USC Dornsife
USC Dornsife
USC Dornsife Office of Research Advancement
Descripton at end of newsletter                                                        Week of January 8, 2024               

Welcome back and Happy 2024 Dornsife Faculty!
On this frosty day (at least for us in SoCal), our report this week includes
  -  Announcement of 2 Dornsife faculty who have received honors;
  -  Terrific external funding report — 7 Dornsife faculty have received awards;
  -  Many and sundry external funding opportunities, including 4 limited submissions.
Best regards,
Renee J. Perez, Vice Dean, Administration & Finance
Cathleen Crayton, Project Specialist

The American Mathematical Society (AMS) has awarded Greta Panova, Mathematics, the 2024-2025 AMS Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Scholars. Awardees are recognized for their achievements and their potential to continue to make significant future contributions to the field.

Allison Renteln, Political Science, has been appointed as an International Affairs Fellow for Tenured International Relations Scholars for the 2024-25 academic year by the Council on Foreign Relations, an independent nonpartisan member organization think tank, and publisher.
External Funding Successes
Irene Chiolo, Molecular & Computational Biology, 2023 SoCal Genome Stability Symposium, National Cancer Institute

Eli Levenson-Falk, Physics & Astronomy, MeasQuIT: Generation and stabilization of comb-driven dissipative bosonic qubits, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

Sarah Feakins, Earth Sciences, Unearthing Biogeochemical Evidence for Tropical Forests in Hothouse Climates of the Cenozoic, American Chemical Society 

Vsevolod Katritch, Bridge Institute, Targeting the allosteric sodium site with novel probes for delta opioid receptor, National Institute on Drug Abuse

Brent C Melot, Chemistry, Understanding the Impact of Intrinsic Structural Vacancies on Reversible Fluoride Insertion, Department of Energy
Manuel Pastor
, Equity Research Institute, Black Immigrant Data in California, Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund

Manuel Pastor, Equity Research Institute, Collaborative Research for Racial Equity and Economic Opportunity, James Irvine Foundation
External Funding Opportunities
***Limited Submission***
(Time sensitive )

U.S. Department of State / Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) 
Program: DRL FY2023 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) Human Rights and Accountability
Synopsis: Supports projects to advance human rights and fundamental freedoms in the DPRK in 4 categories: (1) Fostering Accountability for Egregious Human Rights Abuses, Including Transnational Repression; (2) Advancing the Rights of Women and Girls; (3) Strengthening Labor Rights and Protections; and (4) Promoting the Rights of People with Disabilities. Strong preference will be given to proposed projects that include meaningful partnership with the North Korean defector community. 
Award details: Budget request must fall between $100K to $1.250M.
USC Internal announcement:
External Announcement:
USC Internal due date: January 16, 2024.
Statement of Interest External due date: January 26, 2024.
***Limited Submission***
(time sensitive)
U.S. Department of State / Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) 
Program: DRL FY2023 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) Access to Information
: Supports projects that advances the free flow of objective, independent information into, out of, and within North Korea in 2 categories: (1) Supporting Freedom of Information by increasing North Koreans’ understanding of democracy, human rights, and fundamental freedoms, including increased awareness of how their individual rights and freedoms are inhibited by the DPRK government; and (2) Diversifying Mechanisms for Information Access which will increase for North Koreans’  greater diversity of proven context-specific and secure mechanisms through which they can safely and reliably access and / or share objective, independent information.
Award details: Budget request must fall between $100K to $1.250M.
USC Internal announcement:
External announcement on website:
USC Internal due date: January 16, 2024.
Statement of Interest due date: January 26, 2024.
***Limited Submission***
(2 slots for Track 2 proposals; no limit on Track 1 submissions)
NSF / Across Multiple Directorates (including MPS, BIO, SBE, and STEM Education) and the Department of Energy (DoE)
Program: Expanding Capacity in Quantum Information Science and Engineering (ExpandQISE)
Solicitation #
: 24-523
Synopsis: (NOTE: Research 1 (R1) universities such as USC may not be applicant organizations to this solicitation, but may be listed as a subaward in the applicant organization’s proposal).

