Info » Join Bob Ickes of Summit Debate on Monday, May 15, at 7:00 p.m. CT for Lessons From Informative's First Year: How to Prep for Nationals, Pick Next Year's Topic, and Learn How It Can Rock for Interpers, Too.
    World Schools » If you're competing in World Schools at Nationals, be sure to join Chase Williams for a lively discussion on district team strategies on Monday, May 15, at 8:00 p.m. CT. Hop on here
    Extemp » National champion Nathan Leys will lead a discussion on Extemp Topic Areas for Nationals on Wednesday, May 17, at 7:30 p.m. CT. 
    Team Culture » Western Kentucky University's Ganer Newman will host a webinar on Using Organizational Identification Strategies to Build a Championship Team Culture on Monday, May 22, at 7:00 p.m. CT. 
    Original Oratory » Learn how to build your Oratory skills over the summer with a webinar led by Champion Briefs Institute entitled Summer Strategies for Original Oratory on Tuesday, May 23, at 8:00 p.m. CT
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