A happy tornado. A purple giraffe. An excited sunburst.
Last night we celebrated! We shared stories. Together we did what we do best: we listened to each other, honoring the unique perspective and talents of every individual and expanding the narratives of our community.
Together we ARE more than one story. Thank you, if you shared yours last night.
Ani, one of our participants, shared the following poem from The Art of (e)Motion performance that has captivated us:
Ani performing in The Art of (e)Motion. Photo credit Scott Pakudaitis.
"People see me as a storm, but I am really a puffy cloud."
Lonely in a Storm - by Ani
"I was adopted on July 4, 2016.
I was worried that in America people would be mean.
I was scared to meet people, 
Like I was lonely in a storm. 
But there were beautiful buildings,
Like flowers flying through the wind.
I couldn't sleep because of the time. 
I was bored, like a recorder chord.
I don't like to be the youngest silbing. 
They boss me around.
Everything is my trouble. 
Everything is my trouble bubble."
It takes a community effort to tend our garden of stories. And it takes the whole community to ensure we have the resources to support each unique individual participating in Upstream Arts programs.
Your financial contributions help close the gap between funding we can count on and the REAL costs of bringing our high-quality work to over 3500 individuals, each with their own particular story.

Thank you for the $32,632 raised last night! Your generosity reduced our funding gap, leaving us with just $38,368 to raise by June 30!
If you didn't attend or contribute yet: YOU TOO can support a more inclusive world! 
Your investment makes it possible for more individuals to share stories in their own words, pictures, songs and movement,
changing mindsets about ability and disability.
I support a more inclusive world
You can also contribute by calling 612-331-4584 or sending a check to 
Upstream Arts, 3501 Chicago Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55407
Be sure to share your stories on social media using #ArtofWe18 and @UpstreamArts.
Attendees enjoying the Story Gardens at the Art of We. A flag from our Story Garden Attendees at the Art of We creating stories at a Story Garden
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