Exercise Shouldn’t Cause Anxiety
For many of us, the idea of exercising regularly can be unsettling. But being physically active doesn’t mean you have to sweat it out for hours at the gym or run a half marathon. It’s really about moving your body more; the health benefits will follow.

Finding ways to make physical activity fun helps keep you motivated. And staying motivated shifts actions to longstanding habits that lead to lifestyle changes.

Here are some ideas to get you started.

  • Pick an activity you enjoy. You’ll be much more likely to stick with it. For example, hiking, swimming, walking, tennis, pickleball or a stretching class.

  • Find a workout buddy. It’s always more fun to exercise with a partner. It will also make the time pass faster and give you a chance to connect and destress. And research shows that more feel-good hormones called endorphins are released when people work out together.

  • View exercise as a reward. Life gets busy. Setting aside time to be active can be a great way to relieve stress after a hard day’s work. It can also leave you feeling more energized and balanced.

  • Be creative and try something new. There are lots of different exercise classes from high intensity interval training, water aerobics and Zumba to barre, cycling and even hula-hooping. Many apps offer an array of classes that you can participate in from home too.

  • Turn up the tunes. Music can be a great motivator and distraction. Create a playlist of your favorite upbeat songs to keep you going.

  • Exercise around the house. Gardening, mowing the lawn and housework can burn just as many calories as walking and other exercises. Plus, you’ll be able to mark things of your to-do list.

  • Gamify your workout. There are lots of video and virtual reality games that can make fitness fun and even add a little healthy competition.

  • Move for a cause. There are lots of charity run/walks and other events you can join to get exercise while helping to raise money for a good cause. And research shows that giving back can improve your mental health as well.
Managing Chronic Pain

If you have chronic (long lasting) pain, you’re not alone. More than 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. deal with it daily. While it can range from uncomfortable to downright miserable, there’s a lot you can do about chronic pain that doesn’t involve complicated surgeries or powerful medications.

Understanding your options starts with your doctor and your care team of specialists.

Here are some pain management strategies to discuss with your care team.
  1. Say no to your couch: For many types of chronic pain, motion can help soothe. Movement increases blood flow and loosens sore parts of the body. Exercise also releases chemicals in the brain that help you feel better.

  2. Power up your mind: Stress, poor sleep, depression and anxiety can all make chronic pain worse. But it’s a cruel cycle you may be caught in because your pain may actually be causing you to feel this way.

  3. What you eat can affect pain levels: Inflammation (swelling in your body) is often a cause of chronic pain. Some foods, such as healthy fats, fruits and vegetables can support your body’s ability to fight inflammation. Processed foods that have a lot of “bad” fats and/or added sugar make it harder for your body to deal with inflammation.

  4. Make good choices: Fill your life with people and things that make you happy. Keep your mind active and mind your outlook. Focus on what you’re grateful for and try not to let pain take center stage in your life.

  5. Medications, massage, cold therapy, acupuncture and more: You may hear about other pain management options, including prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as massage, deep breathing exercises, cold therapy, acupuncture, music therapy, spinal manipulation and even hypnosis. Be sure to ask your provider about the full range of tools that may be best for managing your type of pain.
Most of all, remember: Don’t be a prisoner to your pain. Take control. Make a plan with your care so the pain doesn’t take over your life.
Lunch and Learn: Meet Maven

Learn more about the reproductive and family health resources offered by Maven to Ralph Lauren employees and their partners. Whether you are just starting to think about family building, on a path to parenthood, expecting a baby, have children, or experiencing a stage of , menopause, Maven is a free benefit that offers personalized support every step of the way. 

April 9 at 12 pm 
Fulfillment center employees can join us in Conference Room E at NC66 or Aspen at HPD
or Register to watch via Zoom
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