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Check out last month's issue if you missed -
> How scammers could kill Loyalty Programs
> How the Windows world could get messy soon
> Are optical discs really dead

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Have a great holiday season -  Gary
Gmail - where do I start
Some people are concerned that Google reads every message to or from a gmail user. Other companies do this but often their goal is to reduce spam and many do a pretty good job. Google does it to learn about you so they or their partners can sell you stuff - plain and simple. In spite of those concerns the service is used by hundreds of millions of people so I thought this article would be of interest. 
Online security - a growing threat
The more we go online, the more threats we face. Big businesses spend millions of dollars to avoid problems but consumers or users - whatever you call "us" - are under increasing attack from all directions - whether it's the "grandma I'm stranded in Canada scam" or the "click now to collect your free gift certificate" we're being bombarded from all sides.
This subject can be very intimidating and it requires serious work to maintain security and privacy online. But if you've been hacked or know someone who has suffered real trauma from one of these threats, maybe it is time to get serious. This article on The Wonder of Tech Blog is a good place to start.
Self Driving Cars - Are they the next big thing?
Google has been testing them for years; Tesla and other companies are increasingly automating the experience of getting from here to there. This could be a clash of titans - in the Old Timers corner it's GM and Ford and just entering the ring for Silicon Valley are Google and Apple.
Here's your chance to weigh in and share your concerns and thoughts. I've created another of my famous one-question surveys so click here to tell us what you think of this latest "big thing". Even if you think the whole idea is stupid - especially if you think the whole thing is stupid - take a minute to say what you think. After you've answered the survey, click here to see a pretty impressive demonstration of what may be just around the corner - or over the hill.
Uber - Prices may vary - a lot
We have recently become Uber fans since there was no alternative except a taxi for local transportation on several occasions. Taxi service has been unpredictable during my many years of travel and now Uber usually receives rave reviews. Like most things though this hottest craze is not as straightforward as it seems. Check out this recent article that dives into the service and its complex pricing model in particular. (And I know there are a lot of business/labor issues surrounding this and other similar staffing models - a story for another time.)
Who can you believe
If this doesn't make you cynical about technology and investing, I don't know what would. Look at these two headlines about one CEO's wealth - both at the same time, both about the same situation, both from  influential business publications. Did Jack make money or not?

    December 2015
         Issue 74
Who I am and what I do
My lifetime passion has been explaining technology to non-technical audiences. I've been a programmer, project manager, system designer and independent consultant. I've taught at the high school and university level, published numerous articles and given hundreds of lectures across the US and abroad. In my spare time I volunteer for several social service organizations and enjoy my photography hobby.

How I can help you
I will work with you to develop an educational program suited to your association, business or other group - long or short, basic or advanced. Popular topics include:
• Small group roundtables
• Mobile Tech 101
• Mobile devices in business
• How mobile payments are changing the way we do business
• iPad tips and tricks
• Apps, apps and more apps
• Technologies and companies to watch
• Why good cameras take bad pictures
• How things work - from your PC to the Internet

Click here for more information on these topics.

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