Weekly Announcements for February 23, 2024
Would You Like a Friendly Ride to the FGC Gathering in Philadelphia this Summer? |
The Friends General Conference annual Gathering will take place June 30 - July 6 at Haverford College outside Philadelphia. The BYM General Secretary is exploring the possibility of chartering a bus to provide shared transportation to The Gathering for BYM Friends. Are you considering attending The Gathering? Would you be interested in riding a BYM charter bus? If so, please take our survey! The survey is NOT a commitment or a registration - just a survey to gauge interest and needs among BYM Friends!
Supporting Teens Today, March 10th
Please join Sandy Spring Friend Meeting for a presentation and discussion about adolescent brain development, what is different for teens today, and how supporting adults can foster balance and navigate tough topics. Your facilitators are Brooke Carroll and Jen Cort, clinicians, school consultants, authors, and members of Sandy Spring Friends Meeting. The presentation will begin at 12:30pm in the Sandy Spring Lyceum building. All are welcome!
| Quaker Spring Retreat February 24, 10 am to 3 pm
"The Kingdom of Heaven did gather us and catch us all as in a net …. We came to know a place to stand in and what to wait in...And from that day forward, our hearts were knit unto the Lord and one unto another in true and fervent love, in the covenant of life with God." Quaker Spring is hosting an online retreat tomorrow, Feb 24th. Quaker Spring is a community of Friends from over 20 Yearly Meetings, drawing from all branches of Friends, that gather to explore and experience Spirit-led Quakerism. Join us tomorrow, February 24, for an online Quaker Spring retreat. All are welcome!
Funds Available to Support Global Majority Friends to Attend the FGC Gathering
Baltimore Yearly Meeting will cover registration fees for Global Majority Friends to attend the 2024 FGC Gathering, “Rooted in Story” using funds set aside through the Working Group on Racism. The FGC Gathering will be held at Haverford College outside Philadelphia June 30-July 6, 2024. If you've never been to an FGC Gathering, it's like a casual Quaker conference, or a week-long spiritual retreat with lots of inter-meeting networking and sharing. Global Majority Friends in Baltimore Yearly Meeting are invited to register between April 2nd and April 8th. Registration is open on Tuesday, April 2nd for Friends under 35 and Friends of Color, and anyone registering with them. For details, please contact Sabrina McCarthy at
| Tools for Climate Care: A Creation Justice Ministries Webinar
In this webinar offered by Creation Justice Ministries, attendees will explore tools and resources to grow faithful resilience from the physical, social, and spiritual storms of climate change. Attendees will learn about the Faithful Resilience Guide, a 6-part spiritually-rooted resource on planning for climate change in congregations. Attendees will also tour the newly launched Faithful Resilience Story Map Collection, which utilizes mapping technology to connect scientific data with spiritual direction. Finally, The Rev. Diana L. Wilcox, will share how her congregation is actively implementing climate care initiatives in their community, serving as an inspiring example of faithful resilience in action.
To submit your items for the BYM Weekly Announcements,
please email Admin@bym-rsf.org.
| Baltimore Yearly Meeting
17100 Quaker Lane | Sandy Spring, MD | 20860 USA
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