Student Support Resources
Student Support Resources

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ESD 123 Student Support Department Newsletter

Photo of Dana Camarena


Student Support Newsletter

Schools and school staff have come a long way in recognizing the important role they play in the health and well-being of students. However, we also know there is more we all can do and learn to ensure all students have a chance to thrive. As the many changes in the landscape of Student Support continue, we strive to stay on top of the leading practices to assist our districts and communities. We love hearing from you and learning how we can better serve you!
We also want to make sure we keep you up to date with the latest information about the solutions and services our department offers with a regular communication sent right to your inbox. In this, our first e-newsletter, we want to make you aware of some important trainings that are coming up, along with some resources you can share to help students who may be stressed about returning to school.
Look for us in your inbox again in June with pertinent, post-legislative session information on how our department can help you meet any new state requirements passed by the legislature. In the meantime, if there is anything we can do to be of service, do not hesitate to reach out.

Dana Camarena
Director of Student Support

Upcoming Trainings

Virtual Youth and Adult Mental Health Trainings through ESD123 and our Partners at Kadlec Regional Hospital. Classes fill quickly!

4/22/21 - Adult Mental Health First Aid (Kadlec)

4/26/21 - Building Resilience in Our Youth (Kadlec)

5/19/21 - Issues of Abuse (ESD)

 6/10/21 - Youth Mental Health First Aid (Kadlec) 

Our students need us. Tae youth mental health first aid.

Return to School Resources

The resources and guidance listed below offer guidance and suggestions for local education agencies and schools planning re-entry following COVID-19 closures.
ASCA-NASP School Re-Entry SEL Considerations Guidance
Local education agencies and individual schools planning for students and staff to return following COVID-19 closures must prioritize efforts to address social and emotional learning and mental and behavioral health needs.

COVID-19 Considerations for Reopening Schools
This guidance document from the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) addresses planning considerations for the social and emotional wellbeing of students and staff during the transition when schools reopen.

Best Practices in Universal Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Screening
Mental health screening in schools is a foundational element of a comprehensive approach to behavioral health prevention, early identification, and intervention. Early recognition and trea
tment of mental health challenges leads to better outcomes for students. 

For more information on behavioral health support, universal screening, and return to school resources, please contact our Behavioral Health Navigator, Edona Tahiraj at

The ESD 123 Student Support Department is here to provide you with assistance and additional resources as needed. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or needs.
Dana Camarena
ESD 123 Director of Student Support 

ESD 123 Student Support Department | 3924 W Court St | Pasco, WA 99301

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