Meet Our Newest Program Coordinator - A Heptathlete! 

Meet Sarah Sepanski 

RTSWS Program Coordinator

Sarah joined the RTSWS Programming Team this year and is busy scheduling classroom workshops in our partner schools across the country and Canada as well as getting familiar with our student alumnae. 

Sarah earned degrees in Finance and Economics at the University of Dayton in Dayton, OH, where she was also a heptathlete on the track & field team. GO TEAM USA! 

During her time at UD, she was a member of the Davis Center for Portfolio Management which is an undergraduate student team actively investing the university’s endowment in a long-only, GARP, equity portfolio. The Davis Center’s fund is the 2nd largest student-managed fund in the U.S. 

After graduating from UD in 2018, Sarah joined Teach For America and taught 8th grade math in Nashville, TN. She earned her Masters in Education from Lipscomb University in 2019. Upon completion of her two years as a TFA Corps Member, she worked in health care finance before joining the RTSWS team. 
Sarah joins the RTSWS Programming Team and will specialize in  actively (gotta keep her active!) working with:
  1. The RTSWS Scholarship, Internship and Job Portal -   (details below)
  2. The newly merged Linkedin Student and Financial Pro Networking Group (details below) Come join your colleagues and emerging finance talent!
  3. The about to be launched Student CEO program - where students will take on leadership positions within their school’s RTSWS cohorts.
Sarah is enjoying merging her passions for education and finance and is can't wait to see the fall financial and investment literacy workshops in action in a few short weeks! 

RTSWS Scholarship, Internship and Job Portal

The recently launched  RTSWS Scholarship, Internship and Job Portal currently features 12 full-time jobs and 7 internships, among several other opportunities from our partnering firms. These position are in Atlanta, Boston, Menlo Park, Nashville, New York City, Chatham, NJ, and Dallas. There are several more that offer remote opportunities. 
Over 175 RTSWS alumnae from around the US have thus far registered on the portal and are actively seeking opportunities. 
Firms can feature their company's finance-related internships, scholarships and entry-level job opportunities to a diverse field of female talent by posting in the RTSWS Portal. Utilizing the RTSWS Scholarship, Internship and Job Portal is an excellent way to help change perceptions, practices and increase diversity within your company.
Below is just one of the internships being offered.
Traditionally, the intern program has included a combination of training sessions led by Makena’s investment professionals and project‐based assignments across different asset classes. The early stages of the internship emphasize skills development as well as gaining exposure to portfolio construction, asset allocation and the basic investment concepts within each asset class. The balance of the internship is devoted to projects designed for candidates to utilize these skills while contributing to the day-to-day efforts of Makena’s investment team.  LEARN MORE
Network with us on LinkedIn! 

We recently merged our student, alumnae and professional groups on LinkedIn into ONE combined RTSWS networking group: Rock The Street, Wall Street - Student and Financial Pro Networking Group
Hang out with each other and us there! 


If you long for fun, trendy FINANCE fashion pieces, check out the RTSWS Shop where you can be loud and proud about your financial acumen! 
Be different. 


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