EON Network: December 2024 Newsletter |
The EON Network monthly newsletter includes upcoming webinars, updates on exercise oncology and oncology nutrition related events, publications, and resources. This information is also available on the EON Network webpage. Past newsletters are archived.
Register for the Next EON Webinar! |
Thursday, February 20, 2025, 2-3 PM ET |
Exercise in Older Breast Cancer Survivors: Are There Racial Differences in Exercise Effect on Outcomes? | Cynthia Owusu, MD, MS
Cynthia Owusu, MD, MS will give a presentation which will report results from the IMPROVE Study, a study of 213 older African American (AA) and Non-Hispanic White (NHW) breast cancer survivors (BCSs) that was funded by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities. The study demonstrated that combined aerobic and resistance exercise improved physical performance in older BCSs, and that exercise effect might be moderated by race, with AAs appearing to derive larger benefits in comparison with NHWs.
Effects of Exercise in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer: Results of the PREFERABLE-EFFECT Study | Anne May, PhD (Tuesday, December 3, 2024)
The recording and slides from the December EON Webinar have been posted to the EON Network presentations webpage.
2025 NIH Summer Institute on Behavioral Clinical Trials
The 2025 NIH Summer Institute on Behavioral Clinical Trials application portal is NOW OPEN! The deadline to submit your application for the 2025 cohort is Friday, January 31, 2025.
The training course consists of a 4-day in-person workshop followed by 9 monthly virtual meetings with small learning communities.
NIH/NCI Funding Opportunities |
Highlighted Consortium: ENICTO Featured in NCI DCCPS Overview and Highlights Report to Support the National Cancer Plan
The 2024 Overview and Highlights report showcases how research supported by the National Cancer Institute’s Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences advances the goals of the National Cancer Plan. It spotlights strategies that address prevention, early detection, and reducing cancer incidence and mortality.
The report also focuses on improving cancer care, enhancing quality of life for survivors, and reducing health disparities. By translating research into actionable solutions, it demonstrates a steadfast commitment to lessening the impact of cancer and improving outcomes for all.
Highlighted Publication: "A randomized trial of aerobic exercise in colorectal cancer: Rationale, design, recruitment, and exercise adherence results"
Compton SLE, Yang S, Maniscalco LS, Muhsen RA, Shrestha P, Wu X, Woodard KT, Zunica ERM, Cho E, Wall RL, Brown J, Jayaraman A, Kirby BJ, Gilmore LA, Greenway FL, Spielmann G, Brown JC. A randomized trial of aerobic exercise in colorectal cancer: Rationale, design, recruitment, and exercise adherence results. Contemp Clin Trials 2024;146:107702. PMID: 39362405. Read here.
Stephanie Compton, PhD, RD and Justin Brown, PhD write, "Physical activity is associated with improved disease-free survival in colorectal cancer survivors. This report describes the purpose, design, recruitment, and exercise adherence results of the National Cancer Institute (NCI)- sponsored Exercise and Colorectal Cancer Treatment (EXACT) trial.
"The primary objective of the EXACT trial is to determine if randomization to 150 min per week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise reduces systemic inflammation among 60 stage I-III colorectal cancer survivors compared with a waitlist control group over 12 weeks. Participants were provided with an in-home treadmill and heart rate monitor. The average exercise adherence was 92.2 % (95 % CI: 85.5, 98.8) and all study participants achieved ≥ 80 % exercise adherence. Endpoint data collection was completed for all participants in May 2023.
"The results from the EXACT trial will characterize the changes that occur from exercise to advance our understanding of the biological mechanisms by which exercise may prevent tumor recurrence and death in colorectal cancer survivors."
Highlighted Publication: "Enhancing cancer supportive care: Integrating psychosocial support, nutrition, and physical activity using telehealth solutions"
Bergerot CD, Bergerot PG, Philip EJ, Ferrari R, Peixoto RM, Crane TE, Schmitz KH, Soto-Perez-de-Celis E. Enhancing cancer supportive care: Integrating psychosocial support, nutrition, and physical activity using telehealth solutions. JCO Glob Oncol 2024;10:e2400333. PMID: 39509661. Read here.