Supports non-R1 institutions, as applicant organization, to increase research capacity and broaden participation in Quantum Information Science and Engineering (QISE) and related disciplines through the creation of a diversified investment portfolio in research and education that will lead to scientific, engineering, and technological breakthroughs, while securing a talent pipeline in a field where workforce needs of industry, government and academia continue to outgrow the available talent. All proposals must address the scientific merit of the activities in at least 1 of these 3 Focus Areas: Quantum Fundamentals, Quantum Metrology and Control, Co-Design, and Quantum Systems. Additionally, each proposal must include a specific activity in Focus Area 4, Education and Workforce Development. Each of these Focus Areas is described in detail in the solicitation. Proposals are considered on 2 tracks: Track 1: individual PI awards, is designed for individual PIs initiating planning for a research program in QISE, paired with one or more external co-PIs; and Track 2: Track 2: is designed for small- to medium-scale teams of 2 to 5 collaborators, also paired with one or more additional external Co-PIs. The solicitation includes the required components of each track.
Award details: Track 1:Up $800K total per award for a duration of up to 3 years pending the availability of funds and quality of proposals received. 25 awards are anticipated for Track 1 in 2024. Track 2: Up to $5M total per award for a duration of up to 5 years pending the availability of funds and quality of proposals received. 4 awards are anticipated for Track 2 in 2024.
USC Internal announcement:  
External announcement on website:
USC Internal due date: February 2, 2024.
Letter of Intent due date: March 8, 2024, for track 2.
Full Proposal due date: April 1, 2024, for both tracks 1 and track 2.
***Limited Submission***
(2 early career slots)
The David and Lucille Packard Foundation
Program: 2024 Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering
: Support highly creative researchers early in their careers in the disciplines of physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, astronomy, computer science, earth science, ocean science, and all branches of engineering. The Foundation emphasizes support for innovative individual research that involves the Fellows, their students, and junior colleagues, rather than extensions or components of large-scale, ongoing research programs.
Award details: $870K over 5 years.
USC Internal announcement:
External announcement on website:
USC Internal due date: February 9, 2024
Nominations due date: March 15, 2024.
Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood
Programs: Early Childhood Welfare, Early Childhood Education and Play & Parenting Education
: Supports promising research and development projects that appear likely to improve the welfare of young children, from infancy through 7 years, in the United States. Welfare is broadly defined to include physical and mental health, safety, nutrition, education, play, familial support, acculturation, societal integration, and childcare. The Foundation’s goal is to provide seed money to implement those imaginative proposals that exhibit the greatest chance of improving the lives of young children, on a national scale. Because of the Foundation’s limited funding capability, it seeks to maximize a grant's potential impact. Dornsife investigators have been successful in applying for funding from the Caplan Foundation.
Award details: Recent grants have averaged around $50K
Announcement on website: 
Letters of Inquiry due date: January 31, 2024. Successful applicants will be invited to submit a full application.
Social Science Research Council
Program: Just Tech Fellowship
: Supports and mobilizes diverse and cross-sector cohorts of practitioners to imagine and create more just, equitable, and representative technological futures. Acknowledging Investigations into technology’s uneven political and social impacts must be better understood by the general public and included in policy decisions, Fellows have committed to identifying and challenging injustices emerging from new technologies and pursuing solutions that advance social, political, and economic rights.
Award details: $100K per year for 2 year project period.
Announcement on website:
Application due date: January 31, 2024.
Open AI
Program: Superalignment Fast Grants
: Supports technical research towards the alignment and safety of superhuman AI systems, including weak-to-strong generalization, interpretability, and scalable oversight. Other areas of interest include honesty, understanding chain of thought faithfulness, adversarial robustness, etc. Various kinds of grants are offered and detailed in the Award details section below.
