The Family eUpdate - September 13, 2021

At a Glance

Monday (Sept. 13)
9 am - A Home for Faith Bible Study for Moms, Garage at HH
(Childcare Provided)

6:30 pm - IPC Scout Troop 28 Meeting, Garage at HH
(Visitors and Interested Parents Welcome)

Wednesday (Sept. 15)
5:30-7 pm - MidWeek Music & More: Champions of Faith, G20 and Room 113

Thursday (Sept. 16)
6-7:30 pm (drop by) - Parents Cocktails at Clubhouse, Clubhouse on Highland
(Childcare provided from 5:30 - 8:00 pm at IPC with registration)

Sunday (Sept. 19)
8:45 am - Worship, Sanctuary
10 am - Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Toddler and Atriums Level 1-3)
11 am - Worship (Worship Care up to 5K), Sanctuary
5 pm - The Table Worship, Highland Hall

Nursery care is available for infants up to age 5K from 8:30 am - 12 pm and Worship Care is available during the 11 o'clock worship service for children up to age 5K.

Parent Cocktails at Clubhouse

This is a time for parents to gather & reconnect with one another, and the IPC Staff, and ask questions about our programs here at IPC. We hope by talking to other families about their experiences at church you will gain a better understanding of what to expect in the upcoming years of your child's time in the Children's & Youth Ministries at IPC. Rev. Kevin Long will also be there to meet you!

Family Service Day

IPC Day School

The Day School has a variety of special subjects incorporated in the curriculum, including PEP (Physical Education for Preschoolers), Music, Spanish, Science, and Social Studies. All children participate in both PEP and music, the two-year-olds and up participate in Science and Social Studies, and the 3s, 4s and 5s also have Spanish. The children are “having a ball” in PEP working on ball handling skills - everything from rolling a ball to kicking, throwing and catching. They are learning to follow instructions as well as working on their gross motor skills. They also have free time to run and play with their friends!
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