Cristiane Decat Bergerot, PhD writes, "This study highlights the importance of integrating psychosocial support, nutrition, and physical activity into cancer care, as recommended by leading oncology organizations like NCCN, ASCO and ACS. Despite clear guidelines emphasizing routine assessments and personalized interventions, practical challenges such as limited resources and financial constraints often hinder implementation. Telehealth emerges as a promising solution, offering remote access to comprehensive supportive services. By enabling psychosocial evaluations, nutritional counseling, and exercise guidance, telehealth can improve patient outcomes and enhance quality of life. This review underscores telehealth’s potential to bridge care gaps and ensure equitable, personalized cancer care."
Additional Publications of Interest
Bergerot PG, Bergerot CD, Silva JRG, Fuzita WH, Franca MVS, Lages PS, Dos Anjos G, de Azeredo AC, Patriota CB, Buso MM, Matos Neto JN, Lee D, Philip EJ, Schmitz KH, Pal SK, Soto-Pérez-de-Celis E, Florez N. Exercising and immuno-oncology treatment (ExIO): a prospective pilot study for patients with solid tumors. Support Care Cancer 2024;32(12):840. PMID: 39621061. Read here.
Nishijima TF, Shimokawa M, Hamabe T, Komoda M, Okumura Y, Arimizu K, Morita M, Esaki T, Nyrop KA. Development of a Leg And Walking Self-exercise (LAWS) program for older adults during cancer treatment. Support Care Cancer 2024;32(12):773. PMID: 39499396. Read here.
Gordon E, van den Brink M, van der Linden N, Ringwald-Smith K, Gardiner B, Murphy-Alford AJ. Pediatric oncology nutritional practices in high-income countries: A survey from the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP). Pediatr Blood Cancer 2024;71(12):e31353. PMID: 39363500. Read here.
Chonaill DN, Ryan AM. High-protein supplementation during cancer therapy – strengthening of the evidence-base to support its safety and clinical benefits. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2024; 120(6):1307-1308. PMID: 39631996. Read here.
Orsso CE, Caretero A, Scopel Poltronieri T, Arends J, de van der Schueren M, Kiss N, Laviano A, Prado CM. Effects of high-protein supplementation during cancer therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2024; 120(6):1311-1324. PMID: 39631998. Read here.
Briggs LG, Parke SC, Beck KL, Sinha D, Gill V, Van Ligten MJ, Bain PA, Tyson MD 2nd, Abdul-Muhsin HM, Quillen JK, Dodoo CA, De Luigi AJ, Branstiter NL, Trinh QD, Psutka SP. Prehabilitative/rehabilitative exercise, nutrition, and psychological support for bladder cancer: A scoping review of randomized clinical trials. Cancer 2024 Nov 2. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39488730. Read here.
Gardiner B, Wardill HR, O'Connor G, Hargrave D, Lett AM. The impact of fibre and prebiotic interventions on outcomes in cancer and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A systematic review. Clin Nutr 2024 Nov 19;44:86-100. PMID: 39644740. Read here.
Amano K, Dev R, Naito T, Del Fabbro E. International survey on consensus definition on Nutrition Impact Symptoms in patients with cancer. Nutr Cancer 2024 Oct 9:1-11. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39381923. Read here.
Bergerot CD, Schmitz KH, Crane TE, Klaassen Z, Bergerot PG. Comprehensive care for patients with bladder cancer: Addressing the interplay of physical, nutritional, and emotional well-being. Cancer 2024 Nov 28. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39607007. Read here.
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February 20-22, 2025 in Auckland, NZ
| - April 3 - 4, 2025 in Lisbon, PORT
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May 30 - June 3, 2025 in Chicago, IL
- Abstracts due January 28, 2025
| - May 31 - June 3, 2025 in Orlando, FL
Abstracts due January 13, 2025
| - June 26 – 28, 2025 in Seattle, WA
- Abstracts due January 8, 2025
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