Award details: Academic labs, non-profits, and individuals: $100K-$2M; Graduate students: $150K Fellowship ($75K stipend; $75K computer and research funding)
Announcement on website:
Application due date: February 18, 2024.
American Psychological Association (APF)
Program: Henry P. David Grant for Research in Human Reproductive Behavior and Population Studies
: Support psychologists and / or scholars —who are 10 years or less postdoctoral or graduate students writing their dissertation — with a demonstrated interest in the behavioral aspects of human reproductive behavior or an area related to population concerns. Applications are open to applicants in all relevant disciplines who have a demonstrated psychological approach, with preference given to psychologists. APF encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds with respect toconcerning age, race, color, creed, gender, etc.
Award details: $1K
Announcement on website:
Application due date: February 14, 2024.
National Endowment for the Humanities
Program: Fellowships for Digital Publication
: Supports individual scholars for interpretive research projects that require digital expression and digital publication. To be considered, projects must be conceived as digital because the research topics being addressed and methods applied demand presentation beyond traditional print or audio-video publication. Projects must advance a scholarly argument through digital means and tools. Stand-alone databases, tool development, digitization, and other projects that lack an explicit interpretive argument are not eligible.
Award details: Up to $5K for projects of up to 6 to 12 months.
Announcement on website:
Optional draft due date: February 28, 2024.
Proposal due date: April 17, 2024. Project start date: January 1, 2025.
Library of Congress
Program: Innovator in Residence Program – Broad Agency Announcement
Funding #
: 030ADV24R0020
Synopsis: Supports creative people with diverse perspectives and expertise to enable
transformational experiences that connect the Library’s digital collections with the American people. The residency is hosted by the Library of Congress (LC) Labs as part of their efforts to demonstrate possibilities of how the Library relates to and enriches the work, life, and imagination of the American people. The Labs team seeks proposals for research and work that connects Library collections to new audiences by promoting insight and inspiration, discovery of Library items, and / or creative remixing and reuse. The selected resident will have access to both publicly available and on-site Library collections and will be given program and research support. The work(s) will be displayed on the Library’s websites and / or in public spaces at the discretion of the Library. Much of the residency can be remote; however, the resident must spend at least 80 hours cumulatively on-site at the Library’s offices in Washington, DC in year one. U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible to apply.
Award details: $90K. Project funding is inclusive of all costs incurred during the residency, including sub-contracted labor, participation honorariums, production supplies, travel to and from the Library, and lodging.
Announcement on website: Innovator in Residence Program
Concept paper due date: March 5, 2024.
Full proposal due date (invited): April 4, 2024.
National Endowment for the Arts
Program: Research Grants in the Arts
: Supports research studies from a variety of disciplines (e.g. economics; psychology; education; sociology; etc.) that investigate the value and / or impact of the arts, either as individual components of the U.S. arts ecosystem or as they interact with each other and / or with other domains of American life. NEA welcomes research proposals that align with at least one of the priority topics and possible questions within the agency’s FY 2022-2026:
  -  What are the measurable impacts of the arts in health and wellness for individuals; cognition and learning; and U.S. economic growth and innovation?
  -  In what ways do the arts contribute to the healing and revitalization of communities?
  -  How is the U.S. arts ecosystem (e.g., arts organizations and venues, artists and arts workers, and participants and learners) adapting and responding to social, economic, and technological changes and challenges to the sector, including trends accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic?
  -  What is the state of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the arts?
 Award details: For projects that will involve minimal or no primary data collection as part of the project budget, NEA anticipates making awards in the $ 20K-$50K 20K-$50K range. Projects that include primary data collection as a robust project component are eligible for awards between $ 20K and $100K. For requests between $50K and $100K, priority will be given to projects that present theory-driven and evidence-based research questions and methodologies.
Announcement on website:
Application due dates (2-Part Process): submission: March 25, 2024; Submission to Applicant Portal: March 28, 2024 to April 4, 2028.
U.S. Department of State / U.S. Embassy, Yerevan
Program: Track II Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding Initiatives
: Track-II-FY24-ARM-6
Synopsis: Supports 2 separate projects for progress toward a sustainable, long-lasting peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and to advance regional cooperation, reconciliation, and normalization of relations in the region.  Project 1 will advance civil society peace-building efforts between the people of Armenia and Azerbaijan, and Project 2 will support civil society’s efforts to advance the normalization of relations between Armenia and Turkiye. Proposals may include initiatives with elements such as people-to-people programs, civil society exchanges, dialogues, research, education, training, awareness-raising, and confidence-building measures. Applicants may apply for one or both projects; however, the two projects have distinct goals and audiences and should not be combined into a single initiative.
Award details: Project 1: Up to $200K; Project 2: Up to $300K. Both projects are for 1-year duration. Cost sharing is encouraged but not required; Matching is not required.
Announcement on website: Peacebuilding Initiatives
Application due date: February 22, 2024.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Program: Reducing Indoor Air Risks
Synopsis: Supports projects to conduct demonstration, technical assistance, training, education, and / or outreach projects that seek to reduce exposure to indoor air contaminants by advancing national policy and systems-level initiatives. The EPA seeks applications that (1) Articulate a plan to produce results that have implications and / or benefits on a national level. This NOFO is not intended to fund small-scale local projects; (2) Address one or more of the following EPA Indoor Air Program priority areas:
  -  Radon
  -  Indoor Environmental Asthma Triggers
  -  Comprehensive Indoor Air Risk Reduction
The EPA will not consider any applications under this NOFO that are exclusively designed to conduct scientific research. However, applications may include research components as a foundation for demonstration, technical assistance, training, education, and/or outreach projects. In such cases, applications should clearly articulate this linkage, explain why the research component is necessary for the project's success, and ensure that such research does not already exist.
Award details: Maximum awards are $200K per year for 3 years.
Announcement on website: Reducing Indoor Air Risks
Application due date: February 5, 2024.
Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H)
Program: Resilient Extended Automatic Cell Therapies (REACT)
Funding Opportunity #
: ARPA-H-MAI-24-01-02
Synopsis: Supports research and development in therapeutic development and affordability to improve the way patients manage their own health. REACT addresses 2 limitations faced by patients in managing their healthcare: (1) access and (2) affordability. To address these barriers, REACT seeks to develop solutions on 2 tracks. The first track is an implantable “Living Pharmacy” consisting of cells that produce therapeutic molecules, and a bioelectronic carrier that contains the cells and controls the administration of the therapy that would automatically produce and deliver single or combination therapies tailored to the patient, leading to better efficacy with minimal side effects. The second track will develop a complementary implantable device—a Living Sentinel—that measures key biomarkers within the body. The Living Sentinel will utilize many of the same components as the Living Pharmacy, but instead of the carrier stimulating cells to deliver therapy, the cells will respond to the presence of the target biomolecule by producing fluorescent molecules, changing their membrane potential, or otherwise producing a signal that the carrier can detect and, in turn, convey to the patient. Included in this solicitation are the specific technical approaches and challenges in the development of these 2 tracks, as well as a timetable / metrics to achieve milestones.
Award details: Multiple awards are anticipated under this announcement; however, the number of awards selected for award will depend on the quality of the proposals received and the availability of funds. Awards will be in the form of Other Transactions.
Announcement on website: REACT 
Proposal due date: January 26, 2024.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) / National Ocean Service (NOS)
Program: FY 2024 NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program - Ruth D. Gates
Grant Program: Supporting Hawaii’s Sustainable Coral Reef Fisheries Management Plans

Funding Opportunity #: NOAA-NOS-OCM-2024-2008301
Synopsis: Supports state and national management goals through the creation of  Sustainable Coral Reef Fisheries Management Plans (CR-FMPs) across the Hawaiian Islands. The applicant will work closely with partners at the State of Hawaii’s Division of Aquatic  Resources (DAR) and NOAA Pacific Island Regional Office (PIRO) to support the development of CR-FMPs as part of the State’s Holomua Initiative. The State will lead this process, driven by local, island-based Navigator Teams; this award will focus on providing technical support and creating decision-making tools to aid this process. Applicants are encouraged to consult with all relevant local governmental and non-governmental entities involved in coral reef activities while developing the application and demonstrate collaboration among these entities. Projects must address the following: (1) Addressing conflicts arising from the use of environments near coral reefs or from the use of corals, species associated with coral reefs, and coral products, including supporting consensus-driven and community-based planning and management initiatives for the protection of coral reef ecosystems; and / or (2) Stimulating or monitor coral reef ecosystems, or to develop management or adaptation options to conserve and restore coral reef ecosystems.
Award details: $200K for 1 year. The subsequent next 2 year’s budget must be included in the initial application.
Announcement on website: Ruth D. Gates
Application due date: March 1, 2024.
Department of the Navy Science & Technology / Office of Naval Research (ONR)
Program: FY24 Department of Navy (DON) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education and Workforce Program
Funding Announcement #
:  N0001424SF003
Synopsis: Supports and explicitly encourages programs that improve the capacity of education systems and communities to create impactful STEM educational experiences for students of all ages and the naval-related workforce. Programs must aim to increase engagement in naval-relevant STEM and enhance the corresponding skills, knowledge, and abilities of participants. ONR encourages applicants to utilize current STEM educational research for informing program design and advancing STEM careers and opportunities of naval relevance. Projects that are already established with prior funding sources or have established stakeholder partnerships are especially encouraged to consider the following scope areas:
  -  Develop and implement exploratory pilot projects that seek to create new educational experiences within educational and training communities.
  -  Develop larger cohesive STEM education and training activities that strengthen the capacity of regional communities and stakeholders to improve STEM education and training.
  -  Establish meetings with stakeholders that must seek to connect relevant people and organizations to explicitly develop broader projects that affect entire communities.
Award details: $200K per year for 3 years. Anticipate making 8 awards
Announcement on website: DON STEM
White Papers due date (Mandatory): April 12, 2024.
Application due date (Invited): August 30, 2024.
Department of Energy (DoE) / Office of Science (SC) / Fusion Energy Sciences (FES)
Program: Research in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering
:  DE-FOA-0003254
Synopsis: Supports research at the frontiers of basic and low-temperature plasma science. This includes (1) dynamical processes in laboratory, space, and astrophysical plasma, such as magnetic reconnection, plasma dynamo, shocks, turbulence cascade, structures, waves, flows and their interactions; (2) behavior of dusty plasma, non-neutral, single-component matter or antimatter plasma, and ultra-cold neutral plasma; and (3) plasma chemistry and processes in low-temperature plasma, interfacial plasma, and interaction of plasma with materials and/or biomaterials. Through the support of this research, the FES Discovery Plasma Science: Plasma Science and Technology–General Plasma Science Program plays a key role in training the next generation of plasma scientists and engineers. Topical areas of interest include (1) Dynamical Processes in Plasma; (2) Nonneutral, Ultracold Neutral, and Dusty Plasma Physics; (3) Low-Temperature Plasma Processes.
Award details: Awards can range up to $770K over 3 years or $100K (Minimum) per year.
Announcement on website: Basic Plasma Science and Engineering
Pre-Application due date: February 9, 2024.
Full Application due date: March 29, 2024.
NIH / Across Multiple Institutes / Across most Institutes
Program: Stephen I. Katz Early Stage Investigator Research Project Grant
: PAR-24-075
Synopsis: Supports early-stage investigators to propose research projects in a new direction for which preliminary data do not exist. This NOFO is open to a broad range of scientific research relevant to the mission of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers. Proposed projects must represent a change in research direction for the ESI and should be innovative and unique. A distinct feature for this NOFO is that applications must not include preliminary data. PIs who wish to propose research projects consistent with their past work or training and / or supported by preliminary data.
Award details: Application budgets must reflect the needs of a project of up to a 5-year project period.
Announcement on website:
Application due date: Multiple due dates through 2026. The next due date for NEW applications is January 26, 2024; RESUBMITS, REVISIONS, RENEWALS is February 27, 2024; for ALL AIDS applications: April 26, 2024.

Book Cover: The Morality of the Laws of War: War, Law, and Murder (Oxford Monographs in Intrnational and Humanitarian & Criminal Law) (Oxford University Press, August 2023)
Marcela Prieto Rudolphy, Philosophy and Law

University of Southern California Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences | Los Angeles, CA 90089 US
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